
Painter, Joseph T.

Conversation 074-004

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On September 14, 1971, President Richard M. Nixon and the Committee to Form a National Health Education Foundation, including Joseph Wilson, Joseph A. Beirne, Dr. M. Alfred Haynes, Richard McGall, J. Alexander McMahon, Walter J. McNerney, A. C. Nielson, Jr. Dr. Joseph T. Painter, Wrede Petersmeyer, Charles A. Siegfried, David Seymour, Dr. Irving Shapiro, Scott Simonds, J. Henry Smith, Dr. Melvin K. ("Morty") Duval, Dr. Robert Laur, Victor Wiengarten, Josee Laventhal, Linda Brannick, Grace Urrows, Howard Ennes, Dr. Peter Warter, Peter Meek, Levitt Mendel, Clarence Pearson, Dr.

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