
February 18, 1971


This almanac page for Thursday, February 18, 1971, pulls together various records created by the federal government and links to additional resources which can provide context about the events of the day.

Previous Date: Wednesday, February 17, 1971

Next Date: Friday, February 19, 1971

Schedule and Public Documents

Archival Holdings

  • The H. R. Haldeman Diaries consists of seven handwritten diaries, 36 dictated diaries recorded as sound recordings, and two handwritten audio cassette tape subject logs. The diaries and logs reflect H. R. Haldeman’s candid personal record and reflections on events, issues, and people encountered during his service in the Nixon White House. As administrative assistant to the President and Chief of Staff, Haldeman attended and participated in public events and private meetings covering the entire scope of issues in which the Nixon White House engaged in during the years 1969-1973. Visit the finding aid to learn more.

  • The National Archives Catalog is the online portal to the records held at the National Archives, and information about those records. It is the main way of describing our holdings and also provides access to electronic records and digitized versions of our holdings. 

    The Catalog searches across multiple National Archives resources at once, including archival descriptions, digitized and electronic records, authority records, and web pages from and the Presidential Libraries. The Catalog also allows users to contribute to digitized historical records through tagging and transcription.

    Nixon Library Holdings

    All National Archives Units

National Security Documents

  • The President's Daily Brief is the primary vehicle for summarizing the day-to-day sensitive intelligence and analysis, as well as late-breaking reports, for the White House on current and future national security issues. Read "The President's Daily Brief: Delivering Intelligence to Nixon and Ford" to learn more.

  • The Foreign Relations of the United States series presents the official documentary historical record of major U.S. foreign policy decisions and significant diplomatic activity. Visit the State Department website for more information.

    Vol. VII, Vietnam, July 1970-January 1972

    Operational Lam Son 719, February 8-April 7, 1971

    Vol. XIII, Soviet Union, October 1970-October 1971

    "A Key Point in Our Relationship": Backchannel Talks on SALT, Berlin, and the Summit

    • 117. Paper Prepared by the National Security Council Staff, Washington, February 18, 1971

      Source: National Archives, Nixon Presidential Materials, NSC Files, NSC Institutional Files (H-Files), Box H–080, Meeting Files, Washington Special Actions Group Meetings, WSAG Meeting Southeast Asia 2–18–71. Top Secret; Sensitive. The paper was prepared for Kissinger’s use during the WSAG meeting on February 18. According to his Record of Schedule, Kissinger chaired the WSAG meeting on February 18 from 3:05 to 4:22 p.m. (Library of Congress, Manuscript Division, Kissinger Papers, Box 438, Miscellany, 1968–76) Minutes of the discussion on Laos are in the National Archives, Nixon Presidential Materials, NSC Files, NSC Institutional Files (H-Files), Box H–115, WSAG Minutes (Originals) 1971 [4 of 5]. Although the issue was evidently discussed, no minutes on Cuba have been found.

    Vol. XVII, China, 1969-1972

    China,January-September 1971

    • 106. Special National Intelligence Estimate, Washington, February 18, 1971

      Source: Library of Congress, Manuscript Division, Kissinger Papers, Box TS 14, Geopolitical File, China, Chronological File, Trips, July 1971, Background Materials, 1970–71. Top Secret; Umbra; Controlled Dissem. Another copy is in Central Intelligence Agency, Job 79–R1012, NIE and SNIE Files. According to a note on the covering sheet, the Central Intelligence Agency and intelligence organizations of the Departments of State and Defense, and the NSA participated in the preparation of this estimate. All members of the USIB concurred with the estimate except for the representatives from the FBI and AEC, who abstained on the grounds that the subject was outside their jurisdictions. For the full text of this NIE, see Tracking the Dragon, p. 678.

    Vol. XLI, Western Europe; NATO, 1969-1972

    Western Europe Region and NATO


    • 206. Memorandum of Conversation, Washington, February 18, 1971, 11 a.m.-noon

      Source: National Archives, Nixon Presidential Materials, White House Special Files, President’s Office Files, Memos for the President. Secret; Eyes Only. Colombo visited Washington February 18–20.

    Vol. E-4, Documents on Iran and Iraq, 1969-1972

    Iran 1971

    Vol. E-10, Documents on American Republics, 1969-1972


    • 545. Special National Intelligence Estimate 84–71, Washington, February 18, 1971., Washington, February 18, 1971

      This 10 page estimate, titled “Panama and the Canal Treaty Negotiations,” reviewed key political and economic events in Panama during President Torrijos regime, and concluded that Torrijos will demand more concessions for Panama than were contained in the 1967 treaty drafts. For the Panamanian leader, the key issues were jurisdiction over the Canal and a substantial increase in economic benefits for Panama.

      Source: Central Intelligence Agency, NIC files, Job 79––R01012A, Panama and the Canal Treaty Negotiations. Secret.

  • The Kissinger telephone conversation transcripts consist of approximately 20,000 pages of transcripts of Kissinger’s telephone conversations during his tenure as Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs (1969-1974) and Secretary of State (1973-1974) during the administration of President Richard Nixon. Visit the finding aid for more information.

    Digitized versions of many of these transcripts can be found on the Yale University Library website.

Audiovisual Holdings

  • The White House Tapes are sound recordings of President Richard Nixon's telephone conversations and of meetings held in the Oval Office and the Cabinet Room in the White House, the President's office in the Old Executive Office Building (OEOB), the Lincoln Sitting Room in the residence section of the White House, and several locations at the Presidential retreat at Camp David, Maryland. These recordings document many of the major events and decisions of the Nixon Administration from February 16, 1971 to July 18, 1973. Visit the White House Tapes finding aid to learn about the taping system's operation and archival processing.

    Oval Office

  • The White House Photo Office collection consists of photographic coverage of President Richard Nixon meeting with prominent social, political, and cultural personalities; speaking engagements and news conferences of the President and various high-ranking members of the White House staff and Cabinet; Presidential domestic and foreign travel, including Presidential vacations; social events and entertainment involving the First Family, including entertainers present; official portraits of the President, First Family, and high-ranking members of the Nixon administration; the 1969 and 1973 Inaugurals; the President’s 1972 Presidential election campaign appearances (including speeches) and other official activities of the White House staff and the President’s Cabinet from January 20, 1969 until August 9, 1974 at the White House and the Old Executive Office Building; other locations in Washington, DC, such as The Mall; and the Presidential retreats in Camp David, Maryland, Key Biscayne, Florida, and San Clemente, California. Visit the finding aid to learn more.

    Roll WHPO-5683 Photographer: Knudsen, Robert L. | Color or B&W: B&W

    • Frame(s): WHPO-5683-03-09, A young boy, Rep. Robert Steele, and John Frascarelli in the Cabinet Room. 2/18/1971, Washington, D.C. White House, Cabinet Room. Robert Steele, John Frascarelli, boy.

    Roll WHPO-5684 Photographer: Schumacher, Karl | Color or B&W: Color

    • Frame(s): WHPO-5684-01A-05A, President Nixon and Pat Nixon greeting Italian Prime Minister Emilio Colombo upon his arrival at the South Grounds. 2/18/1971, Washington, D.C. White House, South Lawn. President Nixon, Pat Nixon, Emilio Colombo, William Rogers, Adele Rogers, military units, guests.
    • Frame(s): WHPO-5684-08A-26A, President Nixon, Pat Nixon and officials take part in the arrival ceremony for Italian Prime Minister Emilio Colombo on the South Lawn of the White House. 2/18/1971, Washington, D.C. White House, South Lawn. President Nixon, Pat Nixon, Emilio Colombo, officials, William Rogers, Adele Rogers, military troops units, guests.
    • Frame(s): WHPO-5684-26, President Nixon, Pat Nixon and officials take part in the arrival ceremony for Italian Prime Minister Emilio Colombo on the South Lawn of the White House. President Nixon and Italian Prime Minister Colombo are standing on the reviewing stand with officials nearby. Rows of troops are seen at attention in the background. Public audience visible on lawn. (View from upper White House balcony looking down at entire field out past the water fountain area with the Washington Monument visible in the background. Four Cannon caissons on far field). 2/18/1971, Washington, D.C. White House, South Lawn. President Nixon, Pat Nixon, Emilio Colombo, officials, military troops, public audience, guests.

    Roll WHPO-5685 Photographer: Schumacher, Karl | Color or B&W: Color

    • Frame(s): WHPO-5685-01-08, President Nixon, Pat Nixon and officials take part in the arrival ceremony for Italian Prime Minister Emilio Colombo on the South Lawn of the White House. President Nixon and Emilio Colombo standing on the reviewing stand podium. 2/18/1971, Washington, D.C. White House, South Lawn. President Nixon, Pat Nixon, Emilio Colombo, military units, officials, guests.
    • Frame(s): WHPO-5685-07, President Nixon, Pat Nixon and officials take part in the arrival ceremony for Italian Prime Minister Emilio Colombo on the South Lawn of the White House. President Nixon and Italian Prime Minister Colombo are standing on the reviewing stand with officials nearby. Rows of troops are seen at attention in the background with a Marine marching band crossing the field. Public audience visible on lawn. (View from upper White House balcony looking down at entire field out past the water fountain area with the Washington Monument visible in the background. Four Cannon caissons on far field). 2/18/1971, Washington, D.C. White House, South Lawn. President Nixon, Pat Nixon, Emilio Colombo, military units, officials, guests.
    • Frame(s): WHPO-5685-09-11, President Nixon, Pat Nixon and officials take part in the arrival ceremony for Italian Prime Minister Emilio Colombo. President Nixon, Pat Nixon, and Prime Minister Colombo walking into the White House and standing on a balcony. 2/18/1971, Washington, D.C. White House, balcony. President Nixon, Pat Nixon, Emilio Colombo, military units, officials, guests.
    • Frame(s): WHPO-5685-11, Birds-eye view of President Nixon, Pat Nixon, and Prime Minister Colombo standing on a White House balcony. View looking down at security guards at attention, wearing new white jacket Regency style uniforms with white caps and gold shoulder braid swag, black trousers with gold stripe. 2/18/1971, Washington, D.C. White House, balcony. President Nixon, Pat Nixon, Emilio Colombo, White House security guard troop.

    Roll WHPO-5686 Photographer: Knudsen, Robert L. | Color or B&W: Color

    • Frame(s): WHPO-5686-01A-09A, President Nixon, Pat Nixon and officials take part in the arrival ceremony for Italian Prime Minister Emilio Colombo. President Nixon and Italian Prime Minister Emilio Colombo walking to and standing on a podium. Reviewing the honor guard, and walking to White House accompanied by Pat Nixon. 2/18/1971, Washington, D.C. White House, South Lawn. President Nixon, Emilio Colombo, Pat Nixon, honor guard, William Rogers, Adele Rogers, guests, unidentified persons.
    • Frame(s): WHPO-5686-10A-12A, President Nixon, Pat Nixon and officials take part in the arrival ceremony for Italian Prime Minister Emilio Colombo. President Nixon and Prime Minister Colombo reviewing the honor guard. 2/18/1971, Washington, D.C. White House, South Lawn. President Nixon, Emilio Colombo, Pat Nixon, honor guard, William Rogers, Adele Rogers, guests, unidentified persons.
    • Frame(s): WHPO-5686-11A, President Nixon and Italian Prime Minister Emilio Colombo standing on the reviewing platform during Prime Minister Colombo's White House arrival ceremony. 2/18/1971, Washington, D.C. White House, South Lawn. President Nixon, Emilio Colombo, troops, honor guards.
    • Frame(s): WHPO-5686-13A-19A, President Nixon, Pat Nixon and officials take part in the arrival ceremony for Italian Prime Minister Emilio Colombo. President Nixon and Italian Prime Minister Emilio Colombo reviewing the honor guard, and walking to White House accompanied by Pat Nixon. 2/18/1971, Washington, D.C. White House, South Lawn. President Nixon, Emilio Colombo, Pat Nixon, honor guard, William Rogers, Adele Rogers, guests, unidentified persons.
    • Frame(s): WHPO-5686-17A, President Nixon and Italian Prime Minister Emilio Colombo at the microphone on the review platform during Prime Minister Colombo's White House arrival ceremony. A US flag and an Italian flag are in the foreground. 2/18/1971, Washington, D.C. White House, South Lawn. President Nixon, Emilio Colombo.
    • Frame(s): WHPO-5686-20A-22A, Portrait of three unidentified persons. 2/18/1971, Washington, D.C. White House, South Lawn. President Nixon, Emilio Colombo, Pat Nixon, honor guard, William Rogers, Adele Rogers, guests, unidentified persons.
    • Frame(s): WHPO-5686-23A-35A, President Nixon and Italian Prime Minister Emilio Colombo walking to the Oval Office after Columbo's arrival ceremony. President Nixon and Italian Prime Minsiter Emilio Colombo sitting informally in the Oval Office during a meeting. 2/18/1971, Washington, D.C. White House, Oval Office. President Nixon, Emilio Colombo, press corps members.
    • Frame(s): WHPO-5686-35A, President Nixon and Italian Prime Minister Emilio Colombo seated informally during an Oval Office meeting. 2/18/1971, Washington, D.C. White House, Oval Office. President Nixon, Emilio Colombo.

    Roll WHPO-5687 Photographer: Knudsen, Robert L. | Color or B&W: Color

    • Frame(s): WHPO-5687-07A-10A, President Nixon, Pat Nixon, and officials take part in the arrival ceremony for Italian Prime Minister Emilio Colombo. President Nixon and Prime Minister Colombo review the honor guard. 2/18/1971, Washington, D.C. White House, South Lawn. President Nixon, Pat Nixon, Emilio Colombo, guests.
    • Frame(s): WHPO-5687-19A-25A, President Nixon, Italian Prime Minister Emilio Colombo and Pat Nixon waving from the White House balcony after taking part in Columbo's arrival ceremony. 2/18/1971, Washington, D.C. White House, South Lawn. President Nixon, Pat Nixon, Emilio Colombo, guests.
    • Frame(s): WHPO-5687-1A-06A, 11A-18A, President Nixon, Pat Nixon and officials take part in the arrival ceremony for Italian Prime Minister Emilio Colombo. President Nixon and Prime Minister Emilio Colombo standing on the reviewing platform. 2/18/1971, Washington, D.C. White House, South Lawn. President Nixon, Pat Nixon, Emilio Colombo, guests.
    • Frame(s): WHPO-5687-22A, President Nixon, Italian Prime Minister Emilio Colombo, and Pat Nixon standing on the Truman Balcony after Colombo's arrival ceremony. 2/18/1971, Washington, D.C. White House, Truman Balcony. President Nixon, Pat Nixon, Emilio Colombo.
    • Frame(s): WHPO-5687-26A-32A, President Nixon and Italian Prime Minister Emilio Colombo seated informally in the Oval Office during a meeting. 2/18/1971, Washington, D.C. White House, Oval Office. President Nixon, Emilio Colombo.

    Roll WHPO-5688 Photographer: Atkins, Oliver | Color or B&W: Color

    • Frame(s): WHPO-5688-03-08, 14-20, President Nixon, Pat Nixon, and officials take part in the arrival ceremony for Italian Prime Minister Emilio Colombo. President Nixon and Prime Minister Emilio Colombo on a podium during arrival ceremonies. 2/18/1971, Washington, D.C. White House, South Lawn. President Nixon, Pat Nixon, Emilio Colombo, honor guard, guests, aides.
    • Frame(s): WHPO-5688-09-13, President Nixon, Pat Nixon, and officials take part in the arrival ceremony for Italian Prime Minister Emilio Colombo. President Nixon and Prime Minister Colombo reviewing honor guard. 2/18/1971, Washington, D.C. White House, South Lawn. President Nixon, Pat Nixon, Emilio Colombo, honor guard, guests, aides.
    • Frame(s): WHPO-5688-16, President Nixon, Pat Nixon, and officials take part in the arrival ceremony for Italian Prime Minister Emilio Colombo. President Nixon and Prime Minister Colombo standing on the reviewing stand watching the Marine Band marching by during the arrival ceremony. Rows of troops are seen at attention in the background. Public audience visible on lawn. (View from upper White House balcony looking down at entire field out past the water fountain area visible in the background.). 2/18/1971, Washington, D.C. White House, South Lawn. President Nixon, Pat Nixon, Emilio Colombo, honor guard, troops, Marine Band, guests, aides.
    • Frame(s): WHPO-5688-21-24, President Nixon, Pat Nixon and officials take part in the arrival ceremony for Italian Prime Minister Emilio Colombo. Pat Nixon walking with President Nixon and Prime Minister Emilio Colombo to the White House. 2/18/1971, Washington, D.C. White House, South Lawn. President Nixon, Pat Nixon, Emilio Colombo, honor guard, guests, aide.
    • Frame(s): WHPO-5688-25-32, President Nixon, Pat Nixon, and officials take part in the arrival ceremony for Italian Prime Minister Emilio Colombo. Pat Nixon with President Nixon and P.M. Emilio Colombo on a balcony. 2/18/1971, Washington, D.C. White House, balcony. President Nixon, Pat Nixon, Emilio Colombo, honor guard, guests, aides.
    • Frame(s): WHPO-5688-30, President Nixon, Italian Prime Minister Emilio Colombo, and Pat Nixon standing on the Truman Balcony and waving after Colombo's arrival ceremony. 2/18/1971, Washington, D.C. White House, Truman Balcony. President Nixon, Pat Nixon, Emilio Colombo.
    • Frame(s): WHPO-5688-33-35, President Nixon, Pat Nixon, and officials take part in the arrival ceremony for Italian Prime Minister Emilio Colombo. President Nixon and Prime Minister Colombo walking to the Oval Office. 2/18/1971, Washington, D.C. White House, West Wing portico. President Nixon, Pat Nixon, Emilio Colombo, honor guard, guests, aides.

    Roll WHPO-5689 Photographer: Atkins, Oliver | Color or B&W: B&W

    • Frame(s): WHPO-5689-02-06, President Nixon sitting at his Oval Office desk during a meeting with Senator Barry Goldwater and Clark MacGregor. 2/18/1971, Washington, D.C. White House, Oval Office. President Nixon, Barry Goldwater, Clark MacGregor.
    • Frame(s): WHPO-5689-04, President Nixon sitting at his Oval Office desk during a meeting with Senator Barry Goldwater and Clark MacGregor. 2/18/1971, Washington, D.C. White House, Oval Office. President Nixon, Barry Goldwater, Clark MacGregor.

    Roll WHPO-5690 Photographer: Atkins, Oliver | Color or B&W: Color

    • Frame(s): WHPO-5690-01A-03A, President Nixon, Pat Nixon and officials take part in the arrival ceremony for Italian Prime Minister Emilio Colombo. President Nixon and Prime Minister Emilio Colombo stand on the reviewing stand. 2/18/1971, Washington, D.C. White House, South Lawn. President Nixon, Emilio Colombo, trumpeter, Italian party officials.
    • Frame(s): WHPO-5690-02, President Nixon, Pat Nixon and officials take part in the arrival ceremony for Italian Prime Minister Emilio Colombo. White House Security guards salute while at attention standing by the White House entrance in the foreground. They are wearing their new white jacket Regency style uniforms with white caps and gold shoulder braid swag, black trousers with gold stripe. Pershing's Own Band member with trumpet in foreground on balcony. 2/18/1971, Washington, D.C. White House, South Lawn. President Nixon, Pat Nixon officials, Prime Minister Emilio Colombo, troops, security guards, Pershing's Own Band member.
    • Frame(s): WHPO-5690-04A-06A, President Nixon and Italian Prime Minister Emilio Colombo meeting with members of the official Italian Party in the White House cabinet room. 2/18/1971, Washington, D.C. White House, Cabinet Room. President Nixon, Emilio Colombo, trumpeter, Italian party officials.
    • Frame(s): WHPO-5690-07A-09A, Prime Minister Emilio Colombo escorted to his limousine on his departure from the White House. 2/18/1971, Washington, D.C. White House, South Lawn. President Nixon, Emilio Colombo, trumpeter, Italian party officials, unidentified women.

    Roll WHPO-5691 Photographer: Knudsen, Robert L. | Color or B&W: Color

    • Frame(s): WHPO-5691-03A-09A, Close-up portrait study of President Nixon. 2/18/1971, Washington, D.C. White House, Rose Garden, West Wing Portico. President Nixon, unidentified men.
    • Frame(s): WHPO-5691-10A-11A, President Nixon walking with an unidentified man. 2/18/1971, Washington, D.C. White House, Rose Garden, West Wing Portico. President Nixon, unidentified men.
    • Frame(s): WHPO-5691-12A-15A, Unidentified men on the portico. 2/18/1971, Washington, D.C. White House, Rose Garden, West Wing Portico. unidentified men.

    Roll WHPO-5692 Photographer: Schumacher, Karl | Color or B&W: B&W

    • Frame(s): WHPO-5692-10-25, Harry Dent sitting at a desk and in a chair. 2/18/1971, Washington, D.C. White House, unknown room. Harry Dent, unidentified family.
    • Frame(s): WHPO-5692-14, Portrait of Harry Dent sitting at a desk on the telephone. 2/18/1971, Washington, D.C. White House, unknown room. Harry Dent.
    • Frame(s): WHPO-5692-26-30, Unidentified family on White House grounds. 2/18/1971, Washington, D.C. White House, grounds. Harry Dent, unidentified family.

    Roll WHPO-5693 Photographer: Knudsen, Robert L. | Color or B&W: B&W

    • Frame(s): WHPO-5693-02-04, President Nixon being greeted upon arrival at the opening of the Woodrow Wilson Center for International Scholars. 2/18/1971, Washington, D.C. Old Smithsonian Building. President Nixon, Hubert Humphrey, S. Dillon Ripley, Benjamin Read, Francis Sayre, guests, crowd, aides.
    • Frame(s): WHPO-5693-05-27, President Nixon speaking at a podium on a dais at the opening of the Woodrow Wilson Center for International Scholars. 2/18/1971, Washington, D.C. Old Smithsonian Building. President Nixon, Hubert Humphrey, S. Dillon Ripley, Benjamin Read, Francis Sayre, guests, crowd, aides.
    • Frame(s): WHPO-5693-28-30, President Nixon leaving and signing autographs for children in a crowd at the opening of the Woodrow Wilson Center for International Scholars. 2/18/1971, Washington, D.C. Old Smithsonian Building. President Nixon, Hubert Humphrey, S. Dillon Ripley, Benjamin Read, Francis Sayre, guests, crowd, aides.

    Roll WHPO-5694 Photographer: Knudsen, Robert L. | Color or B&W: B&W

    • Frame(s): WHPO-5694-03-22, Close-up portrait study of Shelly Scarney. 2/18/1971, Washington, D.C. unknown. Shelly Scarney.

    Roll WHPO-5695 Photographer: Knudsen, Robert L. | Color or B&W: B&W

    • Frame(s): WHPO-5695-03A-05A, Ron Ziegler and three members of the Jr. Chamber of Commerce in the Cabinet Room. 2/18/1971, Washington, D.C. White House, Cabinet Room. Ron Ziegler, unidentified men.
    • Frame(s): WHPO-5695-06A-31A, Ron Ziegler and three members of the Jr. Chamber of Commerce on White House grounds. 2/18/1971, Washington, D.C. White House, grounds. Ron Ziegler, unidentified men.

    Roll WHPO-5696 Photographer: Knudsen, Robert L. | Color or B&W: Color

    • Frame(s): WHPO-5696-02A-03A, Ron Ziegler and three members of the Jr. Chamber of Commerce on the White House grounds. 2/18/1971, Washington, D.C. White House, grounds. Ron Ziegler, unidentified men.
    • Frame(s): WHPO-5696-02A-03A, Ron Ziegler and three members of the Jr. Chamber of Commerce in the Cabinet Room. 2/18/1971, Washington, D.C. White House, Cabinet Room. Ron Ziegler, unidentified men.

    Roll WHPO-5697 Photographer: Schumacher, Karl | Color or B&W: Color

    • Frame(s): WHPO-5697-03-17, Julie Eisenhower hosting a reception for persons associated with Catholic University. 2/18/1971, Washington, D.C. White House, Library. Julie Eisenhower, unidentified guests.

    Roll WHPO-5698 Photographer: Kightlinger, Jack | Color or B&W: Color

    • Frame(s): WHPO-5698-08A-23A, President Nixon, Pat Nixon, and Prime Minister Emilio Colombo with actress Anna Maria Alberghetti in the East Room after a State Dinner. 2/18/1971, Washington, D.C. White House, Great Hall. President Nixon, Pat Nixon, Emilio Colombo, Anna Maria Alberghetti, guests, military musicians.
    • Frame(s): WHPO-5698-21A, President Nixon, Pat Nixon, Prime Minister Emilio Colombo, and actress Anna Maria Alberghetti pose for a portrait in the East Room after a State Dinner. 2/18/1971, Washington, D.C. White House, Great Hall. President Nixon, Pat Nixon, Emilio Colombo, Anna Maria Alberghetti, guests, military musicians.

    Roll WHPO-5699 Photographer: Kightlinger, Jack | Color or B&W: Color

    • Frame(s): WHPO-5699-02A-06A, President Nixon, Pat Nixon, and Prime Minister Colombo of Italy pose for a formal portrait by the Grand Staircase before the State Dinner. 2/18/1971, Washington, D.C. White House, Grand Staircase. President Nixon, Pat Nixon, Emilio Colombo, Anna Maria Alberghetti, guests, color guard, Strolling Strings.
    • Frame(s): WHPO-5699-07A-14A, President Nixon, Pat Nixon, and Prime Minister Colombo of Italy receiving guests in a receiving line before the State Dinner. 2/18/1971, Washington, D.C. White House, Grand Hall. President Nixon, Pat Nixon, Emilio Colombo, Anna Maria Alberghetti, guests, color guard, Strolling Strings.
    • Frame(s): WHPO-5699-15A-22A, President Nixon, Pat Nixon, and Prime Minister Colombo of Italy walking the Grand Hall red carpet to the State Dinner. 2/18/1971, Washington, D.C. White House, Grand Hall. President Nixon, Pat Nixon, Emilio Colombo.
    • Frame(s): WHPO-5699-22A, President Nixon, Pat Nixon, and Prime Minister Emilio Colombo of Italy walking the Grand Hall red carpet to a State Dinner. 2/18/1971, Washington, D.C. White House, Grand Hall. President Nixon, Pat Nixon, Emilio Colombo, honor guard.
    • Frame(s): WHPO-5699-23A-36A, President Nixon, Pat Nixon, Prime Minister Colombo of Italy, and guests attending the State Dinner. 2/18/1971, Washington, D.C. White House, State Dining Room. President Nixon, Pat Nixon, Emilio Colombo, Anna Maria Alberghetti, guests, color guard, Strolling Strings.

    Roll WHPO-5700 Photographer: Kightlinger, Jack | Color or B&W: Color

    • Frame(s): WHPO-5700-03-14, Tables being set for the State Dinner honoring Prime Minister Colombo of Italy. 2/18/1971, Washington, D.C. White House, State Dining Room,. unidentified persons, social aides.
    • Frame(s): WHPO-5700-15-26, Unidentified persons talking to the gathered social aides. 2/18/1971, Washington, D.C. White House, Grand Hall. unidentified persons, social aides.
    • Frame(s): WHPO-5700-16, Possibly Anne Davis in the Grand Hall. 2/18/1971, Washington, D.C. White House, Grand Hall. Possibly Anne Davis.

    Roll WHPO-5701 Photographer: Kightlinger, Jack | Color or B&W: Color

    • Frame(s): WHPO-5701-02A-11A, Preparations underway for a state dinner honoring Prime Minister Colombo of Italy. 2/18/1971, Washington, D.C. White House, State Dining Room. aides.
    • Frame(s): WHPO-5701-12A-16A, Prime Minister Colombo of Italy arriving at White House. 2/18/1971, Washington, D.C. White House, North Portico. President Nixon, Pat Nixon, Emilio Colombo.
    • Frame(s): WHPO-5701-17A-25A, Prime Minister Colombo of Italy with President Nixon and Pat Nixon. 2/18/1971, Washington, D.C. White House, Grand Hall. President Nixon, Pat Nixon, Emilio Colombo.
    • Frame(s): WHPO-5701-26A-33A, Prime Minister Colombo of Italy with President Nixon and Pat Nixon greeting state dinner guests in a receiving line. 2/18/1971, Washington, D.C. White House, State Dining Room, Grand Hall, East Room. President Nixon, Pat Nixon, Emilio Colombo.
    • Frame(s): WHPO-5701-34A-36A, Prime Minister Colombo with President Nixon and Pat Nixon walking to dinner on the Grand Hall Red Carpet. 2/18/1971, Washington, D.C. White House, Grand Hall. President Nixon, Pat Nixon, Emilio Colombo.

    Roll WHPO-5702 Photographer: Kightlinger, Jack | Color or B&W: Color

    • Frame(s): WHPO-5702-03-14, Guests dining at a the state dinner for Prime Minister Colombo of Italy, and then walking to the East Room to see Anna Maria Alberghetti's performance afterwards. 2/18/1971, Washington, D.C. White House, State Dining Room. President Nixon, Pat Nixon, Emilio Colombo, Anna Maria Alberghetti, guests, aides.
    • Frame(s): WHPO-5702-15-18, President Nixon, Pat Nixon, Prime Minister Colombo of Italy and Anna Maria Alberghetti. 2/18/1971, Washington, D.C. White House, Grand Hall. President Nixon, Pat Nixon, Emilio Colombo, Anna Maria Alberghetti.
    • Frame(s): WHPO-5702-19, Prime Minister Colombo of Italy departing the White House after a state dinner evening. 2/18/1971, Washington, D.C. White House, East Room. President Nixon, Pat Nixon, Emilio Colombo, Anna Maria Alberghetti, guests aides, unidentified persons.
    • Frame(s): WHPO-5702-20-25, Unidentified persons relaxing after a state dinner evening. 2/18/1971, Washington, D.C. White House, Red Room. unidentified persons.

    Roll WHPO-5703 Photographer: Kightlinger, Jack | Color or B&W: Color

    • Frame(s): WHPO-5703-04-05, President Nixon speaking at the State Dinner for Prime Minister Emilio Colombo of Italy. 2/18/1971, Washington, D.C. White House, East Room. President Nixon, guests.
    • Frame(s): WHPO-5703-06-12, Anna Maria Alberghetti performing in the East Room after a State Dinner for Prime Minister Emilio Colombo of Italy. 2/18/1971, Washington, D.C. White House, East Room. Anna Maria Alberghetti, guests, musicians.
    • Frame(s): WHPO-5703-09, Anna Maria Alberghetti and Marine Band musicians performing in the East Room after a State Dinner for Prime Minister Emilio Colombo of Italy. 2/18/1971, Washington, D.C. White House, East Room. Anna Maria Alberghetti, guests, Marine Band musicians.
  • The White House Communications Agency Sound Recordings Collection contains public statements that took place between 1969 and 1974. Visit the finding aid to learn more.

    G - Cabinet Officer Briefings

    • WHCA-SR-G-079
      Press briefing by Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare Elliot Richardson regarding the health message, with Ronald Ziegler. (2/18/1971, Press Center)

      Runtime: 44:50:00

      Keywords: health care, health insurance

      Production credits: Audio feed supplied by WHCA; Recorded by RRS (Bob Schroder, WHCA engineer)

      Original Format: 1/4-inch reel-to-reel audiotape. Original source type: Original.

    J - Entertainment at the White House

    • WHCA-SR-J-145
      Anna Maria Alberghetti [see P-710225]. (2/18/1971)

      Runtime: 29:51:00

      Keywords: Musician, musicians, music, celebrities, performance, classical music, opera

      Original Format: 1/4-inch reel-to-reel audiotape. Original source type: Original.

    P - Formal Presidential Remarks

    • WHCA-SR-P-710219
      Remarks by President Nixon to Democratic Congressmen at breakfast. (2/18/1971)

      Runtime: 23:04

      Original Format: 1/4-inch reel-to-reel audiotape. Original source type: Original.
    • WHCA-SR-P-710220
      Arrival ceremony for Prime Minister Emilio Colombo, with Prime Minister Colombo. (2/18/1971)

      Runtime: 2:19

      Original Format: 1/4-inch reel-to-reel audiotape. Original source type: Original.
    • WHCA-SR-P-710221
      Remarks by President Nixon in video-taping for 60 Minutes with Morley Safer. (2/18/1971)

      Runtime: 3:08

      Original Format: 1/4-inch reel-to-reel audiotape. Original source type: Original.
    • WHCA-SR-P-710222
      [same as 710221]. (2/18/1971)

      Original Format: 1/4-inch reel-to-reel audiotape. Original source type: Original.
    • WHCA-SR-P-710223
      Remarks by President Nixon at Wilson Center dedication with Senator H. Humphrey; remarks re Nat'l Health Message. (2/18/1971)

      Runtime: 12:18

      Keywords: health care, health insurance

      Original Format: 1/4-inch reel-to-reel audiotape. Original source type: Original.
    • WHCA-SR-P-710224
      Remarks by President Nixon in toast at state dinner for Prime Minister Colombo, with Prime Minister Colombo. (2/18/1971)

      Runtime: 8:27

      Original Format: 1/4-inch reel-to-reel audiotape. Original source type: Original.
    • WHCA-SR-P-710225
      Introduction of singer Anna Maria Alberghetti after state dinner [see J-145]. (2/18/1971)

      Runtime: 4:50

      Original Format: 1/4-inch reel-to-reel audiotape. Original source type: Original.
  • The White House Communications Agency Videotape Collection contains “off-the-air” recordings of televised programs produced between 1968 and 1974. Visit the finding aid to learn more.

    • WHCA-4183
      National Prayer Breakfast. FTN: Senators Cooper and Church; "MTP": George Shultz, Director of the OMB; "I&A": Senator Edmund Muskie (D-ME).
      CBS, NBC, ABC
      Runtime: 00:28:56
    • WHCA-4184
      Weekly News Summary, Tape I.
      Runtime: 1:30

      35. Smith/Jarriel: President Nixon's National Health Plan. Time Code Start: 78:36. Keywords: Presidents, statements, health care, health insurance, Family Assistance Programs, government aid, financial aid, health and welfare assistance, financial aid, health care, health insurance. Network: ABC.

      36. Reasoner/Donaldson: Senator McGovern comments on Laos situation. Time Code Start: 84:19. Keywords: Laos, Vietnam War. Network: ABC.

      37. Gill: White House opinion on China's plans with the war in Indochina. Time Code Start: 85:26. Keywords: Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam War. Network: ABC.

      38. Newman/Lewis: Indochina. Time Code Start: 86:38. Keywords: Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam War. Network: NBC.

      39. Brinkley: President Nixon proposes national health insurance partnership, requiring employers pay 2/3 insurance. Time Code Start: 88:41. Keywords: health care, health insurance, insurance, benefits, medicine, medical care, hospitals, costs, financial aid, debates, health care, health insurance. Network: NBC.

      40. End of Tape I. Time Code Start: 90:15. Keywords: program finishing time reminder. Network: NBC.
    • WHCA-4185
      Weekly News Summary, Tape II.
      Runtime: 1:00

      1. Cronkite/Duval: Laos. Time Code Start: 00:00. Keywords: Laos, Vietnam War. Network: CBS.

      2. Sevareid: Commentary on possiblility of China entering the war in Indochina. Time Code Start: 05:33. Keywords: Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam War. Network: CBS.

      3. Cronkite/Schorr: National Health Insurance. Time Code Start: 08:03. Keywords: health care, health insurance, insurance, benefits, medicine, medical care, hospitals, costs, financial aid, debates. Network: CBS.
    • WHCA-4211
      Excerpts From the "NBC Nightly News" Indochina War Coverage, Tape I (Weekly News Summary).

      44. Newman: War casualties. Time Code Start: 50:10. Keywords: Vietnam War, killed in action, KIA, death tolls, fatalities, casualty, casualties, military, troops. Network: NBC.

      45. Lewis: Casualties from invasion. Time Code Start: 50:30. Keywords: Vietnam War, killed in action, KIA, death tolls, fatalities, casualty, casualties, military, troops. Network: NBC.

      46. Newman: Invasion action; Laotian neutrality commission--Canada, India, Poland. Time Code Start: 51:25. Keywords: Laos, Vietnam War. Network: NBC.

Context (External Sources)