
Weinberger, Caspar W. ("Cap")

Conversation 105-005

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On September 11, 1972, President Richard M. Nixon and members of the Council on International Economic Policy, including William P. Rogers, George P. Shultz, Peter G. Peterson, Earl L. Butz, Herbert Stein, Peter M. Flanigan, Caspar W. ("Cap") Weinberger, Alexander M. Haig, Jr., Carroll G. Brunthaver, [David] Kenneth Rush, William R. Pearce, Deane R. Hinton, James B. Loken, Robert J. Morris, Robert D. Hormats, Ronald L. Ziegler, and the White House photographer, met in the Cabinet Room of the White House at an unknown time between 10:06 am and 11:06 am.

Tape Subject Log

Conversation 104-009

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On July 21, 1972, President Richard M. Nixon, Vice President Spiro T. Agnew, and Cabinet officers and staffers, including William P. Rogers, George P. Shultz, Melvin R. Laird, Ralph E. Erickson, Rogers C. B. Morton, Earl L. Butz, James D. Hodgson, John G. Veneman, George W. Romney, John A. Volpe, David M. Kennedy, Caspar W. ("Cap") Weinberger, Robert H. Finch, Donald H. Rumsfeld, George H. W. Bush, H. R. ("Bob") Haldeman, John D. Ehrlichman, Peter M. Flanigan, Dr. Edward E. David, Jr., Raymond K. Price, Jr., Alexander P. Butterfield, Robert J. Brown, Charles W. Colson, Dr. James R.

Tape Subject Log

Conversation 103-010

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On June 30, 1972, President Richard M. Nixon and members of the Cost of Living Council, including George P. Shultz, Herbert Stein, Virginia H. Knauer, Gen. George A. Lincoln, Caspar W. ("Capt") Weinberger, James D. Hodgson, Peter G. Peterson, Earl L. Butz, Marvin H. Kosters, Richard B. Cheney, Richard J. Alfultis, Joseph Mullaney, Donald Smith, J. Dawson Ahalt, Bert M. Concklin, J. Charles Partee, Donald A. Paarlberg, Richard C. Van Dusen, Laurence H. Silberman, and Ronald Brooks, met in the Cabinet Room of the White House at an unknown time between 10:05 am and 10:16 pm.

Tape Subject Log

Conversation 103-001

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On June 13, 1972, Richard M. Nixon, Vice President Spiro T. Agnew, George P. Shultz, and Republican Congressional leaders, including Charls E. Walker, Hugh Scott, Robert P. Griffin, Margaret Chase Smith, Gordon L. Allott, Norris Cotton, Gerald R. Ford, Norris Cotton, Gerald R. Ford, Leslie C. Arends, John B. Anderson, John J. Rhodes, Robert C. ("Bob") Wilson, H. Allen Smith, Samuel L. Devine, Richard H. Poff, Barber B. Conable, Jr., Robert J. Dole, Alexander M. Haig, Jr., Clark MacGregor, Peter M. Flanigan, Kenneth R. Cole, Jr., William E. Timmons, Harry S. Dent, Herbert G.

Tape Subject Log

Conversation 102-008

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On June 13, 1972, Richard M. Nixon, Vice President Spiro T. Agnew, George P. Shultz, and Republican Congressional leaders, including Charls E. Walker, Hugh Scott, Robert P. Griffin, Margaret Chase Smith, Gordon L. Allott, Norris Cotton, Gerald R. Ford, Norris Cotton, Gerald R. Ford, Leslie C. Arends, John B. Anderson, John J. Rhodes, Robert C. ("Bob") Wilson, H. Allen Smith, Samuel L. Devine, Richard H. Poff, Barber B. Conable, Jr., Robert J. Dole, Alexander M. Haig, Jr., Clark MacGregor, Peter M. Flanigan, Kenneth R. Cole, Jr., William E. Timmons, Harry S. Dent, Herbert G.

Tape Subject Log

Conversation 101-009

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On May 16, 1972, President Richard M. Nixon and Cabinet officers and staffers, including John N. Irwin, II, John B. Connally, [David] Kenneth Rush, Richard G. Kleindienst, Rogers C. B. Morton, Earl L. Butz, Peter G. Peterson, James D. Hodgson, Elliot L. Richardson, George W. Romney, John A. Volpe, George P. Shultz, Donald H. Rumsfeld, George H. W. Bush, H. R. ("Bob") Haldeman, John D. Ehrlichman, Henry A. Kissinger, Peter M. Flanigan, Clark MacGregor, Dr. Edward E. David, Jr., John A. Scali, Herbert G. Klein, Raymond K. Price, Jr., Ronald L. Ziegler, Alexander P. Butterfield, Charles W.

Tape Subject Log

Conversation 101-001

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On May 8, 1972, President Richard M. Nixon, Vice President Spiro T. Agnew, and Cabinet officers and staffers, including William P. Rogers, John B. Connally, Richard G. Kleindienst, Rogers C. B. Morton, J. Philip Campbell, James D. Hodgson, Elliot L. Richardson, George W. Romney, John A. Volpe, David M. Kennedy, George P. Shultz, Robert H. Finch, Donald H. Rumsfeld, H. R. ("Bob") Haldeman, John D. Ehrlichman, Peter M. Flanigan, Clark MacGregor, John A. Scali, Herbert G. Klein, Raymond K. Price, Jr., Ronald L. Ziegler, General Brent G. Scowcroft, Alexander P. Butterfield, Charles W.

Tape Subject Log

Conversation 093-001

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On February 29, 1972, President Richard M. Nixon and Cabinet officers and staffers, including William P. Rogers, John B. Connally, Melvin R. Laird, John N. Mitchell, Rogers C. B. Morton, J. Philip Campbell, Peter G. Peterson, James D. Hodgson, Elliot L. Richardson, George W. Romney, John A. Volpe, David M. Kennedy, George P. Shultz, George H. W. Bush, H. R. ("Bob") Haldeman, John D. Ehrlichman, Henry A. Kissinger, Peter M. Flanigan, Clark MacGregor, Dr. Edward E. David, Jr., Herbert G. Klein, Raymond K. Price, Jr., Ronald L. Ziegler, Alexander P. Butterfield, John A. Scali, Harry S.

Tape Subject Log

Conversation 088-002

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On January 26, 1972, President Richard M. Nixon, Vice President Spiro T. Agnew, and Republican Congressional leaders, including Hugh Scott, Robert P. Griffin, Norris Cotton, Gordon L. Allott, Peter H. Dominick, Barry M. Goldwater, Gerald R. Ford, Leslie C. Arends, John B. Anderson, Samuel L. Devine, Richard H. Poff, Barber B. Conable, Jr., H. Allen Smith, Robert C. ("Bob") Wilson, John W. Byrnes, Frank T. Bow, Robert J. Dole, George P. Shultz, Caspar W. ("Cap") Weinberger, Herbert Stein, John D. Ehrlichman, Clark MacGregor, William E. Timmons, Richard K. Cook, Thomas C. Korologos, Harry S.

Tape Subject Log

Conversation 088-001

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On January 24, 1972, during the signing of the 1973 Budget Message, President Richard M. Nixon and staff members of the Office of Management and Budget, including Samuel M. Cohn, Mark W. Alger, Charles E. Benton, David Bray, Lawrence Breese, Velma N. Baldwin, Philip Dame, Donald A. Derman, Lynn Etheredge, C. William Fischer, James M. Frey, Wilmer Hunt, John F. Hurley, Walter W. Haase, Joseph Laitin, Susanne Lind, Hugh F. Loweth, Theodore C. Lutz, C. Peter Modlin, Jr., Philip MacDonald, Dale R. McOmber, Douglas Norwood, Wilfred H. Rommel, Wesley K. Sasaki, Glenn R.

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