
FG 200 (President's Committee on Mental Retardation) (White House Central Files: Staff Member and Office Files)


These Presidential historical materials are in the custody of the National Archives and Records Administration under the provisions of Title I of the Presidential Recordings and Materials Preservation Act of 1974 (44 U.S.C. 2111 note), and implementing regulations. In accordance with the act and regulations, archivists reviewed the file group to identify private or personal as well as non-historical items. Such items, if found, have been withdrawn for return to the individual with primary proprietary or commemorative interest in them.

Materials covered by this act have been archivally processed and are described in this finding aid. Items that are security classified or otherwise restricted under the act and regulations have been removed and placed in a closed file. A Document Withdrawal Record (NA Form 14021) has been placed in the front of each folder describing each withdrawn item. Employees of the National Archives will review periodically the unclassified portions of closed materials for the purpose of opening those which no longer require restrictions. Classified documents may be reviewed for declassification under authority of Executive Order 13526 in response to Mandatory Review Request (NA Form 14020) submitted by the researcher.

  • Linear measurement of materials:   6 in.
  • Number of pages:   913
Organizational Note

The President's Committee on Mental Retardation was originally established under Executive Order 11280 in May 1966. The Committee was established to advise the President on programs and action being done on behalf of the handicapped. The Committee studied nationwide programs and worked with both public and private agencies to promote action and public understanding of the mentally retarded. The members of the committee consist of the Secretary of Health Education and Welfare, the Secretary of Labor, the Director of Office of Equal Opportunity and 21 members appointed by the President. In March 1974 Executive Order 11776 was passed expanding the membership to include the Attorney General, the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development and the Director of Action.

Scope and Content Note

The records consist of memorandums and correspondence, reports, schedule proposals and press releases.

Primary correspondents include Hugh Sloan, Peter Flanigan, John D. Ehrlichman, Robert H. Finch, Dwight L. Chapin, Robert A. Aldrich, Joseph H. Douglass, Ken Cole, Elliot Richardson, Caspar Weinberger, Jim Cavanaugh and David B. Ray.

Topics include nominations to the committee, meeting with President, and Executive Order 11776.
The terms Executive and General used before the file designation FG 200 generally determine the source of the material. Items designated Executive are communications between Commission members or staff and the President, White House staff members, Federal officials, members of Congress, and other prominent people. Items designated General are communications between White House staff members and the general public or a Congressional representative writing on behalf of a constituent.

Folder Title List

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