Exit interviews with key White House and Executive Office of the President Agency Staff conducted by the Office of Presidential Papers and Archives (OPPA) between 1971 and 1974.
Adams, Joseph J.
Adams, Penelope A.
Ainsworth, W. Eugene
Allin, Lyndon K. (Mort)
Andrews, John K., Jr.
Atkins, Oliver (Ollie)
Ball, Neal
Balsdon, Kathleen W.
Bayer, Nathan J.
BeLieu, Kenneth E.
Blecksmith, Edward L.
Bradbeer, Bonnie
Bulow, Katherine M.
Burch, Dean
Buzhardt, J. Fred
Calhoun, John C.
Campbell, Rodney C.
Carlson, John G.
Carlucci, Frank C.
Clarke, John E.
Clawson, James
Clawson, Kenneth W.
Clower, W. Dewey
Codus, William R.
Cole, Kenneth R.
Colson, Charles W.
Deane, John R.
Fox, Sanford L.
Gannon, Frank R.
Gordon, Joanne L.
Gosden, Craig
Hanzlik, Rayburn D.
Hasek, Eliska A.
Hendriks, Warren K.
Henkel, Jr., William
Herschenshon, S. Bruce
Hirschberg, Vera
Hullin, Tod R.
Johnson, Wallace H.
Jones, Doris J.
Karalekas, S. Steven
Karem, Fred G.
Kaufman, Judith M.
Kaupinen, Allan G.
Keesling, Karen
Keller, Vicki L.
Kiely, Sandra
Kingsley, Daniel T.
Kingwell, Donna
Kinsey, Roy E., Jr.
Klein, Herbert G.
Krogh, Egil M. (Bud)
Lewis, Robert J.
Lezar, Harold J.
Lincoln, George A.
Loen, Vernon C.
Marumoto, William H.
Marusi, Margo V.
McDermott, Robert
Mead, Dana G.
Morgan, Ann M.
Morgan, Edward L.
Nunn, Lee A.
Parker, David N.
Patterson, Jr., Bradley H.
Price, Raymond K.
Shepard, Geoffrey C.
Snyder, Alvin
Stein, Benjamin J.
Strachan, Gordon
Stuart, Constance C.
Walker, Ronald H.
Warren, Gerald L.
Whitaker, John C.