
Anne L. Armstrong (White House Central Files: Staff Member and Office Files)

Date Start
Date End

The Presidential historical materials of Anne L. Armstrong are in the custody of the National Archives and Records Administration under the provisions of Title I of the Presidential Recordings and Materials Preservation Act of 1974 (44 U.S.C. 2111 note), and implementing regulations. In accordance with the act and regulations, archivists reviewed the file group to identify private or personal as well as non-historical items. Such items, if found, have been withdrawn for return to the individual with primary proprietary or commemorative interest in them.

Materials covered by the act have been archivally processed and are described in this register. Items that are security classified or otherwise restricted under the act and regulations have been removed and placed in a closed file. A Document Withdrawal Record (NA Form 14021) marks the original position of the withdrawn items. Employees of the National Archives will review periodically the unclassified portions of closed materials for the purpose of opening those which no longer require restriction. Certain classified documents may be reviewed for declassification under authority of Executive Order 13526 in response to a Mandatory Review Request (NA Form 14020) submitted by the researcher.

  • Linear feet of materials:  31.2
  • Approximate number of pages:  60,000
Biographical Note

Anne Legendre Armstrong

December 27, 1927 Born, New Orleans, La.

1949 Graduated Vassar College

1950 Married Tobin Armstrong

1964-1984 Delegate, Republican National Convention

1968-1973 Member, Republican National Committee from Texas

1971-1973 Co-Chairman, Republican National Committee

1973-1974 Counsellor to President Richard Nixon, Counsellor to President Gerald Ford

1976-1977 United States Ambassador to Great Britain and Northern Ireland

1978- Board of Regents, Smithsonian Institution

1978- Board of Overseers, Hoover Institution

1979 Republican Woman of the Year Award

1980 Co-Chairman, Reagan-Bush Campaign

1981-1990 Chairman, President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board

1981 Texan of the Year Award

1985 Chairman, Blair House Restoration Fund

1986 Named to Texas Women's Hall of Fame

1987 Presidential Medal of Freedom Award

1987- Chairman, board of trustees for The Center for Strategic and International Studies

Scope and Content Note

The materials of Anne Armstrong, Counsellor to the President, reflect her responsibilities as the first head of the Office of Women's programs, and other domestic affairs activities, including minority affairs, youth, the Federal Property Council and the Bicentennial. The first woman Cabinet member since Oveta Culp Hobby, Secretary of the Department of Health, Education and Welfare in the Eisenhower Administration (1953-1955), Anne Armstrong was appointed on January 19, 1973, and stayed until December 1974 in the Ford Administration.

The first three files series, the Alphabetical File, Administrative File, and Subject File, reflect the activities of Anne Armstrong. The Alphabetical File contains correspondence of Anne Armstrong with Administration officials, Republican party members, and Texas and Louisiana political and personal acquaintances including Constance Armitage, Virginia Allan, Roger Ailes, Helen Deitrich Bentley, Arthur Burns, George Bush, Earl Butz, Julie Eisenhower, Barbara Franklin, the first women's recruiter in the White House and her successor, Nola Smith, Gerald and Betty Ford, Representative Martha Griffiths, Virginia Knauer, Gov. Ronald Reagan, Herbert Stein, and Senators John Stennis, John Tower and Strom Thurmond.

The Administrative File includes Anne Armstrong's correspondence with President Richard Nixon, Patrick Buchanan, Kenneth Cole, John Ehrlichman, Gen. Alexander Haig, Jerry Jones, Bruce Kehrli, David Parker and Ronald Ziegler. Among the subjects addressed in this file are the Administration's position on the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA), job appointments for women and Hispanics, beef prices, farm policies, and price controls.

The Subject File contains information concerning the organization, job appointments and local activities of the American Revolution Bicentennial Administration. The chronological file "Central Files-Nixon Papers-Miscellaneous Correspondence" documents a variety of activities in Anne Armstrong's office from late 1973-July 1974. There is also a large file of job applications and resumes and a collection of ERA endorsements from Presidents, Vice Presidents and senators.

The next five series primarily concern the work of Anne Armstrong's staff on women's issues. These include: the Staff Correspondence and Memoranda File; the Staff Miscellany File; the Jill Ruckelshaus, Patricia Lindh and Jean Spencer File; the Vera Hirschberg File and the Office of Women's Programs File. Jill Ruckelshaus, wife of former Environmental Protection Agency Director and Deputy Attorney General William Ruckelshaus, joined Anne Armstrong's office as a part-time Special Assistant from early 1973 to March 1974. A member of the National Women's Political Caucus, Jill Ruckelshaus was assisted by Vera Hirschberg, Director of the Office of Women's Programs, and served as an Administration liaison for women's issues. Her work was continued by Staff Assistants Dr. Jean Spencer, formerly of Vice President Agnew's office and Ruckelshaus' successor, Patricia Lindh, former Republican National Committeewoman from Louisiana. Patricia Lindh succeeded Anne Armstrong in December 1974 as Special Assistant to the President for Women. Vera Hirschberg's successor, Karen Keesling, also served in the Ford Administration.

The Staff Correspondence and Memoranda File contains a chronological file of correspondence from Anne Armstrong and her staff members Pamela Powell, David Wheat, Jill Ruckelshaus, Vera Hirschberg, Jean Spencer, Patricia Lindh, Karen Keesling, and Harriet Yedowski, executive secretary to Jill Ruckelshaus. Topics addressed in the chronological file include: the ERA, abortion, Phyllis Schafly, federal government programs for women, credit legislation and Watergate. The Staff Correspondence and Memoranda File also contains information about Anne Armstrong's and Jayne Spain's meetings with government agency heads concerning affirmative action programs for women; Anne Armstrong's meetings with the leaders of national, political, professional, religious and academic women's organizations; and the September 20, 1973 meeting of the Council of Economic Advisors Advisory Committee on the Economic Role of Women. Also found in this file are invitations, speeches, and travel arrangements of Jill Ruckelshaus.

The Staff Miscellany File materials may duplicate or supplement information in the Alphabetical File and the Staff Correspondence and Memoranda File mentioned above. Subjects include Administration and Federal government programs, ERA ratification, women's organizations, job appointments, invitations, the presentation of a Susan B. Anthony bust, sex discrimination, and Mrs. Pat Nixon's December 5, 1973 reception for a symposium on women by the Council of Economic Advisors and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. Correspondents include: Anne Armstrong, staff members Jill Ruckelshaus, Vera Hirschberg, Pamela Powell and Beth Gordon; Barbara Franklin; Frederick Malek; Virginia Allan, State Department; Bernice Sanders, Women's Equity Action League; Carmen Maymi, Civil Service Commission; and Republican National Committee Chairman George Bush.

The Jill Ruckelshaus, Patricia Lindh and Jean Spencer File contains information about Federal government affirmative action hiring programs, the Federal Women's Program, women Presidential appointees, the Commission on Civil Rights, International Women's Year, Hispanic Americans, domestic workers, women in the military and military academies, part-time employment, activities for Administration appointees' wives, sex discrimination, and Title IX of the Education Amendments Act of 1972, which mandated non-discriminatory education and faculty employment and promotion practices. Also of interest are chronological files of Inter/Inner Office Memos, 1971-1973, started by Barbara Franklin, and correspondence between Anne Armstrong and state legislators for and against the Equal Rights Amendment.

The Vera Hirschberg File provides information about Federal government affirmative action plans and visits to agency heads by Anne Armstrong and Jayne Spain. Other topics addressed include domestic workers, abortion, the Citizen's Advisory Committee on the Status of Women, Credit Legislation, Title IX, the House of Representatives Joint Economic Committee Hearing on the Economic Role of Women, maternity leaves, the minimum wage, the National Women's Party's Sewell-Belmont House, Social Security, women in military, women in the White House, women in military academies, and Anne Armstrong's meetings with leaders of women's organizations. A small amount of the correspondence of Vera Hirschberg's successor , Karen Keesling, is also found in the files.

The Office of Women's Programs File contains many of the same correspondents and subjects and serves as a supplement to the Jill Ruckelshaus, Jean Spencer and Patricia Lindh and Vera Hirschberg Files. The files include information about abortion, the Citizen's Advisory Committee on the Status of Women, Anne Armstrong's meetings and speeches, the role of Administration appointees' wives, the Bicentennial, child care, domestic workers, Barbara Franklin's correspondence, International Women's Year, Hispanic and women's mailing lists, the White House Fellows, women appointees, and the Council of Economic Advisors Advisory Committee on the Economic Role of Women and their joint efforts with the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development.

The Barbara Franklin Reference File contains materials from the office of Barbara Franklin, Staff Assistant for Executive Manpower, under Fred Malek of the White House personnel office. As the most visible women's representative in the Administration prior to Anne Armstrong's appointment, Barbara Franklin recruited top-level women in the Administration and Federal Government, monitored government affirmative action plans, served as a liaison with women's organizations and promoted 1972 campaign. Many of these materials have been duplicated throughout the Anne Armstrong files.

The Office File sub-series of the Barbara Franklin Reference File contains a one-year update on Administration accomplishments since Barbara Franklin's appointment in April 1971. The file includes a proposed statement on the ERA, annotated by President Richard Nixon, White House press releases Presidential statements, and reasons for and against the Administration support of the ERA.

The first Subject File sub-series of the Barbara Franklin Reference File contains material concerning Presidential meetings and swearing-in ceremonies with women appointees, congratulatory telegrams, schedule proposals for the President and First Family and fact sheets. The files of Judith Kaufman, Franklin's assistant, contain the correspondence of Franklin, Kaufman and Judith Cole, who was responsible for the White House Talent Bank of women job candidates. An "Issues" file includes Administration policies on domestic issues such as aging, crime and the economy, and comments by Wilma Scott Heide, President of the National Organization for Women and Rep. Bella Abzug. There are also files on prominent women and political figures. Files on "Women-Publicity and Public Relations" concern the 1972 campaign.

The second Subject File sub-series in the Barbara Franklin Reference File includes a large newsclipping file on women. There are also materials on Administration directives, speeches, and government agency affirmative action policies for women.

The Outside Women's Organizations File contains correspondence from United States and international women's professional, religious, political and academic organizations. The files were originally started by Barbara Franklin's office in 1971 and updated by Patricia Lindh in 1974. Notable correspondents, whose materials can be found throughout the Anne Armstrong files, include Bernice Sandler of the Association of American Colleges and the Women's Equity Action League, Jacqueline Gutwillig of the Citizen's Advisory Council on the Status of Women, Margaret Belcher of the National Association of Negro Business and Professional Women's Clubs, Osta Underwood of the National Federation of Business and Professional Women's Clubs, Wilma Scott Heide of the National Organization for Women, and Elizabeth Chittick of the National Women's Party. Also of interest is a letter from Pat Nixon (April 17, 1972) to Lorraine Beebe of the National Women's Political Caucus.

The Publications File includes printed materials, periodicals and statistical reports concerning women from state governments, the Senate, the Civil Service Commission, the Department of Health, Education and Welfare, the Women's Bureau of the Department of Labor, the President's Task Force on Women's Rights and Responsibilities, the Citizen's Advisory Council on the Status of Women, the Republican National Committee, the American Enterprise Institute, the American Political Science Association and other organizations.

The briefing books file of staff member Helena E. "Beth" Gordon, Correspondence and Research Coordinator, contains notebooks and folders for Anne Armstrong's meetings of trips. Correspondents include: Fred Slight, Kathie Berger, David Wheat, Vera Hirschberg, Jean Spencer, and Pamela Powell of Anne Armstrong's staff, John Shales, John Mollering, William Timmons, Roy Ash, Leonard Garment, Kenneth Cole, and Republican National Committee officials Peter Roussel and George Bush. Subjects include state and local politics and Bicentennial activities (including American Indian Bicentennial activities in Oklahoma and Oregon), the Legacy of Parks programs, the economy, election reform, foreign affairs, Watergate, and Hispanic, youth and women's programs.

Further information about Anne Armstrong can be found in the White House Central Files Staff Member and Office Files of her staff members Pamela Powell, Fred Slight, and David Wheat. Files related to women's job appointments include the White House Special Files, Staff Member and Office Files of Frederick Malek and the White House Central Files, Staff Member and Office Files of Barbara Franklin, Nola Smith and David Smyth. Also of interest are the White House Central Files, Staff Member and Office Files of Herbert Stein (Council of Economic Advisors' studies and programs on the economic status of women), Charles Clapp (Task Force on Women's Rights and Responsibilities), and Andre Buckels, Leonard Garment and Bradley Patterson (Bicentennial). The White House Central Files, Subject Files include FG 75 (American Revolution Bicentennial Administration), FG 90 (Commission on Civil Rights), FG 145 (Cabinet Committee on Opportunity for Spanish Speaking People), FG 147 (Interdepartmental Committee on the Status of Women), FG 221 (Task Force), and HU 2-5 (Human Rights-Women). The Gerald R. Ford Library contains the files of Anne Armstrong and the combined files of Patricia Lindh and Jeanne Holm, Special Assistants to the President for Women.

Series Description

Boxes:   1-4
Series:   Alphabetical File
Spans:   1972-1974
Description:   Correspondence, memoranda, notes, newsclippings, speeches, and resumes, concerning job appointments, invitations, the Republican National Committee, and Administration programs. Arranged alphabetically by the first letter of the correspondent's name, thereunder chronologically.

Boxes:   4-5
Series:   Administrative File
Spans:   1973-1974
Description:   Correspondence, memoranda, notes, newsclippings, and press releases concerning job appointments, the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA), price controls, federal property management, women, minority, and Hispanic programs, and the Bicentennial. Arranged alphabetically by subject.

Boxes:   5-10
Series:   Subject File
Spans:   1973-1974
Description:   Correspondence, memoranda, resumes, form letters, meeting notes, speeches, reports, newsclippings and press releases. Topics include the Bicentennial, the ERA, job appointments, price controls, federal property management, and women, minority and Hispanic programs. Arranged alphabetically by subject, thereunder chronologically.

Boxes:   11-16
Series:   Staff Correspondence and Memoranda File
Spans:   1973-1974
Description:   Correspondence, memoranda, notes, reports, statistics, resumes, speeches, mailing lists, travel forms and telephone messages. Among the subjects in this series are Anne Armstrong's meetings with agency heads and leaders of women's organizations, Jill Ruckelshaus' speeches, job appointments, women's programs, the ERA, credit legislation and Watergate. Arranged alphabetically by subject, thereunder chronologically.

Boxes:   16-17
Series:   Staff Miscellany File
Spans:   1971-1974
Description:   Correspondence, telegrams, newsclippings, printed materials and press releases concerning the ERA, women's organizations, programs and events, job appointments, sex discrimination, and Mrs. Pat Nixon's reception for a symposium on the economic status of women. Arranged chronologically.

Boxes:   18-23
Series:   Jill Ruckelshaus, Patricia Lindh and Jean Spencer File
Spans:   1971-1974
Description:   Correspondence, memoranda, notes, reports, newsclippings, press releases, press briefings, mailing lists, form letters and speeches, related to federal policies and congressional legislation on women's employment issues including military status, sex discrimination, credit and education. Arranged alphabetically by subject.

Boxes:   24-31
Series:   Vera Hirschberg File
Spans:   1971-1974
Description:   Correspondence, memoranda, notes, newsclippings, reports, and publications, concerning federal policies and congressional legislation on women's issues, including Anne Armstrong's affirmative action meetings with federal agency heads, the Citizen's Advisory Council on the Status of Women, and Title IX of the Educational Amendments Act. Arranged alphabetically by subject.

Boxes:   32-38
Series:   Office of Women's Programs Files
Spans:   1971-1974
Description:   Correspondence, memoranda, notes, speeches, reports, congressional testimony, lists, newsclippings, publications and press briefings concerning federal policies and congressional legislation on women's issues, notably the ERA, child care, credit, domestic workers and International Women's Year. Arranged alphabetically by subject.

Boxes:   39
Series:   Barbara Franklin Reference File: Office Files
Spans:   1971-1972
Description:   Carbon copies of correspondence, memoranda, reports, speeches, and lists, telegrams and schedule proposals relating to the Administration's ERA position, Presidential statements, meetings with various women's organizations, and a first year progress report (April 1972) on Administration accomplishments for women. Arranged alphabetically by subject.

Boxes:   40-48
Series:   Barbara Franklin Reference File: Subject Files
Spans:   1971-1972
Description:   Carbon copies and originals of correspondence and memoranda, fact sheets, press releases, policy statements, periodicals, and magazines, concerning women's issues, contacts with government officials and personnel, media, public figures and organization leaders, and domestic issues during the 1972 campaign. Several folders concerning Presidential meetings and schedules are followed by four files series: the office files of Franklin's assistant, Judith Moore Kaufman, Issues, Publications, and Miscellaneous VIP's. Arranged alphabetically by subject, thereunder chronologically.

Boxes:   49-57
Series:   Barbara Franklin Reference File: Subject Files
Spans:   1970-1972
Description:   Newsclippings, correspondence, memoranda, briefing materials, reports, and press releases, concerning women's issues, affirmative action programs, legislation and Presidential directives. Three boxes of newsclippings and memoranda are followed by three files series: VIP-General Material, Presidential Orders & Acts, and U.S. Government Departments. Arranged thereunder alphabetically by subject.

Boxes:   58-67
Series:   Outside Women's Organizations File
Spans:   1971-1974
Description:   Correspondence, memoranda, periodicals, newsclippings, and press releases concerning American and international women's academic, professional and religious organizations. Arranged alphabetically by subject.

Boxes:   68-70
Series:   Publications File
Spans:   1970-1974
Description:   Pamphlets, reports, books, magazines, periodicals, Senate hearings, speeches, books and membership directories from government and private sources on the status of women, women's employment, flexible hours, ethnic women and sports education. Arranged alphabetically by title or author, thereunder chronologically.

Boxes:   71-75
Series:   Beth Gordon Briefing Books File
Spans:   1973-1974
Description:   Correspondence, memoranda, notes, schedules, invitations, programs, Bicentennial applications, maps, newsclippings and printed material used for Anne Armstrong's meetings and trips. Topics include state and local politics, the Bicentennial, the economy, the 1974 federal budget, the Federal Property Council and the Legacy of Parks programs, Watergate, and women's, Hispanic, and Youth programs.

Folder Title List

Series I: Alphabetical File

Box 1

(ALA) Am. Nat. Cattle Raisers [American National Cattlemen’s Association]
Ramona Banuelos
(ALA) Budget Cuts Correspondence [Bexar County, Texas School Districts]
Dole Reception - 2/5/72
(ALA) ERA Action Plan

Box 2

(ALA) H [1 of 2]
(ALA) H [2 of 2]
(ALA) Inez Kaiser
Herbert G. Klein

Box 3

Legacy of Parks [Federal Property Council]
(ALA) M [1 of 2]
(ALA) M [2 of 2]
Republican Governors
Republican National Committee

Box 4

(ALA) S [1 of 2]
(ALA) S [2 of 2]
(ALA) W- V
(ALA) White House Fellows Commission on White House Fellows
(ALA) X - Y - Z

Series II: Administrative File

President Nixon File
[Speaker Requests]
(ALA) Speaker Requests - Regret
(ALA) Speaker Requests - Current
(ALA) Buchanan Reading File
(ALA) Cole Reading File
[Ehrlichman Reading File]
Al Haig
(ALA) Jerry Jones Reading File
(ALA) Kehrli Reading File
David Parker
(ALA) Ziegler Reading File

Box 5

(ALA) Dept. of Agriculture
(ALA) Cost of Living Council
(ALA) Equal Rights Amendment
(ALA) Spanish-Speaking
(ALA) Spanish-Speaking Memo to RN

Series III: Subject File

Bob Miller [Bicentennial]
Bicentennial - File Sept. 21, 73 [Feb. - Oct. 1973]
Laird, Melvin [Domestic Council Bicentennial Committee] [Aug. - Oct. 1973]
Bicentennial File [First Domestic Council Bicentennial Committee Meeting, Sept. 21, 1973] [Sept. - Dec. 1973]
Bicentennial [Legislation, David Packard Appointment] [Oct. - Nov. 1973]
Bicentennial - [Personnel] [Dec. 1972-Nov. 1973]
Bicentennial - Personnel [Aug. - Dec. 1973]

Box 6

Bicentennial - Personnel [Jan. - Feb. 1974]
For Information [Bicentennial programs, reports, activities, speeches] [Sept. 1973 - Feb.1974] [1 of 2]
For Information [Bicentennial programs, reports, activities, speeches] [Sept. 1973 - Feb. 1974] [2 of 2]
Bicentennial [Programs, memoranda, speeches, news articles] [Sept. 1973 - Feb. 1974] [1 of 2]
Bicentennial [Programs, memoranda, speeches, news articles] [Sept. 1973 - Feb. 1974] [2 of 2]
Bicentennial File [Speech Material, programs, news articles] [Mar. 1973 - Feb. 1974]

Box 7

Central Files - Nixon Papers – Miscellaneous Correspondence [and Staff Memos] [1 of 4] [June - July 1973] [Women’s Programs]
Central Files - Nixon Papers – Miscellaneous Correspondence [and Staff Memos] [2 of 4] [Jan. - May 1974]
Central Files - Nixon Papers – Miscellaneous Correspondence [and Staff Memos] [3 of 4] [June - July 1974]
Central Files - Nixon Papers – Miscellaneous Correspondence [and Staff Memos] [4 of 4] [Aug. 1974]
Commission on Critical Choices for Americans [Rockefeller Commission] [Fugitive File #13]
Commission on Federal Election Reform [CFOA 1293]
Equal Rights Amendment [1 of 3]
Equal Rights Amendment [2 of 3]
Equal Rights Amendment [3 of 3]
[ERA] Letter to Legislators
[ERA] Lists
[ERA] Memo to GOP Officials
[ERA] News Releases - ALA
[ERA] Operation Ratification
[ERA] Status Reports

Box 8

Meetings, ALA Staff
Anne Armstrong - Miscellaneous [Includes equal credit opportunity legislation]
National Hispanic Heritage Neek (Background) [Fugitive File #18]
Outstanding Women
[Personnel] A - B- C [A] [1 of 3] [CFOA 1293]
[Personnel] A - B- C [B] [2 of 3] [CFOA 1293]
[Personnel] A - B- C [C] [3 of 3] [CFOA 1293]
[Personnel] D - E- F [D] [1 of 3] [CFOA 1293]
[Personnel] D - E- F [E] [2 of 3] [CFOA 1293]
[Personnel] D - E- F [F] [3 of 3] [CFOA 1293]
[Personnel] G - H - I - J - K [G] [1 of 3] [CFOA 1293]
[Personnel] G - H - I - J - K [H] [2 of 3] [CFOA 1293]
[Personnel] G - H - I - J - K [I-J-K] [3 of 3] [CFOA 1293]

Box 9

[Personnel] L - M [L] [1 of 2] [CFOA 1293]
[Personnel] L – M [M] [2 of 2] [CFOA 1293]
[Personnel] N - O - P - Q [N] [1 of 3] [CFOA 1293]
[Personnel] N - O - P - Q [O] [2 of 3] [CFOA 1293]
[Personnel] N - O - P - Q [P-Q] [3 of 3] [CFOA 1293]
[Personnel] R - S [R] [1 of 2] [CFOA 1293]
[Personnel] R - S [S] [2 of 2] [CFOA 1293]

Box 10

[Personnel] T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z [T-U-V] [1 of 3] [CFOA 1293]
[Personnel] T - U - V - W - X - Y – Z [W] [2 of 3] [CFOA 1293]
[Personnel] T - U - V - W - X - Y – Z [X-Y-Z] [3 of 3] [CFOA 1293]
[Personnel] Dead Material - Patronage [1 of 2]
[Personnel] Dead Material - Patronage [2 of 2]
[Senator Hugh] Scott Letter - Endorsements [of Presidents Kennedy, Johnson and Nixon, Vice Presidents Humphrey and Agnew and others re: ERA]
Nola [Smith] [re: Personnel]
Spanish - Speaking Americans
[Speech - "The Economic Role of Women" by Anne Armstrong (draft), 4/17/73] [Fugitive File #29]
[Speech - Re: Bicentennial, by Anne Armstrong (draft), 3/4/74] [Fugitive File #29]
[Herbert] Stein Report [re: The Economic Role of Women]
White House Summer Interns – Women - Cabinet - Agency Meetings

Series IV: Staff Correspondence and Memoranda File

Box 11

[Chron File - February-May 1973]
[Chron File - June 1973]
[Chron File - July 1973]
[Chron File - August 1973]
[Chron File - September 1973]
[Chron File - October 1973]
[Chron File - November 1973]
[Chron File - December 1973]

Box 12

[Chron File - January 1974]
[Chron File - February 1974]
[Chron File - March 1974]
[Chron File - April 1974]
[Chron File - May 1974]
[Chron File - June 1974]
[Chron File - July 1-15, 1974]
[Chron File - July 16-31, 1974]
[Chron File - August 1-24, 1974]

Box 13

[Affirmative Action Visit to GSA Administrator Arthur Sampson]
[Kit for Administrator Sampson]
[Affirmative Action Visit to Secretary James Schlesinger]
[Kit for Secretary Schlesinger]
[Affirmative Action - Statement by U.S. Department of Agriculture Women’s Task Force]
[Anne Armstrong, Letter re: Women’s Issues, 6/19/73] [1 of 2]
[Anne Armstrong, Letter re: Women's Issues, 6/19/73] [2 of 2]
Form Letters
Interviews [Personnel]
Invitations - Pending
Invitations - Regret
August 8 [1973] Meeting
August 8 [1973] Meeting - Letters of Acceptance/Decline
Replies to Meeting of August 8 [1973] and Invitation to Sept. 20, 1973 Symposium
Responses to August 8 [1973] Meeting

Box 14

20 September [1973] Meeting - Advisory Comm[ittee] on Econ[omic] Role of Women (Vera [Hirschberg] has main file)
January 15 [1974] Meeting of Women Appointees
[Notebook: 1974 Congressional Elections]
[Jill] Ruckelshaus Biography - Ruckelshaus
[Jill Ruckelshaus - Indiana University]
J[ill] R[uckelshaus] Personal
(Jill Ruckelshaus) Speaking Engagements - Completed [1 of 3]
(Jill Ruckelshaus) Speaking Engagements - Completed [2 of 3]
(Jill Ruckelshaus) Speaking Engagements - Completed [3 of 3]

Box 15

[Jill Ruckelshaus speech, Mount Vernon College, September 13, 1972]
[Jill Ruckleshaus speech] WOW [Wider Opportunities for Women] - Six Cities Project - 2:30-4 - Tuesday, July 16 [1973]
[Jill Ruckelshaus speech] Washington Press Club - Thursday, August 2 [1973] - 11:45 am
Jill [Ruckelshaus speech] - August 10 - [1973] - New York - EPA's [Environmental Protection Agency's] Women's Career Day
Jill R's Speeches
[Speech Notes]
Congratulatory Telegrams
Telephone Messages & Requests [1 of 5] [June-September 1973]
Telephone Messages & Requests [2 of 5] [October -November 1973]
Telephone Messages & Requests [3 of 5] [December 1973]
Telephone Messages & Requests [4 of 5] [January 1974]
Telephone Messages & Requests [5 of 5] [February - April 1974]

Box 16

Travel - Jill Ruckelshaus & Vera [Hirschberg]
Women's Mailing List

Series V: Staff Miscellany File

[March - April 1973]
[May 1973]
[June 1973]
[July 1973]
[August 1973]
[September 1973]
[October - November 1973]
[December 1973]

Box 17

[January - March 1974]
[April 1974]
[May 1974]
[June 1974]
[July 1974]
[August 1974]
[Undated and miscelleous documents, 1971-1974]

Series VI: Jill Ruckelshaus, Patricia Lindh and Jean Spencer File

Box 18

Affirmative Action Plans - Women in Gov[ernmen]t Positions
Appointments - Resumes [and Lists of Women Appointees]
Association of American Colleges… Project on Education and Status of Women… Bernice Sandler, Director
Briefing Papers - Women & My Office
B.P.W. [Business and Professional Women’s Clubs]
Jack Buttram [Office policies, Administration policies re: ERA]
Capitol Hill Employment Situation
Center for Women Policy Studies - Credit
Challenge [National Federation of Republican Women] (Special Report) [re: Watergate]
Child Care - Day Cares? [Questions]
Citizen's Advisory Council on the Status of Women ["Need for Studies of Sex Discrimination in Public Schools," June 1972]
[Citizen's] Advisory Council [on the Status of Women] - H.E.W. (Department of Health, Education and Welfare] - F.W. P. [Federal Women's program]
Citizen’s Advisory Move
Civil Service Commission

Box 19

Clippings on Women
Commission on Civil Rights
Conf[erence] Memo & Prospectus [Civil Service Commission, United Nations International Women's Year 1975]
Conference on Women (Ruth Mondschein) [Civil Service Commission]
Credit Legislation
Credit Legislation [Memoranda]
Day Care - Children's Books, etc. [Child Support]
December 5 [1973] Reception - O.E.C.D. [Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development] Reception [by Mrs. Nixon]
Demonstration Project - Mrs. [Nettie] Ottenberg [Department of Health, Education and Welfare medical program for District of Columbia children]
Department of Labor - Women's Bureau
Discrim[ination] at Harvard
Edmunds, Dr. Helen Gray
EPA [Environmental Protection Agency]
EEOC [Equal Employment Opportunity Commission]

Box 20

ERA [Equal Rights Amendment]
ERA [Equal Rights Amendment] [File sent by Anne Armstrong's office]
Alabama - ERA
ERA - Anti
[ERA] Georgia
ERA Handouts
[ERA] Illinois
Indiana - ERA
1974 - ERA - Maine
ERA - Ratification [Correspondence]
South Carolina ERA - Keller Bumgartner
Fact Sheet - Day Care
Fact Sheets & Miscellaneous Statements (ERA)
Fact Sheets - Women in the Federal Government
Fair Labor Standards Act… ([Thomas] Canafax File)
Family Planning

Box 21

Federal Government and Women - Dr. [Irene] Murphy's Letter, F[ederal] W[omen's] Program Directors
Fielding Memo on Executive Branch Involvement in ERA Ratification
Form Letters
Form Letters – Controversial Issues
GOP State Chairmen and National Committee people
Ruth Bates Harris
Health Care
Hispanic Americans
Inter/Inner Office Memos [1972] [Barbara Franklin, Judy Kaufman] [1 of 3]
Inter/Inner Office Memos [1973] [2 of 3]
Inter/Inner Office Memos [1973] [3 of 3]
Inter-American Commission of Women
International Women's Year
International Women's Year 1975
IWY [International Women's Year] - Ruth Bacon
Interstate Association on the Status of Women - Joy Simonson, President - Meeting Friday, June, 15th [1973] Philadelphia, Pa.
[Johnson Foundation, "Women's Higher Education: Some Unanswered Questions," March 1972]

Box 22

Marni [Kleindienst]'s Administration Women Idea
Margaret Lawrence
Legacy of Parks
Legislative Memo - Sex Discrimination Analysis
Letters to Mrs. Nixon [Anti-ERA]
List of Women Appointees
Mailing List - Press
Mailing List - Women's Organizations
[Mailing Lists]
Major Political Columnists
Media - Interview - Notes
Meetings - Sept. 20 [1973] OECD [Of Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development and Council of Economic Advisors/President's Advisory Committee on the Economic Role of Women]
Meetings with Anne Armstrong - Department Heads
Meetings with Anne Armstrong - Leaders of Women's Groups
Military Academies and Women in the Armed Services
Minimum Wage
National Association of Counties - Dallas – July 24 [1973]
National Conf[erence] - Data & Resources
New Federalism - [David] Broder's Series
9/73 New Speech Material - IACSW [Interstate Association of Commissions on the Status of Women]
News Reports [Press Releases, April 1973]
OECD [Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development]

Box 23

Part-Time Employment
Pennsylvania Commission on the Status of Women
Pension Reform
Pam [Powell]'s Cabinet Wives Volunteer Program
Press Briefings [1 of 2]
Press Briefings [2 of 2]
Press on ERA
Press Women Possibilities
Printed Material - Phase IV at a Glance (IRS) [Internal Revenue Service]
Proposed Meeting with Outside Women's Groups
Rape - Abortion
Schedule Proposals [Jill Ruckelshaus]
Sex Discrimination - Answering Complaints
Sex Discrimination - General
Sex Discrimination - Public Schools - Education
Social Security Questions

Box 24

Speech Material - Pat [Lindh]
Speeches by Others [1972-73]
Speeches by Others [1973]
Speeches by Others on ERA, etc., Women
Dr. Jean Spencer
Gloria Steinem
Suggested Meeting with Mrs. [Margaret] Frick [re: Formation of Republican Women's Club]
Supreme Court Decisions
Symposiums, Conferences, Sessions - Advancement of Women and Hearings [Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development and President's Advisory Committee on the Economic Role of Women meeting, Sept. 20, 1973]
Talent Bank
Talking Points on the Economy
Task Force on Women, City of Indianapolis, Mayor Richard Lugar
Dr. Emily Taylor
Nick Timmesch Column by July 20th [1973]

Box 25

Title IX [Education Amendments Act of 1972]
[United Nations - Commission on the Status of Women - International Women’s Year - 1975]
Volunteerism - Homemakers
White House Fellows
Women Candidates - Senate, House and State Wide
Women in Government
Women in Management - Private Sector
Women in the Armed Forces
Women Matters
Women Presidential Appointees, Career, Non-Career, etc. Women in Staff Ass[istant] & Above Positions in White House Offices
WEAL [Women's Equity Action League]
Women's Organizations Mailing List

Series VII: Vera Hirschberg File

Box 26

[Action Plans for Attracting More Qualified Women to Government Positions] [1 of 3]
[Action Plans for Attracting More Qualified Women to Government Positions] [2 of 3]
[Action Plans for Attracting More Qualified Women to Government Positions] [3 of 3]
Administration - Legislative Proposals re: Women
Affirmative Action
Affirmative Action Visits [1 of 3]
Affirmative Action Visits [2 of 3]
Affirmative Action Visits [3 of 3]

Box 27

AHEA [American Home Economics Association] and WB [Department of Labor, Women's Bureau] - Private Household Workers [1 of 2]
AHEA [American Home Economics Association] and WB [Department of Labor, Women's Bureau] - Private Household Workers [2 of 2]
Appointees and Fact Sheet
Bicentennial - Women
[Briefing Book, Issues of Concern to Women, May 1972]
Capitol Hill Women
Challenge - NFRW [National Federation of Republican Women]
Child Care
CACSW [Citizen's Advisory Committee on the Status of Women]/DOL [Department of Labor] [1 of 2]
CACSW [Citizen's Advisory Committee on the Status of Women)/DOL [Department of Labor] [2 of 2]

Box 28

Complaints - Hold for Reports
Credit Legislation - [1 of 2]
Credit Legislation - [2 of 2]
Data Collection
Education - Title IX & Educ[ation] Amend[ment]s [Act] for 1972 [1 of 4]
Education - Title IX & Educ[ation] Amend[ment]s [Act] for 1972 [2 of 4]
Education - Title IX & Educ[ation] Amend[ment]s [Act] for 1972 [3 of 4]
Education - Title IX & Educ[ation] Amend[ment]s [Act] for 1972 [4 of 4]
Equal Rights Amendment

Box 29

Executive Women in Government
Federal Laws
First Monday [June 1974]
Frontiero vs. Richardson
International Women's Year
J[oint] Economic Committee Statements [Hearings on Economic Problems of Women]
JC's [Junior Chamber of Commerce] OEO [Office of Economic Opportunity] proposed grant
[Karen] Keesling - Correspondence & Memos
Maternity Leave
Min[imum] Wage for Household Workers
NASA [National Aeronautics and Space Administration] [Ruth Bates Harris]
National Health Insurance
Panama Canal Zone & Tropical Differential
Part-Time Employment

Box 30

Personnel - Office of Women's Programs
President's Statements re: Women
Public Health Services Regulations
Rep[ublican Women's] Clubs – Mrs. [Margaret] Frick's (Agriculture) Proposal for Cabinet Wives
Resumes for Secretarial Position
Resumes - Top [Women] in Government
Sewall - Belmont House [National Women’s Party]
SBA [Small Business Administration]
Social Security
Social Service Regulations
Tax Reform
U[nited] N[ations] - World Pop[ulation] Y[ea]r - 1974
U[nited] S[tates] Commission on Civil Rights Welfare
White House and Civil Rights

Box 31

White House Conference - Women in [the] Federal Government [1 of 2]
White House Conference - Women in [the] Federal Government [2 of 2]
White House Fellows
White House - Women
Women & Military Academies
Women Candidates
Women in the Federal Government
Women See Women - Photographers
Women's Educational Equity Act
Women's Org[anizations] Meetings w[ith] A[nne] A[rmstrong]
Women's Org[anizations] Meeting with Mrs. Armstrong

Series VIII: Office of Women's Program’s File

Box 32

Administration - Legislative Proposals re: Women's R[igh]ts
[Advisory Committee on the Economic Role of Women] [Fugitive File #29]
Administration Wives - Department of Agriculture
Anti - ERA Stuff
A[nne] A[rmstrong]'s Speeches
[Anne Armstrong's Speeches]
[Roy Ash memorandum re: Growth of Social Programs]

Box 33

[Helen Delich Bentley, Speech Before the National Women's Political Caucus Convention, Feb.9, 1973]
[Helen Delich Bentley, Speech before the National Federation of Republican Women, Feb. 10, 1973]
[Biographies and Resumes]
[Child Care]
[Civil Rights]
Civil Rights Act - Title VIII - OMB [Office of Management and Budget] Fed[eral] C[ivil] R[ights] Activities - Major Federal Laws & Regulations on Sex Discrimination
Common Cause - ERA Reports - NWPC [National Women's Political Caucus] ERA Report
Credit Testimony [1 of 3]
Credit Testimony [2 of 3]
Credit Testimony [3 of 3]

Box 34

Data Collection (by Race & by Sex)
Day Care - Children’s Trust Fund - Jule Sugarman
[Day Care Fact Sheet]
Econ[omic] Adv[isory] Comm[ittee] [Advisory Committee on the Economic Role of Women] [1 of 3]
Econ[omic] Adv[isory] Comm[ittee] [Advisory Committee on the Economic Role of Women] [2 of 3]
Econ[omic] Adv[isory] Comm[ittee] [Advisory Committee on the Economic Role of Women] [3 of 3]
[Equal Rights Amendment]
ERA Endorsements
ERA - Fed[eral] Gov[ernment] & ERA – Redbook Article on ERA
ERA Information
ERA Info[rmation] from Catherine East – Jill [Ruckelshaus]

Box 35

ERA Ratification Council
[ERA - State Referendums]
Fall 1973 - ERA
[Barbara Franklin Correspondence, Memoranda - 1972]
[Barbara Franklin Correspondence re: Judge Cynthia Hall, United States Tax Court - 1974]
[Barbara Franklin - Report on Appearances by Women Appointees – 1972]
[Barbara Franklin Speeches - 1972]
B[arbara] Franklin Suggestions
Health Industry Adv[isory] Comm[ittee] - Lack of [Women]
[Inter-American Commission for Women - Organization of American States]
[International Women's Year]
[International Women's Year - Ruth Bacon]
[Patricia Lindh]
[List of Spanish Press in America]
[Meeting with Women Appointees, Aug. 8, 1973]
[Meeting with Women Appointees, Jan. 15, 1974]

Box 36

Minimum Wage - Cover for Domestics
NASA [National Aeronautics and Space Administration] - Ruth Bates Harris
National Council of Women - "Woman of Conscience" Award
National Journal
[Newsclippings, fact sheets, press releases re: President Nixon, Administration, Republican Party platform (1972), women, Barbara Franklin]
[Office of Economic Opportunity]
OEO [Office of Economic Opportunity] JC [Junior Chamber of Commerce] Grant

Box 37

[Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development] [1 of 2]
[Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development] [2 of 2]
Planned Parenthood - Family Planning
Press - Minority
Private Household Workers - AHEA [American Home Economics Association] & WB [Department of Labor, Women's Bureau] [1 of 2]
Private Household Workers - AHEA [American Home Economics Association] & WB [Department of Labor, Women's Bureau] [2 of 2]
Republican Platform
Revenue Sharing
September 26th [1973] Press Conference

Box 38

Small Business Admin[istration]
[Jayne Spain]
[Sphere, the Betty Crocker Magazine]
[Herbert] Stein article - Advisory Committee [on the Economic Status of Women]
Swearing-in Ceremonies [Dr. Gloria Toote Speech to the National Urban League, July 25, 1973]
UN [United Nations] Meeting re: Women
[Barbara Watson]
[White House Fellows]
White House Fellows (Lawyers)
W[hite] H[ouse] Office of Women's Programs - Talking Points
[Women Appointees]
[Women Appointees] April 21 [1971] Anniversary
[Women Appointees] Listing copies (material released to Press) 4/28/72) [Empty]
[Women Appointees] Master Listing (material released to Press) 4/28/72)
[Women Appointees] Listing copies (material released to Press) 4/28/72) [Empty]
[Women Appointees - Statistics]
Women in the W[hite] H[ouse]
[Women's Airforce Service Pilots (WASPs)]
[Women’s Equality Day]
[Women's Organizations Mailing List]
Yedlowski, Harriet W.

Series IX: Barbara Franklin Reference File: Office File

Box 39

Corr[espondence] '72 [Oct. 1971 - Nov. 1972] [Feb. 1973]
Equal Rights Amendment
ERA [Equal Rights Amendment]
[Equal Rights Amendment]
1st Year Progress Report - April 28, 1972 (Anne Armstrong)
1st Year Progress Report - April 28, 1972 (Jill Ruckelshaus)
[Barbara] Franklin - [April 28] '72 Press Conf.
[Barbara] Franklin - Memos
Franklin, Barbara - Speeches [President's Meetings]
Press Conf[erence] Listing - [Barbara] Franklin

Series X: Barbara Franklin Reference File: Subject File

Box 40

Presidential Meeting Brief
Presidential Messages (Eliska Hasek) [1 of 2]
Presidential Messages (Eliska Hasek) [2 of 2]
[Presidential] Schedule Proposals (BHF)
[Presidential] Schedule Proposals - Dick Howard JMK/Presented Sept. 6, 1972
[Presidential] Signature Requests
Barbara Hackman Franklin - Telegrams - 1972
Women's Issue BHF: January, 1972
Judith Moore Kaufman [divider]
JMK - News Briefing Media Plan
JMK - Progress Reports; Communications Report, April 1972; PR Plan - February, 1972

Box 41

Judy [Kaufman] - Copies of Memorandums [Jan. - July 1972] [1 of 2]
Judy [Kaufman] - Copies of Memorandums [July – Nov. 1972] [2 of 2]
Judy Kaufman - Correspondence [Jan. - July 1972] [1 of 2]
Judy Kaufman - Correspondence [Aug. - Nov. 1972] [2 of 2]
Issues [divider]
Issues Index
Lester Barrer Issue [1 of 2]
Lester Barrer Issue [2 of 2]
Bella Abzug Issue
Aging Plan

Box 42

Domestic Issues
New Economic Program
Economic Freeze
Foreign Issues
Freedom of Information Act
Girl Scouts
[Hatch Act]
[Wilma Scott] Heid[e] Letter [National Organization for Women]
Supreme Court [1 of 2]
Supreme Court [2 of 2]

Box 43

[Supreme Court] [1 of 2]
[Supreme Court] [2 of 2]
Vietnam [Empty]
Welfare Reform - Domestic Issue
Publications [divider]
Monday - First
"Bureaucrat" [Ellen Wormser]
Sally Goodyear Chicago Tribune
Delta Queen [Paddle Wheel Steamboat, Cincinnati, Ohio]
Digest Univ[ersity] of Missouri, St. Louis, Mo.
[Ethnic Talent Bank, Republican National Committee]
Family Weekly
HRW Publication (Newsletter) (Human Rights for Women) [Inc]
"The History of Revenue Sharing" The Domestic Council Publication - 1971

Box 44

Finance Magazine
Good Housekeeping
Ladies' Home Journal (Lenore Hershey) [Women in the Economy Symposium, Sept. 21, 1972] [1 of 2]
Ladies' Home Journal (Lenore Hershey) [Women in the Economy Symposium, Sept. 21, 1972] [2 of 2]
Ms. Magazine
National Business Woman [National Federation of Business and Professional Women's Clubs]
National Journal
National Press Club
Opposition Publicity [1971-] 1972
The Progressive Woman
Reader's Digest (Jane Smith, D.C.)

Box 45

The Spokeswoman
Sun Sentinel
Time Magazine
Urban Read-Out
U.S. News and World Report
Wall Street Journal
Women in Action [Federal Women's Program]
Women - Publicity & Public Relations - 1971
Women - Publicity & Public Relations - 1972 [1 of 2]
Women - Publicity & Public Relations - 1972 [2 of 2]

Box 46

Women - Publicity & Public Relations - 1972 [1 of 3]
Women - Publicity & Public Relations - 1972 [2 of 3]
Women - Publicity & Public Relations - 1972 [3 of 3]
Women's Action Program (HEW) [U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare]
Women Today
World Today

Box 47

Miscellaneous VIP's [divider]
Media People Minority Press Lists [Empty]
Media Markets
San Francisco Media
TV Specials on Women "The Hand that Rocks the Ballot Box," 7/10/72
Advertising, Paid in Recruitment
Cosmetic Program - Virginia Knauer
Virginia Allan
Shana Alexander
Anne Armstrong
[Ramona] Banuelos - Speaking requests
Marilyn Bender - New York Times Correspondent
Brothers, Dr. Joyce
Nadine Brozman (New York Times)
Causey, Mike
Shirley Chisholm
Charlotte Curtis - New York Times
Nancy Dickerson
Mary Earhart Dillon
Adele Goss
Jacqueline Gutwilling
Tina Hobson
John F. Kennedy Memorandum to Executive Heads and Agencies July 23, 1962
Bobbie Greene Ki1berg
Mary Lepper
Marianne Means (PR Press)
Pat Meid

Box 48

Mary Ellen Miller
Patsy Mink (Mrs.)
Betty Murphy
Muskie, Ed [Women's Appointments Statistics; Dr. Irene Murphy's report]
Norton, Eleanor Holmes [Empty]
[Susanne] Ocobock, WAF Lt.
Orr, [Edgar] K.
Ellen Pattin (NOW) [National Organization for women]
Martha Roundtree
Paula Rowley
Suzanne St. Pierre CBS
Phyllis Schafly [Empty]
Ann Webster Smith
Steinem [Gloria] [Empty]
Taylor, Hobart
Underwood, Osta (BPW) [National Association of Business and Professional Women's Clubs]
Lee Walker

Series XI: Barbara Franklin Reference File: Subject File

Box 49

[Equal Rights Amendment]
ERA [Equal Rights Amendment] [Staff Memos, Statements, Publications, Clippings]
Equal Rights Amendment and the Draft
[Federal Women's Program]
[Women] [1 of 2]
[Women] [2 of 2]

Box 50

Women - Abortion
Women - Academic
Women - in Advertising
Women - Birth Control
Women - Black
Women - Board of Directors
Women - as Chemical Engineers
Women - and Credit Status
Women - Day Care Centers
Women - Democratic

Box 51

Women - Discrimination
Women - Divorce
Women - Education
Women - General
Women - Government
Women - Jobs
Women - Law
Women - Liberation Material
Women - Maternity Leave and Benefits
Women - Media
Women - Minorities
Women - Movement Groups

Box 52

Women - Newsletters
Women - Phase II (their role in)
Women - Political
Women - Polls [1 of 3]
Women - Polls [2 of 3]
Women - Polls [3 of 3]
Women - Position Papers
Women on Presidential Boards & Commissions
Women's Progress
Women - Publications of Interest To
Women - Religion
Women - Statistics in Gov[ernmen]t Jobs
Women - Social Security for Housewives (Sally Payton Memo)
Women - Voting Statistics
Women - Workers

Box 53

VIP - General Material [divider]
ERA Mailing - March 20, 1972
Briefing Book, Julie [Eisenhower], St. Louis [Empty]
Speaker's Kit on Women [1 of 2]
Speaker's Kit on Women [2 of 2]
Fact Sheet- Mailing 2/15/72
General Material
[Action Plans Mid-Level]
Kennedy Center
DNC [Democratic National Committee] Figures on Women
Opposition (Polls)
Policy Directives
Key States
Women in Public Service Brochure Jan Dymond/RNC/August, 1972
Speakers' Schedules [1 of 3]
Speakers' Schedules [2 of 3]
Speakers' Schedules [3 of 3]

Box 54

Presidential Orders & Acts [divider]
Administration Summary
[Campaign '72]
Committee for the Re-Election of the President
Women - '72 Campaign Lists
Campaign Communications Reform Act
Democratic National Committee
President's Annual Report "Richard Nixon's Third Year"
The President's Committee on Employment of the Handicapped
Presidential Appointees Publicity
Presidential Assistants Press Releases
Presidential Directives - April 21, 1971
RN - Girl's Nation Address, August 6, 1971
Girl's Nation - V. P. Agnew's Address - July 28, 1972
President's Remarks - Women's Groups
President's Task Force on Women's Rights and Responsibilities
RN Quotes
Presidential Scholars

Box 55

Presidential Trip/Moscow/R. China [Empty]
State of the Union - Jan. 29, 1972
Child Care S. 3617 - June 21, 1972 [inside divider]
Statement by the Vice President [ERA]
Republican National Committee
Women Placements April - December 1971
White House Fellows
White House Press Releases Fact Sheets [Samples]
U.S. Government Departments [divider]
Civil Service Commission
Commission on Civil Rights
Commerce Department
Department of Defense
Environmental Protection Agency

Box 56

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)
Export - Import Bank
FBI [Federal Bureau of Investigation]
General Services Administration
Health, Education & Welfare (HEW) [1 of 2]
HEW - Women's Division [inside folder]
Health, Education & Welfare (HEW) [2 of 2]
HEW [inside folder]
Department of Interior (National Park Service)
Internal Revenue Service
U.S. Department of Labor (Publications) [Women] [1 of 2]
U.S. Department of Labor (Publications) [Women] [2 of 2]

Box 57

Dep[artmen]t of Labor - Guidelines
United States Secret Service
Occupational Health & Safety Standards
Office of Economic Opportunity (OEO)
Office of Minority Business Enterprise
Peace Corps
State Department (State, USIA [United States Information Agency], AID [Agency for International Development])
United States Information Agency (USIA)
August 8, 1969 - Equal Opportunity Executive Order 11478 (amended 11375, amended 11246)
Maternity Benefits
[George] McGovern
Mid Level Women [Following Folders Enclosed:]
Dixon, Jeane T.
Herwig, Barbara Lynn
Joan Kocher
Mid Level Women Tish Avery Project June 15, 1972
Pamela Chelgren
[Madge Crouch]
Dillon, Dorothy
Mid Level Women Found for Tish Avery
Military Action Plans - Navy and WAC August 8-9, 1972
The Foster Grandparent Program Part of ACTION

Series XII: Outside Women's Organizations File

Box 58

[Advocates for Women]
[Air Line Stewards and Stewardesses Association]
[Alpha Sigma Alpha]
[Altrusa International]
[American Advertising Federation1
[American Association for Higher Education]
[American Association of Industrial Nurses]
[American Association of Retired Persons]
[American Association of State Colleges and Universities]
[American Association of University Women]
[American Council of Railroad Women]
[American Dental Hygienists' Association]
[American Dietic Association]
[American Federation of Teachers]
[American Home Economics Association]
[American Hospital Association]
[American Jewish Congress]
[American Management Association, Inc.]
[American Medical Women's Association]
[American Newspaper Women's Club]
[American Nurses Association]
[American Society for Public Administration]
[American Women in Radio and Television, Inc]
[American Women's Society of Certified Public Accountants]

Box 59

[Association of American Colleges] [1 of 2]
[Association of American Colleges] [2 of 2]
[Association of American Foreign Service Women]
[Association of American Women Dentists]
[The Association of Junior Leagues, Inc]
[Association of Women in Science]
[B'nai B'rith Women]
[The Bureaucrat, Fall 1972, "Women in Government"]
[Chamber of Commerce of the United States]
[Church Women United]
[Citizen's Advisory Council on the Status of Women] [1 of 3]
[Citizen's Advisory Council on the Status of Women] [2 of 3]
[Citizen's Advisory Council on the Status of Women] [3 of 3]
[Citizens for a New Prosperity]
[Clearinghouse on Women's Issues]

Box 60

[Committee for the Future, Inc.]
[Common Cause]
[Communications Workers of America]
[Congress for Career Women Leaders, Oct. 13-15, 1971]
[Daughters of the American Revolution]
[Delaware Council for Women]
[District of Columbia Commission on the Status of Women]
[District of Columbia State Federation of Women's Clubs]
[Equal Rights Amendment Ratification Council]
[The Executive Woman]
[Federal Women's Program]
[Federally Employed Women] [1 of 2]
[Federally Employed Women] [2 of 2]
[Federation of Organizations for Professional Women]
[Federation of Women's Republican Clubs]
[Folks Management, Inc.]

Box 61

[General Federation of Women's Clubs]
[Girl Scouts]
[Girl's Nation]
[Human Rights for Women, Inc.]
[Intercollegiate Association of Women Students]
[International Association of Personnel Women]
[International Association of Women Ministers]
[Interstate Association of Commissions on the Status of Women] [1 of 2]
[Interstate Association of Commissions on the Status of Women] [2 of 2]
[League of Academic Women]
[League of Women Voters]
[The Links, Inc.]
[Manhattan Women's Conference]
[Maryland Association of Women Highway Safety Leaders, Inc.]
[National Association for Physical Education of College Women]
[National Association for Women Deans, Administrators and Counselors]

Box 62

[National Association of Bank Women, Inc.]
[National Association of Educational Secretaries]
[National Association of Insurance Women] [International]
[National Association of Negro Business and Professional Women's Clubs]
[National Association of Women in Construction]
[National Association of Women Lawyers]
[National Bar Association]
[National Conference of Catholic Women]
[National Congress of Parents and Teachers]
[National Council of Administrative Women in Education]
[National Council of Jewish Women]
[National Council of Women in the United States, Inc.]
[National Education Association]

Box 63

[National Federation of Business and Professional Women's Clubs] [1 of 4]
[National Federation of Business and Professional Women's Clubs] [2 of 4]
[National Federation of Business and Professional Women's Clubs] [3 of 4]
[National Federation of Business and Professional Women's Clubs] [4 of 4]
[National Federation of Republican Women]

Box 64

[National Home Fashions League, Inc.]
[National League for Nursing, Inc.]
[National League for American Pen Women, Inc.]
[National Organization for Women] [1 of 2]
[National Organization for Women] [2 of 2]
[National Secretaries Association]
[National Woman's Party]

Box 65

[National Women's Political Caucus] [1 of 4]
[National Women's Political Caucus] [2 of 4]
[National Women's Political Caucus] [3 of 4]
[National Women's Political Caucus] [4 of 4]
[New Jersey State Commission on Women]
[The New Republic, Inc.]
[The Ninety-Nines, Inc. – International Organization of Women Pilots]
[Pennsylvania Commission on the Status of Women]
[Pilot International]
[Press Conference, Oct. 29, 1971 - Women's groups protest about Administration job appointments]
[Quota International, Inc.]
[Radcliffe College, Cambridge, Massachusetts]

Box 66

[Sigma Delta Epsilon, Graduate Women in Science]
[Society of Women Engineers]
[Soroptomist Federation of the Americas]
[Sperry and Hutchinson Company]
[The Spokeswoman]
[Stanford University, Stanford, California]
[Theta Sigma Phi, Matrix, The Magazine for Women in Journalism and Communications]
[U.S. Commission on Civil Rights]
[U.S. Department of Defense - DACOWITS (Defense Advisory Committee on Women in the Services)] [1 of 2]
[U.S. Department of Defense - DACOWITS (Defense Advisory Committee on Women in the Services)] [2 of 2]
[U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare]
[Urban Research Corporation]
[Washington Opportunities for Women]

Box 67

[WAVES (U.S. Navy)]
[Woman, Inc.]
[Women in Community Service, Inc.]
[Women Leaders Round Table]
[Women Today]
[Women United]
[Women's Action Alliance]
[Women's Army Corps Veterans Association]
[Women's Coalition for a Third Century]
[Women's Campaign Fund]
[Women's Equity Action League]
[The Women’s History Research Center, Berkeley, California]
[The Women's National Republican Club]
[Young Women's Christian Association]
[Zero Population Growth]
[Zonta International]

Series XIII: Publications File

Box 68

"A Matter of Simple Justice, The Report of the President's Task Force on Women's Rights and Responsibilities," April 1970, 5 c.
American Education, U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare, May 1974
American Education, U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare, July 1974
American Enterprise Institute's Distinguished Lecture Series [Bicentennial speeches by Martin Diamond, Paul Kauper, Irving Kristol, Robert A. Nisbet, G. Warren Nutter and Vermont Royster, 6 pamphlets]
The Bureaucrat, Fall 1972, 3 c. "Careers for Women in the 70's, “Women's Bureau, U.S. Department of Labor, 1973
"Economic Developments and Policies, A Report of the Council of Economic Advisors," May 28, 1974, 3 c.

Box 69

Ethyl Digest, 1974 [Bicentennial Edition] 2 c
“The Federal Women’s Program, A Point of View," U.S. Civil Service Commission, August 1972
"Federal Women’s Program Speakers List,” U.S. Civil Service Commission, 1973
First Monday, Republican National Committee, July 1974
National Association of Women Lawyers, 1972
Membership Directory
PS, American Political Science, Association, Fall 1973
"Status of Women in Vermont,” State of Vermont, Governor's Commission on the Status of Women, July 1971
"Status of Women in Vermont," State of Vermont, Governor's Commission on the Status of Women, December 1972
“Ten Reasons: Why the Equal Rights Amendment Should Be Ratified", Republican National Committee, 42 cards
U.S. Civil Service Commission, "Study of Employment of Women in the Federal Government,” 1971
U.S. Civil Service Commission, "Federal Civilian Employment, Women, 1972 Study"
U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, "Teachers and Students, Differences in Teacher Interaction with Mexican American and Anglo Students, Report V: Mexican American Study," March 1973
U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare, Federal Women's Program ["A Survey of Restructured Jobs;" "Studies in Discrimination", #1, 2,3,4,4 supplement, 5, 6, 7 re: job series; "Ethnic Women employed by HEW,” February 1973-January 1974]
U.S. Senate, Committee on Post Office and Civil Service, Hearing on S. 2022, Flexible Hours Employment, 1973

Box 70

"What Constitutes Equality for Women in Sport?" Project of the Status and Education of Women, Association of American Colleges, n.d.
"Women Newly Entitled to Retired-Worker Benefits," Report No. 9, U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare, April 1973
"Women in 1970," Citizen's Advisory Council on the Status of Women, March 1971
"Women in 1971," Citizen's Advisory Council on the Status on Women, January 1972, 5 c.
"Women in 1972," Citizen's Advisory Council on the Status of Women, May 1973, 3 c.
Women in Action, The Federal Women's Program, U.S. Civil Service Commission, June 1971-Fall 1972 [5 issues]
Women's Organizations & Leaders, 1973 Directory

Series XIV: Beth Gordon Briefing Books File

Box 71

[Counselor Armstrong Briefing Book, 1973-74] [1 of 2]
[Counselor Armstrong Briefing Book, 1973-74] [2 of 2]
70 Spanish Speaking [March 1973-March 1974]
99 Election Reform [April 1973-March 1974]
Atlanta, Georgia July 19, 1973
Indianapolis, Indiana July 31, 1973
Seattle [Washington]/Portland [Oregon] Trip Sept. 6-7, 1973
Dallas-Fort Worth [Texas] Regional Airport Dedication - September 22, 1973 Briefing Book for Anne Armstrong, Counselor to the President

Box 72

Memphis [Tennessee] Trip - Oct. 16. 1973
Oakbrook, Ill. - Nov. 2, 1973
Wisconsin Chamber of Commerce Milwaukee - Nov. 8, 1973
Honolulu, Hawaii - Nov. 15, 1973
San Antonio, Texas 12/20/73
Rabbi [Baruch] Korff File [December 1973-April 1974] [Newsclippings]
[Political Brief Material - 1974]
Judy [Harbaugh] - Political Briefs For Information Spring 1974
The Bicentennial: Public Affairs Proposals [January 3, 1974]
[Briefing Book for American Revolution Bicentennial Administration, Jan. 9, 1974]
Los Angeles [California] - Jan. 21, 1974

Box 73

[Austin/Dallas [Texas] - Jan. 23-25, '74
[Budget Briefing Book, FY '75, Feb. 4, 1974 N. Augusta, [Charleston], S.C. [Augusta, Ga.] Feb. 8, 1974
Manhattan, Kansas - Feb. 12 '74
Pittsburgh, Pa. - Feb. 14, 1974
Detroit Briefing Book 2/26/74
Corpus Christi [Texas] Briefing Book [March 13, 1974]
[Federal property and Project Independence Draft March 21, 1974]
Mrs. A[rmstrong] [Federal Property Council Meeting, April 3, 1974]
Federal Property Council Meeting, 3 p.m., Wednesday, April 3, 1974 The Roosevelt Room
New York City - Apr. 22, 1974

Box 74

Cleveland, Ohio - May 10, 1974
Clarendon, Texas - May 11, 1974
National Restaurant Association, Chicago, Ill. 5/l7/7
Houston [Texas] Briefing Book [May 24, 1974]
Seattle [Washington] - June 2 & 3, 1974
Los Angeles [Ca.] - June 4, 1974
Legacy of Parks Transfers - June 7, 1974

Box 75

Columbus, Ga. Briefing Book [June 17, 1974]
Rochester, Minnesota Briefing Book [June 23, 1974]
Rochester, N.Y. Briefing Book [June 27, 1974]
Bicentennial & Indian Information, Chickasha, Oklahoma - July 13, 1974 [1 of 2]
Bicentennial & Indian Information, Chickasha, Oklahoma - July 13, 1974 [2 of 2]
[Chickasha, Oklahoma. Briefing Book, July 13-15, 1974]
[Federal Property Council Meeting, July 16, 1974 re: Proposed Greenbelt Recreation Area, Beltsville, Md.]
[Dallas, Texas July 18-21, 1974]
