
Michael J. Farrell (White House Special Files: Staff Member and Office Files)

Date Start
Date End

The Presidential historical materials of Michael J. Farrell are in the custody of the National Archives and Records Administration under the provisions of Title I of the Presidential Recordings and Materials Preservation Act of 1974 (P.L. 93-526, 88 Stat 1695) and implementing regulations. In accordance with the act and regulations, personal and private materials (including materials that are outside the date span covered by the act) and non-historical items have been returned to Farrell.

Materials covered by the act have been archivally processed and are described in this register. Items which are security classified or otherwise restricted under the act and regulations have been removed and placed in a closed file. A Document Withdrawal Record (GSA Form 7279) with a description of each restricted document has been inserted at the beginning of each folder from which material has been removed. A Document Control Record marks the original position of the withdrawn item.

Employees of the National Archives will review periodically the unclassified portions of closed materials for the purpose of opening those which no longer require restriction. Certain documents may be declassified under authority of Executive Order 13526 in response to a Mandatory Review Request (NA Form 14020) submitted by the researcher.

  • Linear feet of materials:   1 linear foot, 4 linear inches
  • Approximate number of pages:   1,600

Preservation Note

Holdings maintenance was performed on the collection in November 2012 in order to ensure the longevity of the documents. The previous number of folders and/or boxes in this collection has changed due to the maintenance process. This finding aid has been updated to reflect any changes. The previous version of the finding aid is available upon request.

Biographical Note

Michael John Farrell was born on February 19, 1937, in Peoria, Illinois. He attended the University of Illinois and graduated with a B.S. degree in 1960. Between 1960 and 1969, he worked at U.S. Steel Corporation as a Commercial Representative. In 1969, Farrell began his tenure with the Federal Government.

Farrell was hired as a White House Visitors Office Staff Assistant to President Richard Nixon. He held the position during the years 1969-1971. He then became Special Assistant to the President in the same office until Nixon's resignation in August 1974. Farrell stayed on as Director of the White House Visitors Office under President Gerald Ford until 1977. Following his time as a White House staffer, Farrell returned to the private sector. By 1991, he was an administrator at Wheelabrator Technologies, Inc. in Exeter, New Hampshire.

In April 1991, Education Secretary, Lamar Alexander, appointed Farrell Deputy Assistant Secretary for Student Financial Aid. Farrell also served as Interim Assistant Secretary for Post-Secondary Education but he remained with the Education Department for less than a year before resigning in November 1991.

Michael Farrell died on May 11, 1999, in San Francisco, California.

Scope and Content Note

The materials of Michael J. Farrell cover the years 1969-74. During this period, Farrell served first as Staff Assistant to the President in the Office of White House Visitors (1969-71) and then as Special Assistant to the President to the President in the same office (1971-74). Materials of John S. Davies, Farrell's predecessor as Special Assistant, are included. The chief responsibility of the Office of White House Visitors was to arrange White House tours and visitor related special events.

Farrell's materials are divided into three series: Memoranda, Personnel Records, and the Tour Reservation File. Presidential Memoranda concern various Visitors Office functions directly related to the President, particularly the acceptance of gifts from the public. The First Family subseries consists of memoranda to the First Lady, annotated with her replies. These relate to specific projects under her direction, such as candlelight tours of the White House, the annual Easter Egg Roll, and summer cruises on the yacht Sequoia. The Personnel Records consist of resumes of applicants for positions on the White House staff and miscellaneous memoranda about members of the existing staff. The Tour Reservation File reflects the system of ticket allotment for White House tours.

The White House Central Files, Staff Member and Office Files contain an additional 13 cubic feet of Farrell materials. The Late Accretions File contains less than a foot. On September 12, 1974, the Office of Presidential Papers and Archives recorded an exit interview with Farrell upon his departure from the Nixon White House staff.

Series Description

Boxes:   1
Series:   Memoranda
Spans:   1969 - 1974
Description:   Originals and copies of memoranda. Arranged in two sub-series as follows:

  • Subseries:   Presidential
    Description:   Memoranda relating to activities involving President Nixon. Unarranged.
  • Subseries:   First Family
    Description:   Memoranda to and about Mrs. Nixon. Originals are annotated with replies in Mrs. Nixon's handwriting. Unarranged.

Boxes:   2
Series:   Personnel Records
Spans:   1969 - 1974
Description:   Originals and copies of resumes; covering memos. Unarranged.

Boxes:   3
Series:   Tour Reservation File
Description:   Originals of tour reservation sheets. Unarranged.

Folder Title List

MEMORANDA, 1969-74

Box 1

Presidential Related Correspondence regarding Visitors Office Functions, Savings Bonds Programs and Combined Federal Campaign [1969-74] [1 of 2]
Presidential Related Correspondence regarding Visitors Office Functions, Savings Bonds Programs and Combined Federal Campaign [1969-74] [2 of 2]
Correspondence with Mrs. Nixon regarding Visitors and Projects under her direction, also Julie Eisenhower [1969-74]


Box 2

Personnel Records [1970-73] [I] [1 of 4]
Personnel Records [1970-73] [I] [2 of 4]
Personnel Records [1970-73] [I] [3 of 4]
Personnel Records [1970-73] [I] [4 of 4]
Personnel Records [1969-74] [II] [1 of 3]
Personnel Records [1969-74] [II] [2 of 3]
Personnel Records [1969-74] [II] [3 of 3]
Personnel Records [1969-74] [III] [1 of 3]
Personnel Records [1969-74] [III] [2 of 3]
Personnel Records [1969-74] [III] [3 of 3]
Personnel Records [1969-74] [IV] [1 of 3]
Personnel Records [1969-74] [IV] [2 of 3]
Personnel Records [1969-74] [IV] [3 of 3]
Personnel Records [1970-74] [V] [1 of 2]
Personnel Records [1970-74] [V] [2 of 2]
Personnel Records [1969-73] [VI] [1 of 4]
Personnel Records [1969-73] [VI] [2 of 4]
Personnel Records [1969-73] [VI] [3 of 4]
Personnel Records [1969-73] [VI] [4 of 4]


Box 3

Tour Reservation Sheets [I] [1 of 3]
Tour Reservation Sheets [I] [2 of 3]
Tour Reservation Sheets [I] [3 of 3]
Tour Reservation Sheets [II] [1 of 3]
Tour Reservation Sheets [II] [2 of 3]
Tour Reservation Sheets [II] [3 of 3]
Tour Reservation Sheets [III] [1 of 2]
Tour Reservation Sheets [III] [2 of 2]
Tour Reservation Sheets [IV] [1 of 4]
Tour Reservation Sheets [IV] [2 of 4]
Tour Reservation Sheets [IV] [3 of 4]
Tour Reservation Sheets [IV] [4 of 4]
