Conversation 699-004

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On March 31, 1972, President Richard M. Nixon, Stephen B. Bull, Richard E. Bland, W. Howard McClennan, Louis Amabali, Lt. Tommy Arevala, Perce Bugbee, Dorothy S. Duke, Ernst R. G. Eckert, Roger M. Freeman, Robert Hechtman, Albert E. Hole, John F. Hurley, John L. Jablonsky, Keith E. Klinger, Dr. Anne W. Phillips, John A. Proven, Baron Whitaker, William J. Young, Howard D. Tipton, Clayton Willis, George T. Bell, James Casey, and White House photographer met in the Oval Office of the White House from 11:42 am to 11:59 am. The Oval Office taping system captured this recording, which is known as Conversation 699-004 of the White House Tapes.

Start Date Time
End Date Time
Tape Number
White House Tapes: Sound Recordings of Meetings and Telephone Conversations of the Nixon Administration, 1971-1973
Collection URL
Tape Subject Log