
Franklin, Barbara H.

Conversation 871-009

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On March 7, 1973, President Richard M. Nixon, Anne L. Armstrong, Barbara H. Franklin, Patricia R. Hitt, Jayne B. Spain, Julia Lee, Bernice L. Bernstein, Marguerite S. Chang, Janet Hart, Marilyn E. Jacox, Isabella L. Karle, Marjorie R. TOwnsend, and Jill Lee met in the Oval Office of the White House from 12:10 pm to 12:20 pm. The Oval Office taping system captured this recording, which is known as Conversation 871-009 of the White House Tapes.

Tape Subject Log

Conversation 801-017

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On October 17, 1972, President Richard M. Nixon, Stephen B. Bull, Rose Mary Woods, Jeanne Squire, Lucille Shriver, Barbara H. Franklin, Henry C. Cashen, II, and White House photographer met in the Oval Office of the White House at an unknown time between 12:10 pm and 12:22 pm. The Oval Office taping system captured this recording, which is known as Conversation 801-017 of the White House Tapes.

Tape Subject Log

Conversation 765-006

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On August 8, 1972, President Richard M. Nixon, Dixy Lee Ray, Dr. James R. Schlesinger, James Raney, Clarence Larson, William Doub, Dewitt S. Hyde, Marion Reid, Barbara H. Franklin, Dr. Edward E. David, Jr., and Stephen B. Bull met in the Oval Office of the White House at an unknown time between 10:31 am and 10:45 am. The Oval Office taping system captured this recording, which is known as Conversation 765-006 of the White House Tapes.

Tape Subject Log

Conversation 686-006

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On March 17, 1972, President Richard M. Nixon, Barbara H. Franklin, Judy Kaufman, Jacqueline G. Gutwillig, Virginia R. Allan, Dr. Margaret Long Arnold, Mrs. Paul Bethel, Lorraine L. Blair, Julie Casterman Connor, Sarah Jane Cunningham, Robert A. Griffin, Maxine R. Hacke, Mrs. Charles M. Hamel, Margaret J. Mealey, Hazel Palmer, Mrs. Chapman Revercomb, Mrs. Daniel H. Wasserman, Irene Wischer, Elizabeth D. Koontz, Catherine East, Bertha Whittaker, and White House photographer met in the Oval Office of the White House from 9:56 am to 10:08 am.

Tape Subject Log

Conversation 683-006

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On March 13, 1972, President Richard M. Nixon, Stephen B. Bull, unknown person(s), Marina von Neumann Whitman, Dr. Robert Whitman, Malcolm Whitman, Laura Whitman, Josephine Pierce, Herbert Stein, Ezra Solomon, George P. Shultz, William L. Safire, Barbara H. Franklin, Paul McArdle, and White House photographer met in the Oval Office of the White House at an unknown time between 12:02 pm and 12:17 pm. The Oval Office taping system captured this recording, which is known as Conversation 683-006 of the White House Tapes.

Tape Subject Log

Conversation 660-008

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On January 29, 1972, President Richard M. Nixon, H. R. ("Bob") Haldeman, Julie Nixon Eisenhower, Stephen B. Bull, Barbara H. Franklin, George P. Shultz, Herbert Stein, Marina von Neumann Whitman, White House photographer, Charles W. Colson, unknown person(s), White House operator, John N. Mitchell, Idanell ("Nellie") (Brill) Connally, and Henry A. Kissinger met in the Oval Office of the White House from 9:05 am to 12:10 pm. The Oval Office taping system captured this recording, which is known as Conversation 660-008 of the White House Tapes.

Tape Subject Log

Conversation 563-005

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On August 13, 1971, President Richard M. Nixon, Stephen B. Bull, Frederic V. Malek, Herbert G. Klein, Jayne B. Spain, Patricia R. Hitt, Helen D. Bentlye, Barbara H. Franklin, Elizabeth Hanford, Nancy Hanks, Sallyanne Payton, Ethel B. Walsh, and White House photographer met in the Oval Office of the White House from 12:19 pm to 12:27 pm. The Oval Office taping system captured this recording, which is known as Conversation 563-005 of the White House Tapes.

Tape Subject Log

Conversation 490-002

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On April 29, 1971, President Richard M. Nixon, Valerija B. Raulinaitis, Robert E. Hampton, Barbara H. Franklin, Vickie L. Keller, Jayne B. Spain, Sallyanne Payton, Frederic V. Malek, Stephen B. Bull, White House photographer, Ronald L. Ziegler, Tricia Nixon Cox, and unknown person(s) met in the Oval Office of the White House from 12:04 pm to 12:42 pm. The Oval Office taping system captured this recording, which is known as Conversation 490-002 of the White House Tapes.

Tape Subject Log