
Arends, Leslie C.

Conversation 078-006

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On October 12, 1971, President Richard M. Nixon, William P. Rogers, and bipartisan Congressional leaders, including Carl B. Albert, Leslie C. Arends, Gerald R. Ford, [Thomas] Hale Boggs, George H. Mahon, Dr. Thomas E. ("Doc") Morgan, Hugh Scott, Michael J. ("Mike") Mansfield, John C. Stennis, Allen J. Ellender, Milton R. Young, William E. Timmons, John A. Scali, Eugene S. Cowen, Clark MacGregor, Henry A. Kissinger, and Ronald L. Ziegler, met in the Cabinet Room of the White House from 12:01 pm to 12:54 pm.

Tape Subject Log

Conversation 074-002

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On September 14, 1971, President Richard M. Nixon and Republican Congressional leaders, including George P. Shultz, Paul W. McCracken, Herbert Stein, Charls E. Walker, Arnold R. Weber, Hugh Scott, Robert P. Griffin, Gordon L. Allott, Peter H. Dominick, Wallace F. Bennett, Milton R. Young, Jacob K. Javits, Gerald R. Ford, Leslie C. Arends, John B. Anderson, John J. Rhodes, Robert C. ("Bob") Wilson, H. Allen Smith, Robert T. Stafford, Richard H. Poff, Barber B. Conable, Jr., Frank T. Bow, John W. Byrnes, William L. Springer, John D. Ehrlichman, Clark MacGregor, William E. Timmons, Kenneth E.

Tape Subject Log

Conversation 070-001

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On August 17, 1971, President Richard M. Nixon, Vice President Spiro T. Agnew, and bipartisan Congressional leaders, including Michael J. ("Mike") Mansfield, Robert P. Griffin, Milton R. Young, Allen J. Ellender, John J. Sparkman, John G. Tower, Wallace F. Bennett, Russell B. Long, Gerald R. Ford, Leslie C. Arends, William B. Widnall, Wilbur D. Mills, John W. Byrnes, John B. Connally, Charls E. Walker, Paul W. McCracken, Arthur F. Burns, George P. Shultz, John D. Ehrlichman, Ronald L. Ziegler, Peter G. Peterson, William L. Safire, and Kenneth E.

Tape Subject Log

Conversation 065-002

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On July 20, 1971, President Richard M. Nixon, William P. Rogers, and Republican Congressional leaders, including Hugh Scott, John C. Stennis, Robert P. Griffin, Margaret Chase Smith, Gordon L. Allott, Norris Ctton, Peter H. Dominick, Gerald R. Ford, Leslie C. Arends, John B. Anderson, Richard H. Poff, Barber B. Conable, Jr., John J. Rhodes, Robert C. ("Bob") Wilson, Robert T. Stafford, H. Allen Smith, Robert J. Dole, Henry A. Kissinger, Clark MacGregor, John D. Ehrlichman, George P. Shultz, William E. Timmons, Kenneth E. BeLieu, Richard K. Cook, Harry S. Dent, Herbert G. Klein, Patrick J.

Tape Subject Log

Conversation 064-005

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On July 19, 1971, President Richard M. Nixon, William P. Rogers, and bipartisan Congressional leaders, including Michael J. ("Mike") Mansfield, Hugh Scott, John C. Stennis, Margaret Chase Smith, J. William Fulbright, George D. Aiken, Allen J. Ellender, Milton R. Young, Carl B. Albert, [Thomas] Hale Boggs, Gerald R. Ford, Edward Hébert, Leslie C. Arends, Dr. Thomas E. ("Doc") Morgan, William S. Mailliard, George H. Mahon, Frank T. Bow, Henry A. Kissinger, Clark MacGregor, William E. Timmons, Kenneth E. BeLieu, Ronald L. Ziegler, and John A.

Tape Subject Log

Conversation 062-001

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On June 17, 1971, President Richard M. Nixon and bipartisan Congressional leaders, including Harrison A. Williams, Jr., Roman L. Hruska, George D. Aiken, Allen J. Ellender, Milton R. Young, Strom Thurmond, Warren G. ("Maggie") Magnuson, Carl B. Albert, [Thomas] Hale Boggs, Gerald R. Ford, Albert H. Quie, Emanuel Celler, Richard H. Poff, F. Edward Hébert, Leslie C. Arends, F. Edward Hébert, George H. Mahon, Olin E. ("Tiger") Teague, Paul G. Rogers, William L. Springer, Egil ("Bud") Krogh, Jr., William E. Timmons, John D. Ehrlichman, Jeffrey Donfeld, Ronald L. Ziegler, Herbert G.

Tape Subject Log

Conversation 061-004

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On June 15, 1971, President Richard M. Nixon and Republican Congressional leaders, including Hugh Scott, Norris Cotton, Peter H. Dominick, Milton R. Young, Gerald R. Ford, Leslie C. Arends, John B. Anderson, Berber B. Conable, Jr., Richard H. Poff, Robert C. ("Bob") Wilson, John J. Rhodes, Robert T. Stafford, H. Allen Smith, Frank T. Bow, Robert J. Dole, Egil ("Bud") Krogh, Jr., Henry A. Kissinger, John D. Ehrlichman, George P. Shultz, Clark MacGregor, Herbert G. Klein, William E. Timmons, Harry S. Dent, Kenneth E. BeLieu, Richard K. Cook, Patrick J. Buchanan, and Ronald L.

Tape Subject Log

Conversation 058-005

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On May 20, 1971, President Richard M. Nixon, Vice President Spiro T. Agnew, and bipartisan Congressional leaders and staffers, including William P. Rogers, Melvin R. Laird, Adm. Thomas H. Moorer, Gerard C. Smith, Henry A. Kissinger, Clark MacGregor, William E. Timmons, Ronald L. Ziegler, Herbert G. Klein, John A. Scali, Hugh Scott, Allen J. Ellender, J. William Fulbright, John C. Stennis, Margaret Chase Smith, George D. Aiken, Robert P. Griffin, Milton R. Young, Robert C. Byrd, Michael J. ("Mike") Mansfield, [Thomas] Hale Boggs, Leslie Arends, William S. Mailliard, Frank T. Bow, F.

Tape Subject Log

Conversation 058-001

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On May 18, 1971, President Richard M. Nixon, Henry A. Kissinger, Melvin R. Laird, and Republican Congressional leaders, including U. Alexis Johnson, Robert P. Griffin, Norris Cotton, Peter H. Dominick, Gerald R. Ford, Leslie C. Arends, John B. Anderson, Barber B. Conable, Jr., Richard H. Poff, Robert C. ("Bob") Wilson, John J. Rhodes, Robert T. Stafford, H. Allen Smith, Robert J. Dole, Peter G. Peterson, George P. Shultz, John D. Ehrlichman, Clark MacGregor, William E. Timmons, Harry S. Dent, Ronald L. Ziegler, Bryce N. Harlow, and Kenneth E.

Tape Subject Log

Conversation 055-004

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On May 4, 1971, President Richard M. Nixon, Spiro T. Agnew, and Republican Congressional leaders, including John N. Irwin, II, John B. Connally, Melvin R. Laird, Hugh Scott, Robert P. Griffin, Margaret Chase Smith, Gordon L. Allott, Norris Cotton, Milton R. Young, John G. Tower, Gerald R. Ford, Leslie C. Arends, John B. Anderson, John J. Rhodes, Richard H. Poff, Robert C. ("Bob") Wilson, Barber B. Conable, Jr., Robert T. Stafford, H. Allen Smith, Frank T. Bow, William B. Widnall, George P. Shultz, John D. Ehrlichman, Clark MacGregor, Kenneth R. BeLieu, Herbert G. Klein, Ronald L.

Tape Subject Log