
David C. Hoopes (White House Special Files: Staff Member and Office Files)

Date Start
Date End

The Presidential historical materials of David C. Hoopes, Special Assistant to the President, are in the custody of the National Archives and Records Administration under the provision of Title I of the Presidential Recordings and Materials Preservation Act of 1974 (P.L. 93-526, 88 Stat. 1695) and implementing regulations. In accordance with the act and regulations, archivists reviewed the file group to identify personal and private materials and non-historical items. These items have been returned to Hoopes.

Materials covered by the act have been archivally processed and are described in this register. Items, which are security classified or otherwise restricted under the act and regulations have been removed and placed in a closed file. A Document Withdrawal Record (GSA Form 7279) with a description of each restricted document has been inserted at the beginning of each folder from which materials have been removed. A Document Control Record marks the original position of the withdrawn item.

Employees of the National Archives will review periodically the unclassified portions of closed materials for the purpose of opening those, which no longer require restriction. Certain classified documents may be declassified under authority of Executive Order 13526 in response to a Mandatory Review Request (NA Form 14020) submitted by the researcher.

  • Linear feet of materials:   12.9
  • Approximate number of pages:   25,800
Biographical Note

August 15, 1942 Born, Twin Falls, ID

1960-1966 Brigham Young University, B.A. (Political Science), M.A. (International Public Administration), Provo, UT

1962-1964 Missionary, Argentine Mission, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Buenos Aires, Argentina, and South American Mission, Montevideo, Uruguay

1967-1971 University of Southern California, M.P.A. (Public Administration), Ph.D. (Public Administration, Los Angeles, CA

1968-1969 President, Anthony Craig & Associates, Inc., Los Angeles, CA

1969-1971 Consultant, Joint Committee on Reorganization of Large Urban Unified School Districts, California Legislature, Sacramento, CA and Los Angeles, CA

1971-1973 Staff Assistant, The White House

1973-1974 Deputy Special Assistant to President, The White House

1974-1977 Special Assistant to the President, The White House

1977-1979 Member, President's Commission on Personnel Interchange

1977-1980 Consultant, Bechtel Corporation, San Francisco, CA

1981-1992 Investment manager and manager of corporate relations, Bechtel Investments, Inc., San Francisco, CA

1985-1989 Member, Board of Directors, Brigham Young University Alumni Association, Provo, UT

1992-1998 Financial consultant, Merrill Lynch & Co., San Francisco, CA

1998-2001 Mission president, Chile Santiago South Mission, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Santiago, Chile

2001-2004 Financial consultant, Merrill Lynch & Co., San Francisco, CA (retired July 2004)

2004-Present Temple president, Caracas Venezuela Temple, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Caracas, Venezuela

Scope and Content Note

David C. Hoopes served in both the Nixon and Ford Administrations, beginning with the Nixon White House in April 1971 and remaining in the Ford White House from August 1974 until January 1977. He worked as a staff assistant to the President until 1974, with responsibility for handling briefing papers and follow-up memoranda for President Nixon's meetings. During this time he was also given special projects to do for the Staff Secretary; in June 1974 he joined the Staff Secretary's Office. Although his official title was Special Assistant to the President, he also adopted the title of "Deputy Staff Secretary".

The Staff Secretary's Office handled most aspects of White House administration, particularly paperwork flow, and assisted in the preparation of the President's schedule, follow-up on action requests, and special projects.

Hoopes, along with Alexander P. Butterfield, Deputy Assistant to the President, was responsible for ensuring that meetings attended by the President were documented in the files. This included instructing staff members to be present at specific meetings in order to prepare memoranda for the record, and following up to make sure the required memoranda were completed and submitted.

Hoopes also served for more than two years as a member of the President's Commission on Personnel Interchange during the Carter Administration, from 1977 to 1979.

The materials are arranged into six series:

  1. Chronological Files, 1972
  2. Subject File, 1972-1974
  3. Trip Files, 1971-1974
  4. President's Briefing Papers, 1971-1974
  5. President's Daily Diaries, 1972-1974
  6. Printed Material, 1970-1974
Series Description

Boxes:   1-3
Series:   Chronological Files, 1972 
Spans:   1972 - 1974
Description:   Box 1 contains copies of daily correspondence of Alexander P. Butterfield. Topics include administrative duties, office space, salaries, resumes, presidential dinners and correspondence and scheduling activities. Also, White House guest lists, the welfare system, expenses involved in the Watergate defenses and attorneys. Individuals referenced: President Nixon, H.R. Haldeman, Lucy Winchester, Dwight Chopin, Ray Price, Rose Mary Woods, Roland Elliot, Henry Kissinger, Charles Colson, Alexander Haig, Bruce Kehrli, Jerry Jones, Brent Scowcroft, Ronald Walker, Robert Linder, George Joulwan and Fred Malek (Not exhaustive).

Boxes:   4-10
Series:   Subject File, 1972-1974 
Spans:   1972 - 1974
Description:   Topics include Arlington Cemetery, Bicentennial, Bills and Riembursement1974, Budget Appropriations, Cabinet Chairs, White House Christmas Card List 1973, Daily Diary, Educational Staff Seminar, Foreign Travel with the President (Passenger Manifests of Foreign Travel with the President, Attorneys and Attorney Expenses, Oil Industry (news arcticles), Presidential memoranda, commissions, schedule, activities and contacts. Boxes 8-10 contain "professional" and "secretarial" resumes and salaries, vacant White House office space, White House telephone extension numbers and various memoranda regarding White House staff. Personalities referenced: John Charles Bennet, Bruce Kehrli, Ann Armstrong, James C. Barker, James B. Clawson, George Joulwan, and Alexander Haig (Not exhaustive).

Boxes:   11
Series:   Trip Files, 1971-1974 
Spans:   1971 - 1974
Description:   Miscellaneous file includes the topics of the Virginia Coal Mine Strikes, Thanksgiving and Veteran's Day Presidential Speeches, Q&A of an interview with McCall's Magazine. Other files include schedules and memorandas (including toasts and speeches) regarding the Presidential trips to NY and Chicago, to Canada, the Azores and China.

Boxes:   12-22
Series:   President's Briefing Papers, 1971-1974 
Spans:   1971 - 1974
Description:   Boxes 12-22 contain the President's Briefing papers which address many issues associated with the office of the President, including public relations, meeting schedules, Cabinet meetings, Congressional leader meetings, topical background information created by individuals who were briefing the President, messages from the President to groups whom he could not address personally and many others. Personalities referenced include: Ray Price, Ronald Ziegler, Stephen B. Bull, George P. Shultz, Bud Krogh, Kenneth Cole, Henry Kissinger, Peter M. Flanigan, Clark MacGregor, William E. Timmons, Alexander Butterfield, H.R. Haldeman, John Evans, Edward Morgan, John Ehrlichman, Earl Butz, Richard Lyng, John Connally, Herbert Stein, Elliot Richardson, Arthur Flemming, Leonard Garment, Ronald Bergman, Barbara Franklin, Brent Scowcroft, and Governor Rockefeller.

Boxes:   23-28
Series:   President's Daily Diaries, 1972-1974 
Spans:   1972 - 1974
Description:   The Presidential Daily Dairies are presented chronologically and contain the daily schedule of events, as well as attendance and passenger lists for specific meetings and travel. The files of Box 28 contain photocopies of the corresponding files in Boxes 23-25. They do not, however contain the appendixes that include passenger and attendance lists which are contained in the files of Boxes 23-25.

Boxes:   29-31
Series:   Printed Material, 1970-1974 
Spans:   1970 - 1974

Folder Title List



Box 1

Daily Copies from APB [Alexander P. Butterfield] Jan.-Mar. 1972
Daily Copies from APB [Alexander P. Butterfield] April-July 1972
Daily Copies from APB [Alexander P. Butterfield] August-Dec. (1972)


Box 2

Chron File-January 1974 [I]
Chron File-January 1974 [II]
Chron File-February 1974
Chron File March 1974
Chron File-April 1974

Box 3

Chron File May 1974
Chron File June 1974
Chron File July, 1974
Chron File-July & August 1974

SUBJECT FILE, 1972-1974

Box 4

Arlington Cemetery
John Charles Bennett [resignation as Deputy Assistant to President]
Bills & Reimbursement 1974
Brigham Young University
Brochures, etc [golf tournaments calendar; Partners of the Americas]
Budget Appropriations 1973
Budget Appropriations-FY 74
Cabinet Chairs
Christmas Print List 1973
Church of Jesus Christ of LDS
Civil Service
Congressional Related
Daily Diary
[Domestic Council FOrms Book]

Box 5

Educational Staff Seminar
Electrical & Mechanical Vaults
Emergency Relocation
Equipment-Radio & TV
Foreign Travel with the President, The White House, 1969-Present
Format-Briefing Paper
Format-Memorandum for the President's File
Haig Oriented Memos/Letters
Harmer, John [California State Senator]
Kehrli [Staff Secretary] Oriented Memos
Legal Expenses [of White House Watergate defense]
Manual for Advance Representatives 1974 [I]

Box 6

Manual for Advance Representatives 1974 [II]
Memoranda for the File &/or Record 1973 [Cabinet Chairs; interoffice mail]
Memoranda for the President's File-1973 [format and staffing procedure]
Memos to the WH Staff [routine office administration]
Miscellaneous [White House tours; office letterhead]
Mother of the Year [Mrs. Phyllis B. Marriott, 1974]
National Council on Humanities
National Security Council
News Articles [energy crisis; domestic policies]
Office of Management & Budget
Partners of the Americas [citizen affiliate of the Alliance for Progress]
Perquisites [for White House staff]
Personnel-Summer Interns
Personnel 1973
Personnel 1974

Box 7

Phone Diagrams
Pocket Commission [White House staff identification]
Presidential Activities [lists of, May 1973-Jan. 1974]
Presidential COmmission [position titles of White House staff]
Presidential Contacts with Sub-Cabinet Members
Presidential Documents, Tapes, other related matters
Presidential Schedule
President's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports
Prusse, Kathleen [David Hoopes's secretary]
Requests for Photos-1973
Requests for Pres. Messages
Residence Bowling Alley

Box 8

Resumes (Professional)
Resumes (Secretarial)
Salaries (Professional) 1974
Salaries (Secretarial) 1974
Savings Bonds
School [financial aid for White House employee]
Secret Service
Security Matters
Space-Electrical Installations
Space-NEOB [New Executive Office Building]

Box 9

Space-OEOB [Old Executive Office Building]
[SPace-] Floor Plan: 4th Floor OEOB [Old Executive Office Building [found unfoldered]
Space-Vice President
Space-Weekly REport
Space-West Wing
WHite House Staff 1974
OEOB [Old Executive Office Building] Staff Mess-1974
OEOB [Old Executive Office Building] Staff Mess-Blank Invitations
OEOB [Old Executive Office Building] Staff Mess-Delinquent Accounts
White House Staff Mess 1974
White House [Staff] Mess-1974
WH [White House] Staff Mess Waiting Lists
Staff Pins
Telephones 1974

Box 10

Tennis Court-1974
Tennis Courts
Travel Plans
Vice President
White House Certificates 1972 [appointment of staff]
White House Certificates 1973 [appointment of staff]
White House Certificates 1974 [appointment of staff]
WHCA [White House Communications Agency]
White House Health Unit
[White House] Health Unit-1974
[White House] Health Unit-Women
[White House Telephone Book]

TRIP FILES, 1971-1974

Box 11

Miscellaneous [Presidential appearances, 1971]
Trip Package-Charlotte, North Carolina October 15, 1971
Presidential Trip-November 9 & 10, 1971
General Briefing Papers, Trip of Counselor Finch-Latin America, Dr. David Hoopes Classified [1] [November 11-25, 1971]
General Briefing Papers, Trip of Counselor Finch-Latin America, Dr. David Hoopes Classified [2] [November 11-25, 1971]
Presidential Trip-The Azores, December 12-14, 1971
Dave Hoopes [Presidential Trip to People's Republic of China, February 17-29, 1972]
Dave Hoopes [Presidential Trip to Canada, April 13-15, 1972]
Visit of Richard Nixon President of the United States to the Middle East-June 1974 Classified



Box 12

Briefing Papers October 4 through October 9 [1971]
Briefing Papers-October 11 through October 17 [1971]
Briefing Papers-October 18 through October 23 [1971]
Briefs-October 25 through October 31 [1971]
Briefs-November 1 through November 6 [1971]
Briefs-November 8 through November 13 [1971]
Briefs for November 15 through November 21 [1971]
Briefs for November 22 through November 27* [1971]
Briefs-November 29 through Dec 2 [1971]
Briefs-December 7 through December 12 [1971]

Box 13

Briefing Papers-Our Copy Week 4: Dec. 15-22, 1971
Briefing Papers for the Week of December 19, 1971
Briefings for: Week of Dec. 23 & 28 [1971]
Dave Hoopes [Briefing Papers] January & February 1972
Dave Hoopes Briefing Papers February & March, 1972

Box 14

Dave Hoopes Briefing Papers April 6-March 31, 1972
Dave Hoopes April 1972
Dave Hoopes May 1972
June 1972
Dave Hoopes June 1972
July 1972

Box 15

August 1972
September 1972
October 1972
November 1972

Box 16

December 1972
January 1973
February 1973
March 1973 [1 of 2]

Box 17

March 1973 [2 of 2]
April 1973
David C. Hoopes May 1973 Briefing Papers

Box 18

June 1973
David C. Hoopes June 1973 Briefing Papers
David C. Hoopes July 1973 Briefing Papers
David C. Hoopes August 1973 Briefing Papers
Dave Hoopes September 1973 Briefing Papers

Box 19

Dave Hoopes October 1973 Briefing Papers
Dave Hoopes November 1973 Briefing Papers
David C. Hoopes December 1973 Briefing Papers
David C. Hoopes January 1974 Briefing Papers
February 1974 Briefing Papers

Box 20

David C. Hoopes March 1974 Briefing Papers
April 1974 Briefing Papers
David C. Hoopes May 1974 Briefing Papers
David C. Hoopes June 1974 Briefing Papers
Dave Hoopes July 1974 Briefing Papers
David C. Hoopes August 1974 Briefing Papers


Box 21

Briefing Papers-January 1974
Briefing Papers-February 13-28, 1974
Briefing Papers-March 1-15, 1974
Briefing Papers-March 16-31, 1974

Box 22

Briefing Papers-April 1-10, 1974
Briefing Papers-April 11-30, 1974
Briefing Papers-May 1-15, 1974
Briefing Papers-May 16-31, 1974
Briefing Papers-June, 1974
Briefing Papers-July, 1974
Briefing Papers-August, 1974



Box 23

Presidential Daily Diary January 1972
Presidential Daily Diary February 1972
Presidential Daily Diary March 1972
Presidential Daily Diary April 1972
The President's Daily Diary May 1972
President's Daily Diary June 1972

Box 24

Presidential Daily Diary July 1972
Presidential Daily Diary August 1972
Presidential Daily Diary September 1972
Presidential Daily Diary October 1972
Presidential Daily Diary November 1972
Presidential Daily Diary December 1972

Box 25

Presidential Daily Diary January 1973
Presidential Daily Diary February 1973
Presidential Daily Diary March 1973
Presidential Daily Diary April 1973
Presidential Daily Diary May 1973
Presidential Daily Diary June, 1973

Box 26

Presidential Daily Schedule July, 1973
President's Daily Diary August, 1973
President's Daily Diary September, 1973
President's Daily Diary October, 1973
Presidential Daily Diary November 1973
Presidential Daily Diary December 1973
Presidential Daily Diary January 1974
Presidential Daily Diary February 1974

Box 27

Presidential Daily Diary March 1974
Presidential Daily Diary April 1974
Presidential Daily Diary May 1974
Presidential Daily Diary June, 1974
Presidential Daily Diary July, 1974
Presidential Daily Diary August, 1974
Schedule Proposals January thru July, 1974


Box 28

[President's Daily Diary June 1, 1972-August 15, 1972]
[President's Daily Diary August 16, 1972-November 6, 1972]
[President's Daily Diary November 6, 1972-January 24, 1973]
[President's Daily Diary January 24, 1973-April 18, 1973]


Box 29

1974 Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (Executive Office of the President, Office of Management and Budget, Washington DC)
Submission of Recorded Presidential Conversations To the Committee on the Judiciary of the House of Representatives by President Richard Nixon (April 30, 1974)

Box 30

The Inaugural Book 1973: "The Spirit of '76" (1973 Inaugural Committee, 1973) [2 copies]
Compilation of Releases Dealing with Matters Frequently Arising under the Securities Act of 1933, February 1, 1970 (United States Securities and Exchange Commission)
Newsweek and Time Magazines, (selected) March 1973-July 1974 (11) [Withdrawn and returned]

Box 31

The Budget of the United States Government Fiscal Year 1975
The United States Budget in Brief Fiscal Year 1975
Special Analyses Budget of the United States Government Fiscal Year 1975
The Budget of the United States Fiscal Year 1975, Appendix
RA [Republican Associates] Book of Politics and Government (Republican Associates of Los Angeles County, 1971)
Continuing Education as a National Capital Investment, by Herbert E. Striner (W. E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research, March, 1972)
International Economic Report of the President, Transmitted to Congress March 1973
The United States in the Changing World Economy
Machinoexport [bound notebook from Soviet Union; unused]
Proposal for Automatic Language Processing (Language Research Center, Brigham Young University)
Alumni Directory 1962-1972 (Institute of Government Service, Brigham Young University) [Withdrawn and returned]