
White House photographer

Conversation 105-006

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On September 21, 1972, At the signing for establishment of a survivor benefit plan for survivors of retired military personnel (HR 10670), President Richard M. Nixon, J. Glenn Beall, Jr., Strom Thurmond, Melvin Price, O. Clark Fisher, Charles E. Bennett, Samuel S. Stratton, Otis G. Pike, Richard H. Ichord, G. Elliott Hagan, Charles H. Wilson, Louise Day Hicks, Richard C. White, William F. ("Bob") Nichols, Jack T. Brinkley, Wilbur C. ("Dan&wuot;) Daniel, Gillespie V. ("Sonny") Montgomery, Harold L. Runnels, Leslie C. Arends, William G. Bray, Robert C. ("Bob") Wilson, Charles S.

Tape Subject Log

Conversation 105-005

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On September 11, 1972, President Richard M. Nixon and members of the Council on International Economic Policy, including William P. Rogers, George P. Shultz, Peter G. Peterson, Earl L. Butz, Herbert Stein, Peter M. Flanigan, Caspar W. ("Cap") Weinberger, Alexander M. Haig, Jr., Carroll G. Brunthaver, [David] Kenneth Rush, William R. Pearce, Deane R. Hinton, James B. Loken, Robert J. Morris, Robert D. Hormats, Ronald L. Ziegler, and the White House photographer, met in the Cabinet Room of the White House at an unknown time between 10:06 am and 11:06 am.

Tape Subject Log

Conversation 105-001

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On September 8, 1972, President Richard M. Nixon and attorneys attending a training seminar on drug abuse law enforcement, including Myles J. Ambrose, Gordon L. Allott, James E. Baker, Samuel A. Alter, Francis M. Buckley, Romualdo Caballero, William Callahan, Stephen J. Cloud, John F. Cooney, William J. Corcoran, Frederick J., Dana, J. Michael Fitzsimmons, Stephen M. Fletcher, John C. Gibbons, Charles Pinnell, Harold Jacquet, Samuel Levine, Eb B. Luckel, Lee A. Marinaccio, Michael D. Marrs, Jose E. Martinez, Scott T. Miller, Charles Morachnik, Alexia Morrison, Norbert A. Nadel, Wayne H.

Tape Subject Log

Conversation 103-004

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On June 22, 1972, Richard M. Nixon and chief executives of the broadcasting industry, including Charles Batson, Charles Crutchfield, Daniel R. Eaton, John Fetzer, James S. Gilmore, Jr., Larry Israel, John Kluge, Charles S. Mechem, Bill Michaels, John T. Murphy, Ancil Paine, John Poor, Ward Quaal, Leonard Reinsch, Bill Shaw, Reid L. Shaw, Robert Slaughter, Franklin C. Snyder, Egmont Sonderling, E. R. Vadeboncoeur, M. C. Waters, Fred Weber, Robert Wells, Richard Chapin, Herbert G. Klein, Ronald L. Ziegler, Peter M. Flanigan, John D. Ehrlichman, George W. Romney, Charles W. Colson, Richard A.

Tape Subject Log

Conversation 101-010

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On May 19, 1972, Richard M. Nixon and bipartisan Congressional leaders, including Clinton P. Anderson, Robert P. Griffin, Robert C. Byrd, Norris Cotton, J. William Fulbright, Warren G. ("Maggie") Magnuson, Michael J. ("Mike") Mansfield, John C. Stennis, John G. Tower, Milton R. Young, Page Belcher, Gerald R. Ford, Craig Hosmer, George H. Mahon, Clark MacGregor, William E. Timmons, Peter M. Flanigan, Richard K. Cook, Thomas C. Korologos, John A. Scali, William P.

Tape Subject Log

Conversation 096-004

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On March 23, 1972, President Richard M. Nixon and members of the Cost of Living Council, including John B. Connally, Herbert Stein, Donald H. Rumsfeld, J. Philip Campbell, Peter G. Peterson, James D. Hodgson, George W. Romney, George P. Shultz, Gen. George A. Lincoln, Virginia H. Knauer, Arthur F. Burns, James W. McLane, Albert E. Abrahams, Joseph Mullaney, Marvin H. Kosters, Richard B. Cheney, James Connor, Richard J. Alfultis, Donald Smith, Clark MacGregor, William L. Gifford, Charles R.

Tape Subject Log

Conversation 096-003

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On March 21, 1972, President Richard M. Nixon and the White House News Photographers' Association, George Thomas, Joe Scherschel, Gordon Gahan, Francis Routt, Fred Maroon, Bruce Dale, Jim Blair, Frank E. Cancellare, James McNamara, Charles Fekete, Bob Boyer, Ron Van Norstand, James Norling, the White House photographer, and members of the press met in the Cabinet Room of the White House from 4:09 pm to 4:20 pm. The Cabinet Room taping system captured this recording, which is known as Conversation 096-003 of the White House Tapes.

Tape Subject Log

Conversation 096-001

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On March 20, 1972, President Richard M. Nixon and members of the Cabinet Committee on International Narcotics Control, including William P. Rogers, John B. Connally, Melvin R. Laird, Earl L. Butz, George H. W. Bush, Richard G. Kleindienst, Richard M. Helms, Dr. Jerome H. Jaffe, Myles J. Ambrose, Nelson G. Gross, John E. ("Jack") Ingersoll, Alexander M. Haig, Jr., John D. Ehrlichman, Egil ("Bud") Krogh, Jr., Geoffrey C. Shepard, and Walter Minnick, and the White House photographer, met in the Cabinet Room of the White House from 3:38 pm to 4:48 pm.

Tape Subject Log

Conversation 095-001

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On March 17, 1972, President Richard M. Nixon, Elliot L. Richardson, Richard G. Kleindienst, George P. Shultz, and bipartisan Congressional leaders, including Michael J. ("Mike") Mansfield, Hugh Scott, Robert C. Byrd, Robert P. Griffin, Jacob K. Javits, Roman L. Hruska, James O. Eastland, Carl B. Albert, Gerald R. Ford, Albert H. Quie, William M. McCulloch, John D. Ehrlichman, Clark MacGregor, William E. Timmons, Thomas C. Korologos, Richard K. Cook, Edward L. Morgan, Paul H. O'Neill, Patrick J. Buchanan, Kenneth W. Dam, Leonard Garment, Herbert G.

Tape Subject Log

Conversation 094-004

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On March 10, 1972, during the signing of contributions to International American Development Bank [S. 748], Asian Development Bank [S. 749], and International Development Association [S. 2010], President Richard M. Nixon, George D. Aiken, Wright Patman, William B. Widnall, William P. Rogers, John B. Connally, Henry A. Kissinger, Alexander M. Haig, Jr., Peter M. Flanigan, Galo Plaza, Carlos Sanz de Santamaria, Ortiz Mena, Henry J. Costanzo, Artemis Weatherby, Robert S. McNamara, J. Burke Knapp, John M. Hennessy, James E. Smith, Robert D. Hormats, John E.

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