
November 30, 2015 Materials Release


On November 30, 2015, the Nixon Library opened additional materials from the Nixon Presidential Materials. Below are descriptions of ten documents that represent the variety of subjects and wealth of historical information included in this new release.

The documents are from file segments for the White House Special Files: Staff Member and Office Files and the National Security Council Files.

  • Please visit or contact the Nixon Library in Yorba Linda, California, to research all of the documents.

The following abbreviations are used below to identify original collections of the scanned documents:

  • WHCF:   White House Central Files
  • NSC:   National Security Council


Mandatory Review Documents

U.S. Bombing of Southeast Asia

  1. Memo with attachment, Kissinger to the President, Subj: Information Items, January 3, 1972; folder [2] President's Daily Briefs, January 3-17, 1972; box 38; NSC Files, President's Daily Briefings

President Nixon's January 23, 1972, Speech on Vietnam

  1. Memo with attachment, "Al" to "Henry," January 23, 1972; folder [7] President's January 25, 1972 Speech Vietnam [2 of 3]; box 125; NSC Files, Vietnam Subject Files

U.S.S.R. Missile Testing

  1. Memo, Smith to Kissinger, Subj: SS-9 Tests, November 13, 1970; folder [2] USSR, Vol. X, [April 1969] - November 1970; Box 713; NSC Files, Country Files - Europe


  1. Memcon, Rodman, Dinitz, et. al., June 19, 1973; folder [4]; Rabin/Dinitz Sensitive Memcons 1973 [2 of 2]; box 135, Henry A. Kissinger Office Files, Country Files, Middle East

White House Staff Documents

Proposal for White House Historian-in-Residence

  1. Memo, Brown to Haldeman, Subj: Establishment of a White House Historian-in-Residence, May 27, 1969; folder [1] [EX] FG 6-11 The White House Office Begins-5/31/1969; box 1; WHCF: Subject Files: FG (Federal Government - Organizations)

Actions Not Taken by White House Staff

  1. Memo, the President to Haldeman, Subj: Concerns About Actions Being Disregarded and Request for Check List, June 16, 1969; folder [6] [EX] FG 6-11-1 6/4/1969-6/19/1969; box 2; WHCF: Subject Files: FG (Federal Government - Organizations)

Donald Rumsfeld's Work in the Administration

  1. Letter, Rumsfeld to President, Subj: Rumsfeld's Work in the Administration, December 23, 1969; folder [15] [EX] FG 6-11-1R [1969-1970] [3 of 3]; box 15; WHCF: Subject Files: FG (Federal Government - Organizations)

Senator Javits's Thoughts on November 3, 1969 Address

  1. Letter, BeLieu to Javits and attached letter from Javits, Subj: Javits's Thoughts on the President's November 3 Address, November 1, 1969; folder [12] [EX] FG 6-11-1/B [1969-1970] [1 of 3]; box 17; WHCF: Subject Files: FG (Federal Government - Organizations)

Reflections on Government Service

  1. Letter, Harlow to Asman, Subj: Reflections on Government Service, February 12, 1970; folder [5] [GEN] FG 6-11-1/Harlow, Bryce N. 1/1/1970-3/31/1970; box 20; WHCF: Subject Files: FG (Federal Government - Organizations)

Nixon Administration and the Press

  1. Letter, Kleiman to Kissinger, Subj: Inability to Schedule Appointments with Kissinger, April 3, 1970; folder [7] [GEN] FG 6-11-1/Kissinger, Henry A. 4/1/1970-4/15/1970; Box 23; WHCF: Subject Files: FG (Federal Government - Organizations)