
September 3, 1970


This almanac page for Thursday, September 3, 1970, pulls together various records created by the federal government and links to additional resources which can provide context about the events of the day.

Previous Date: Wednesday, September 2, 1970

Next Date: Friday, September 4, 1970

Schedule and Public Documents

  • The Daily Diary files represent a consolidated record of the President's activities. Visit the finding aid to learn more.

    The President's day began at San Clemente, California

  • The Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents made available transcripts of the President's news conferences; messages to Congress; public speeches, remarks, and statements; and other Presidential materials released by the White House.


    Meetings With Foreign Leaders

    • Visit of President Gustavo Diaz Ordaz of Mexico (6 Weekly Comp. Pres. Doc. 1137, September 3, 1970)
      Exchange of Remarks Between President Nixon and President Diaz Ordaz at the Welcoming Ceremony at athe Naval Air Station, North Island, Coronado, California.
    • Visit of President Gustavo Diaz Ordaz of Mexico (6 Weekly Comp. Pres. Doc. 1139, September 3, 1970)
      Exchange of Toasts Between President Nixon and President Diaz Ordaz and Remarks of Governor Ronald Reagan and Former President Lyndon B. Johnson, at a Dinner Honoring the Mexican President in Coronado, California.

    Statements by the President

    • Vincent T. Lombardi (6 Weekly Comp. Pres. Doc. 1136, September 3, 1970)
      Statement by the President on the Coach's Death.

    Nominations Submitted to the Senate

    Does not include promotions of members of the Uniformed Services, nominations to the Service Academies, or nominations of Foreign Service Officers.

    • MAX ROSENN, of Pennsylvania, to be United States Circuit Judge for the Third Circuit.
    • CORNELIA G. KENNEDY, of Michigan, to be United States District Judge for the Eastern District of Michigan.
    • EDWIN L. MECHEM, of New Mexico, to be United States District Judge for the District of New Mexico.
    • IRVING W. HUMPHREYS, of West Virginia, to be United States Marshal for the Southern District of West Virginia.
    • PAULA A. TENNANT, of California, to be a member of the Board of Parole.
  • Each Public Papers of the Presidents volume contains the papers and speeches of the President of the United States that were issued by the White House Office of the Press Secretary during the time period specified by the volume. The material is presented in chronological order, and the dates shown in the headings are the dates of the documents or events. In instances when the release date differs from the date of the document itself, that fact is shown in the text note.

    To ensure accuracy, remarks have been checked against audio recordings (when available) and signed documents have been checked against the original, unless otherwise noted. Editors have provided text notes and cross references for purposes of identification or clarity.

  • The Federal Register is the official daily publication for rules, proposed rules, and notices of federal agencies and organizations, as well as executive orders and other Presidential documents.

Archival Holdings

  • The H. R. Haldeman Diaries consists of seven handwritten diaries, 36 dictated diaries recorded as sound recordings, and two handwritten audio cassette tape subject logs. The diaries and logs reflect H. R. Haldeman’s candid personal record and reflections on events, issues, and people encountered during his service in the Nixon White House. As administrative assistant to the President and Chief of Staff, Haldeman attended and participated in public events and private meetings covering the entire scope of issues in which the Nixon White House engaged in during the years 1969-1973. Visit the finding aid to learn more.

  • The National Archives Catalog is the online portal to the records held at the National Archives, and information about those records. It is the main way of describing our holdings and also provides access to electronic records and digitized versions of our holdings. 

    The Catalog searches across multiple National Archives resources at once, including archival descriptions, digitized and electronic records, authority records, and web pages from and the Presidential Libraries. The Catalog also allows users to contribute to digitized historical records through tagging and transcription.

    Nixon Library Holdings

    All National Archives Units

National Security Documents

  • The President's Daily Brief is the primary vehicle for summarizing the day-to-day sensitive intelligence and analysis, as well as late-breaking reports, for the White House on current and future national security issues. Read "The President's Daily Brief: Delivering Intelligence to Nixon and Ford" to learn more.

  • The Foreign Relations of the United States series presents the official documentary historical record of major U.S. foreign policy decisions and significant diplomatic activity. Visit the State Department website for more information.

    Vol. VII, Vietnam, July 1970-January 1972

    The Aftermath of the Cambodian Incursion, July 21-October 7, 1970

    • 33. Memorandum From Secretary of Defense Laird to the President’s Assistant for National Security Affairs (Kissinger), Washington, September 3, 1970

      Source: National Archives, Nixon Presidential Materials, NSC Files, Box 149, Vietnam Country Files, Vietnam, 1 September 1970. Confidential. Holdrige forwarded the memorandum to Kissinger under a September 10 covering memorandum, commenting that Laird considered “GVN strength and action to be more important factors than enemy efforts” and that “Viet Cong activity can cause a lot of fluctuation in the statistics over any given period.”

    Vol. XII, Soviet Union, January 1969-October 1970

    Soviet Military Buildup in Cuba and Crisis in Jordan, August 4-October 9, 1970

    Vol. XXIII, Arab-Israeli Dispute, 1969-1972

    The Cease-Fire Agreement

    Vol. E-4, Documents on Iran and Iraq, 1969-1972

    Iran 1970

    • 86. Special National Intelligence Estimate 34–70, Washington, September 3, 1970

      The report examined Iranian policy towards its neighbors and its implications for U.S. interests.

      Source: Central Intelligence Agency, NIC Files, Job 79R01012A, Box 387, Folder 3, SNIE–34–70, Iran’s International Position. Secret; Controlled Dissem.

    • 87. Telegram 144737 From the Department of State to the Embassy in Iran, Washington, September 3, 1970, 2142Z

      The Department agreed with the Ambassador that any attempt by the Shah to rally nationalist feeling against the oil companies would only produce a backlash.

      Source: National Archives, RG 59, Central Files 1970–73, PET 6 IRAN. Secret; Exdis. Drafted by Miklos, cleared by Davies, Clark, Murphy, and Robert C. Brewster, and in S/S; approved by Samuels. Repeated to London.

    Vol. E-5, Part 1, Documents on Sub-Saharan Africa, 1969-1972

    The Horn

    • 301. Telegram 3448 From the Embassy in Ethiopia to the Department of State, Addis Ababa, September 3, 1970, 0900Z

      The Chargi reported that the Ethiopian Foreign Minister welcomed the proposed personnel reductions at Kagnew Station.

      Source: National Archives, RG 59, Central Files 1970–73, DEF 15 ETH–US. Secret; Limdis. Repeated to Asmara, CINCSTIKE, and Kagnew Station.

  • The Kissinger telephone conversation transcripts consist of approximately 20,000 pages of transcripts of Kissinger’s telephone conversations during his tenure as Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs (1969-1974) and Secretary of State (1973-1974) during the administration of President Richard Nixon. Visit the finding aid for more information.

    Digitized versions of many of these transcripts can be found on the Yale University Library website.

Audiovisual Holdings

  • The White House Photo Office collection consists of photographic coverage of President Richard Nixon meeting with prominent social, political, and cultural personalities; speaking engagements and news conferences of the President and various high-ranking members of the White House staff and Cabinet; Presidential domestic and foreign travel, including Presidential vacations; social events and entertainment involving the First Family, including entertainers present; official portraits of the President, First Family, and high-ranking members of the Nixon administration; the 1969 and 1973 Inaugurals; the President’s 1972 Presidential election campaign appearances (including speeches) and other official activities of the White House staff and the President’s Cabinet from January 20, 1969 until August 9, 1974 at the White House and the Old Executive Office Building; other locations in Washington, DC, such as The Mall; and the Presidential retreats in Camp David, Maryland, Key Biscayne, Florida, and San Clemente, California. Visit the finding aid to learn more.

    Roll WHPO-4298 Photographer: Kightlinger, Jack | Color or B&W: B&W

    • Frame(s): WHPO-4298-, President Nixon meets with the Senate Finance Committee. 9/3/1970, San Clemente, CA Conference Room, Western White House, San Clemente, California. President Nixon, Daniel Patrick Moynihan, Director of Urban Affairs, Senator Paul J. Fannin, Arizona; Senator Abraham A. Ribicoff, Connecticut; Senator Harry F. Byrd, Virginia.

    Roll WHPO-4299 Photographer: Knudsen, Robert L. | Color or B&W: Color

    • Frame(s): WHPO-4299-, President Nixon hosts a black tie dinner honoring Mexico President Diaz Ordaz. Among the guests are former President Lyndon Baines Johnson (LBJ) & Lady Bird Johnson, Governor Ronald Reagan, Nancy Reagan, General Omar Bradley, Ambassador Emil Mosbacher and Mrs. Mosbacher. 9/3/1970, Coronado, California Hotel del Coronado. President & Mrs. Richard Nixon, President Gustavo Diaz Ordaz of Mexico, his daughter Mrs. Nasta, Lyndon Baines Johnson, Mrs. Lady Bird Johnson, Ronald Reagan, Mrs. Nancy Reagan, General Omar Bradley, Ambassador Emil Mosbacher, Mrs. Mosbacher, unidentified guests.
    • Frame(s): WHPO-4299-21A, President Nixon stands talking with former President Lyndon Baines Johnson (LBJ) and President Gustavo Diaz Ordaz at the reception during a black tie dinner evening honoring President Ordaz. 9/3/1970, Coronado, California Hotel del Coronado. President Nixon, President Gustavo Diaz Ordaz of Mexico, Lyndon Baines Johnson, unidentified guests.

    Roll WHPO-4300 Photographer: Knudsen, Robert L. | Color or B&W: B&W

    • Frame(s): WHPO-4300-, President Nixon hosts a black tie dinner honoring Mexico President Diaz Ordaz. Among the guests are former President Lyndon Baines Johnson (LBJ) & Lady Bird Johnson, Governor Ronald Reagan, Nancy Reagan, General Omar Bradley, Ambassador Emil Mosbacher and Mrs. Mosbacher. 9/3/1970, Coronado, California Hotel del Coronado, Coronado, California. President & Mrs. Richard Nixon, President Gustavo Diaz Ordaz of Mexico, his daughter Mrs. Nasta, Lyndon Baines Johnson, Mrs. Lady Bird Johnson, Ronald Reagan, Mrs. Nancy Reagan, General Omar Bradley, Ambassador Emil Mosbacher, Mrs. Mosbacher, unidentified guests.

    Roll WHPO-4301 Photographer: Knudsen, Robert L. | Color or B&W: B&W

    • Frame(s): WHPO-4301-, President Nixon hosts a black tie dinner honoring Mexico President Diaz Ordaz. Among the guests are former President Lyndon Baines Johnson (LBJ) & Lady Bird Johnson, Governor Ronald Reagan, Nancy Reagan, General Omar Bradley, Ambassador Emil Mosbacher and Mrs. Mosbacher. 9/3/1970, Coronado, California Hotel del Coronado, Coronado, California. President & Mrs. Richard Nixon, President Gustavo Diaz Ordaz of Mexico, his daughter Mrs. Nasta, Lyndon Baines Johnson, Mrs. Lady Bird Johnson, Ronald Reagan, Mrs. Nancy Reagan, General Omar Bradley, Ambassador Emil Mosbacher, Mrs. Mosbacher, unidentified guests.

    Roll WHPO-4302 Photographer: Knudsen, Robert L. | Color or B&W: Color

    • Frame(s): WHPO-4302-, President Nixon and Mexican President Diaz Ordaz arrive with unidentified officials, at the Coronado North Island Naval Air Station. 9/3/1970, Coronado, California Coronado North Island NAS, California. President Nixon, Pat Nixon, the President Gustavo Diaz Ordaz , his daughter Mrs. Gaudalupe de Nasta, unidentified officials.

    Roll WHPO-4303 Photographer: Knudsen, Robert L. | Color or B&W: Color

    • Frame(s): WHPO-4303-02A-07A, President Nixon and President Diaz Ordaz of Mexico greet entertainers and guests in a receiving line before dinner at the Coronado Hotel Crown Room. Pat Nixon seated a the table talking to a woman seated next to her. 9/3/1970, Coronado, California Hotel del Coronado, Coronado, Crown Room. President Nixon, Pat Nixon, President Gustavo Diaz Ordaz, his daughter, Mrs. Nasta.
    • Frame(s): WHPO-4303-08A-10A, President Nixon and President Diaz Ordaz of Mexico depart the Coronado Hotel and greet members of a crowd reaching to shake their hands. 9/3/1970, Coronado, California Hotel del Coronado, Coronado, Crown Room. President Nixon, President Gustavo Diaz Ordaz, security police, crowd.

    Roll WHPO-4304 Photographer: Knudsen, Robert L. | Color or B&W: Color

    • Frame(s): WHPO-4304-02A-06A, President Diaz Ordaz of Mexico greeting people outside on the grounds of the Coronado Hotel, while he walks with unidentified officials, and his daughter Mrs. Nasta. 9/3/1970, Coronado, California Hotel del Coronado. President Gustavo Diaz Ordaz; his daughter Mrs. Nasta, unidentified officials.
    • Frame(s): WHPO-4304-07A-08A, An unidentified women with short blond hair in formal dress, posing for a portrait in the hallway of the Coronado Hotel. 9/3/1970, Coronado, California Hotel del Coronado, Crown Room. unidentified woman.
    • Frame(s): WHPO-4304-09A-12A, President Nixon stands to speak from the dias head table during a black tie state dinner honoring President Diaz Ordaz of Mexico. Longshot viewed from back of room behind guests. 9/3/1970, Coronado, California Hotel del Coronado, Crown Room. President Nixon; the President of the United State of Mexico, Diaz Ordaz; Governor Ronald Reagan, Nancy Reagan, entertainers.
    • Frame(s): WHPO-4304-13A-35A, Entertainers from a Mexican style Folklorico dance and singing troup performing for guests at the black tie state dinner honoring President Diaz Ordaz of Mexico. 9/3/1970, Coronado, California Hotel del Coronado, Crown Room. Unidentified Mexican Folklorico Troupe.

    Roll WHPO-4305 Photographer: Knudsen, Robert L. | Color or B&W: Color

    • Frame(s): WHPO-4305-, President Nixon participates in the arrival ceremony for President Diaz Ordaz of Mexico at the Coronado North Island Naval Air Station. 9/3/1970, San Diego, California Coronado North Island, Naval Air Station, (NAS). President Nixon and President of Mexico, Diaz Ordaz and distinguished US and Mexican officials.
    • Frame(s): WHPO-4305-07A, President Nixon and President Diaz Ordaz of Mexico at the Coronado North Island Naval Air Station at the arrival ceremony for Ordaz. Both are seen standing on a raised podium. 9/3/1970, San Diego, California Coronado North Island, Naval Air Station, (NAS). President Nixon and President of Mexico, Diaz Ordaz and distinguished US and Mexican officials, crowd.
    • Frame(s): WHPO-4305-13-20, President Nixon and President Ordaz's motorcades passing by a docked Naval Aircraft Carrier with ships company standing at attention on decks, at the Coronado North Island Naval Air Station. 9/3/1970, San Diego, California Coronado North Island, Naval Air Station, (NAS). unidentified Naval Aircraft Carrier.
    • Frame(s): WHPO-4305-21A-26A, President Nixon and President Ordaz's motorcade passing by a crowd at the Coronado North Island Naval Air Station. 9/3/1970, San Diego, California Coronado North Island, Naval Air Station, (NAS). President Nixon and President of Mexico, Diaz Ordaz and distinguished US and Mexican officials.

    Roll WHPO-4309 Photographer: Atkins, Oliver | Color or B&W: B&W

    • Frame(s): WHPO-4309-02-08, President Nixon hosts an official dinner at the Del Coronado Hotel. 9/3/1970, Coronado, California The Ballroom, Hotel Del Coronado, Coronado, Cal. President Nixon, President of Mexico, Diaz Ordaz and his daughter, Mrs. Guadalupe de Nasta; former President Lyndon and Lady Bird Johnson; Pat Nixon; Governor of California, Ronald Reagan.
    • Frame(s): WHPO-4309-09-14, Distinguished guests arriving at the Del Coronado Hotel. 9/3/1970, Coronado, California. Del Coronado Hotel, Coronado, California. Unidentified distinguished dinner guests.

    Roll WHPO-4310 Photographer: Atkins, Oliver | Color or B&W: Color

    • Frame(s): WHPO-4310-02A-12A, President Nixon and the President of Mexico arrive in San Diego, California. 9/3/1970, Coronado, California Coronado North Island, Naval Air Station, NAS. President Nixon, Pat Nixon, President Gustavo Diaz Ordaz, Ambassador Emil Mosbacher.
    • Frame(s): WHPO-4310-13A-32A, The Presidents and their official parties motored from the Coronado North Island, NAS to the Hotel Del Coronado. 9/3/1970, Coronado, California Coronado North Island, Naval Air Station, NAS. President Nixon,President Gustavo Diaz Ordaz, his daughter, Mrs. Guadalupe de Nasta; former President Lyndon Johnson and Lady Bird Johnson; Governor Ronald Reagan, Nancy Reagan.
    • Frame(s): WHPO-4310-25, President Nixon and President Diaz Ordaz wave from their limousine motorcade to the crowd as their official parties motored from the Coronado North Island, Naval Air Station to the Hotel Del Coronado. 9/3/1970, Coronado, California Coronado North Island, Naval Air Station, NAS. President Nixon, President Gustavo Diaz Ordaz, secret service agents, crowd of spectators.

    Roll WHPO-4311 Photographer: Atkins, Oliver | Color or B&W: Color

    • Frame(s): WHPO-4311-, The President and the President of Mexico arrive in Coronado, California. 9/3/1970, Coronado, California Coronado North Island, Naval Air Station, NAS. President Nixon and Mrs. Pat Nixon; and President of Mexico, Diaz Ordaz.

    Roll WHPO-4312 Photographer: Atkins, Oliver | Color or B&W: Color

    • Frame(s): WHPO-4312-01-06, President Nixon and President Diaz Ordaz of Mexico in a motorcade to the Hotel Del Coronado near San Diego. 9/3/1970, Coronado, California. Coronado, California. President Nixon, President Gustavo Diaz Ordaz.
    • Frame(s): WHPO-4312-07-36, The President hosts a formal state dinner for President Diaz Ordaz of Mexico. 9/3/1970, Coronado, California Hotel Del Coronado, Coronado, California. President Nixon, Pat Nixon, President Diaz Ordaz and his daughter, Mrs. Guadalupe de Nasta; former President Lyndon Johnson and Lady Bird Johnson; Governor of California, Ronald Reagan and Mrs. Nancy Reagan; and distinguished US.
  • The White House Communications Agency Sound Recordings Collection contains public statements that took place between 1969 and 1974. Visit the finding aid to learn more.

    J - Entertainment at the White House

    • WHCA-SR-J-137
      The Group from Guadalajara [see P-700902]. (9/3/1970)

      Runtime: 32:27:00

      Keywords: Musician, musicians, music, celebrities, performance

      Original Format: 1/4-inch reel-to-reel audiotape. Original source type: Original.

    P - Formal Presidential Remarks

    • WHCA-SR-P-700901
      Arrival ceremony for President Gustavo Diaz Ordaz at North Island NAS, Cal. with Vice President Agnew. (9/3/1970)

      Runtime: 3:20

      Original Format: 1/4-inch reel-to-reel audiotape. Original source type: Original.
    • WHCA-SR-P-700902
      Remarks by President Nixon at state dinner in San Diego for Pres. Diaz Ordaz, with Lyndon Johnson, Ronald Reagan, President Diaz Ordaz [see J-137]. (9/3/1970)

      Runtime: 22:30

      Original Format: 1/4-inch reel-to-reel audiotape. Original source type: Original.
  • The White House Communications Agency Videotape Collection contains “off-the-air” recordings of televised programs produced between 1968 and 1974. Visit the finding aid to learn more.

    • WHCA-3835
      Weekly News Summary - Tape II.
      All networks
      Runtime: 1:00

      9. Reynolds: Middle East. Time Code Start: 08:06. Keywords: Middle East, Mideast, war. Network: ABC.

      10. Donaldson: Middle East. Time Code Start: 09:00. Keywords: Middle East, Mideast, war. Network: ABC.

      11. Reynolds: Two Presidents. Time Code Start: 10:23. Keywords: Presidents. Network: ABC.

      12. Gill: Two Presidents. Time Code Start: 11:12. Keywords: Presidents. Network: ABC.

      13. Chancellor: Middle East. Time Code Start: 12:54. Keywords: Middle East, Mideast, war. Network: NBC.

      14. McGee: Middle East. Time Code Start: 14:40. Keywords: Middle East, Mideast, war. Network: NBC.

      15. U.S. students in Vietnam. Time Code Start: 15:26. Keywords: Vietnam War, American, students, education, schools, colleges, universities. Network: NBC.

      16. Chancellor: Mexico's President Gustavo Diaz Ordaz visits President Nixon;. Time Code Start: 16:50. Keywords: Presidents, Mexican. Network: NBC.

      17. Kaplow: Mexico's President Gustavo Diaz Ordaz to leave office soon; protesters en route to banquet with President Nixon. Time Code Start: 17:06. Keywords: Presidents, Mexican, protests, demonstrations. Network: NBC.

      18. Chancellor: Economy. Time Code Start: 18:45. Keywords: economy, economics, budgets, finances, recession, inflation, money. Network: NBC.

      19. Duke: Economy. Time Code Start: 19:04. Keywords: economy, economics, budgets, finances, recession, inflation, money. Network: NBC.

      20. Cronkite: Middle East; US charges USSR and United Arab Republic with ceasefire violations, peace talks in danger. Time Code Start: 20:59. Keywords: Middle East, Mideast, war, negotiations, ceasefires, weapons, criticisms. Network: CBS.

      21. Kalb: Middle East. Time Code Start: 21:12. Keywords: Middle East, Mideast, war. Network: CBS.

      22. Eric Sevareid: Commentary on the Vietnam war. Time Code Start: 22:50. Keywords: Vietnam War. Network: CBS.

Context (External Sources)