
December 9, 2010 Materials Release


On December 9, 2010 the Nixon Library opened additional materials from the Nixon Presidential Materials. Below are descriptions of 96 documents that represent the variety of subjects and wealth of historical information included in this new release.

The documents are from file segments for the White House Special Files, Staff Member & Office Files; White House Central Files, Staff  Member & Office Files;  and the National Security Council Files  series, including the Henry A. Kissinger Telephone Conversation Transcripts (Telcons).

  • Please visit or contact the Nixon Library in Yorba Linda, California to research all of the documents.

The following abbreviations are used below to identify original collections of the scanned documents:

  • HAK:   Henry A. Kissinger
  • NSC:   National Security Council
  • SMOF:   Staff Member & Office Files
  • WHCF:   White House Central Files
  • WHSF:   White House Special Files


Mandatory and Systematic Review Documents

The U.S. government and political action in Chile
An NSC staff member apparently collected some of these documents, including 40 Committee  memoranda, to report in 1971 on why “the United States did not take more vigorous political action measures to prevent the election of the  Marxist candidate, Salvador Allende, as President of Chile.” Also included are special channel messages between the White House and US ambassador Edward M. Korry after the September 1970 election. There is also a memorandum from Treasury Secretary John Connally pressing for action in 1972.

  1. Ambassador Korry to Henry A. Kissinger Re: Chile, November, 1970, folder [01] Chile Wrap-up and Post Mortem; Box 128; HAK Office Files, Country Files, Latin America
  2. Ambassador Korry to Henry A. Kissinger Re: Chile, November, 1970, folder [01] Chile Wrap-up and Post Mortem; Box 128; HAK Office Files, Country Files, Latin America
  3. Ambassador Korry to Ambassador Crimmins Re: Chile, June 22, 1970, folder [01] Chile Wrap-up and Post Mortem; Box 128; HAK Office Files, Country Files, Latin America
  4. John Hugh Crimmins to Ambassador Korry Re: Chile, June 20, 1970, folder [01] Chile Wrap-up and Post Mortem; Box 128; HAK Office Files, Country Files, Latin America
  5. Ambassador Korry to Director [Richard] Helms Re: Chile, June 18, 1970, folder [01] Chile Wrap-up and Post Mortem; Box 128; HAK Office Files, Country Files, Latin America
  6. Memorandum for The 40 Committee Re: Political Action Related to 1970 Chilean Presidential Election, June 22, 1970, folder [01] Chile Wrap-up and Post Mortem; Box 128; HAK Office Files, Country Files, Latin America
  7. Memorandum for The 40 Committee Re: Political Action Related to 1970 Chilean Presidential Election, March 5, 1970, folder [01] Chile Wrap-up and Post Mortem; Box 128; HAK Office Files, Country Files, Latin America
  8. Frank Chapin to Dr. [Henry] Kissinger Re: Agenda Items for the 40 Committee Meeting, 25 March 1970, March 23, 1970, folder [01] Chile Wrap-up and Post Mortem; Box 128; HAK Office Files, Country Files, Latin America
  9. Memorandum for The 303 Committee Re: Final Report: March 1969 Chilean Congressional Election, March 14, 1969, folder [01] Chile Wrap-up and Post Mortem; Box 128; HAK Office Files, Country Files, Latin America
  10. Memorandum for The 303 Committee Re: The Chilean Congressional Election, April 3, 1969, folder [01] Chile Wrap-up and Post Mortem; Box 128; HAK Office Files, Country Files, Latin America
  11. Special Review Group Meeting, Wednesday, August 19, 1970, folder [01] Chile Wrap-up and Post Mortem; Box 128; HAK Office Files, Country Files, Latin America
  12. Memorandum for the Record Re: Minutes of the Meeting of the 40 Committee, 7 August 1970, August 10, 1970, folder [01] Chile Wrap-up and Post Mortem; Box 128; HAK Office Files, Country Files, Latin America
  13. Memorandum for the Record Re: Minutes of the Meeting of the 40 Committee, 25 March 1970, March 30, 1970, folder [01] Chile Wrap-up and Post Mortem; Box 128; HAK Office Files, Country Files, Latin America
  14. Memorandum for the Record Re: Minutes of the Meeting of the 303 Committee, 15 April 1969, April 17, 1969, folder [01] Chile Wrap-up and Post Mortem; Box 128; HAK Office Files, Country Files, Latin America
  15. Background of 40 Committee Deliberations on the Chilean Presidential Elections, n.d., folder [01] Chile Wrap-up and Post Mortem; Box 128; HAK Office Files, Country Files, Latin America
  16. Report, Why Did the U.S. Government Not Take More Vigorous Political Action Measures to Prevent the Election of the Marxist Candidate, Salvador Allende, as President of Chile?, March 4, 1971, folder [01] Chile Wrap-up and Post Mortem; Box 128; HAK Office Files, Country Files, Latin America
  17. Viron P. Vaky to Dr. [Henry] Kissinger Re: Prospects for the Chilean Presidential Elections, June 22, 1970, folder [01] Chile Wrap-up and Post Mortem; Box 128; HAK Office Files, Country Files, Latin America
  18. John Connally to the President, January 15, 1972, folder [January 1972]; Box 16; WHSF: SMOF: President's Office Files

President Nixon and the use of Intelligence
In these two documents, the President outlines his thoughts on how his intelligence needs and priorities for the intelligence community. In one, he discusses his personal assessment of China.

  1. Memorandum for File Re: President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board Meeting with the President, June 4, 1971, June 5, 1971, folder [07] Intelligence Reorganization - Volume I, 1971-1972; Box 332; NSC Files
  2. Memorandum for the Record Re: [President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory] Board Meeting with the President, October 24, 1969, October 24, 1969, folder [01] Haig Chron: October 16-31, 1969 [1 of 2]; Box 959; NSC Files, Haig Chronological Files
  3. Al Haig to Henry Kissinger Re: Your Luncheon with the FIAB at 1:00 p.m., Thursday, June 4, 1970, June 4, 1970, folder [06] Haig Chron: June 1-10, 1970 [1 of 2]; Box 967; NSC Files, Haig Chronological Files

The United States, the United Kingdom and the use of Nuclear Weapons in the Cold War
This document discusses a US understanding to confer with the UK government before using nuclear weapons anywhere in the world.

  1. Telegram from Secretary of State to American Embassy, London Re: Nuclear Consultation with the British, December 15, 1970, folder [01] Consultation Regarding Use of Nuclear Weapons; Box 63; HAK Office Files, Country Files, Europe

The Vietnam War 1968-1973
This group includes the Joint Chief of Staff’s June 1968 assessment of North Vietnam’s ability to survive a war of attrition, the Department of Defense’s March 1969 contribution (including discussion of a nuclear option) to a presidential request for options to escalate pressure on North Vietnam, materials on a CIA operation to send a message to Hanoi in April 1970 in support of the defense of  Phnom Penh, an August  1970 French suggestion that the US consider bombing the dikes around Haiphong, materials on the President’s May 1972 decisions, a Kissinger cable on his negotiations with President Nguyen Van Thieu in October 1972, US intelligence report on a February 1973 Viet Cong order to release 491 US and South Vietnamese prisoners of war held near Da Nang.

  1. Intelligence Information Cable Re: Plans of the VC Duy Xuyen District Committee..., February 13, 1973, folder [07] Vietnam (POW) - Volume VI [3 of 3]; Box 112; NSC Files, Vietnam Subject Files
  2. Richard Helms to Henry A. Kissinger Re: Conveying the Word to Hanoi, April 21, 1970, folder [02] Diplomatic Planning Book for Cambodia April 1970 Operation; Box 88; NSC Files, Vietnam Subject Files
  3. Henry A. Kissinger to the President Re: Conveying Word to Hanoi of US Threat to Sanctuary Areas, April 22, 1970, folder [02] Diplomatic Planning Book for Cambodia April 1970 Operation; Box 88; NSC Files, Vietnam Subject Files
  4. Al Haig to Henry A. Kissinger Re: Memorandum from Secretary Laird Enclosing Preliminary Draft of Potential Military Actions re Vietnam, March 2, 1969, folder [19] 8-F Reappraisal of Vietnam Commitment - Volume I; Box 64; NSC Files, Vietnam Subject Files
  5. Earle G. Wheeler to the Director of Central Intelligence Re: North Vietnam's Ability to Withstand Manpower Attrition (U), folder [03] 2-C General Military Activity - Volume II; Box 63; NSC Files, Vietnam Subject Files
  6. Henry A. Kissinger to the President Re: Actions on Cambodia, ca. June 1970, folder [04] Haig Chron: May 23-July 3, 1970 [1 of 2]; Box 967; NSC Files, Haig Chronological Files
  7. Henry A. Kissinger to General Haig Re: Vietnam, October 22, 1972, folder [NCS - Top Secret]; Box 180; WHSF: SMOF: H.R. Haldeman
  8. The President to Henry Kissinger Re: tribes in Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam, August 6, 1971, WHSF: SMOF: President's Office Files
  9. The President to Al Haig Re: Vietnam, May 20, 1972, folder Memos - May 1972; Box 4; WHSF: SMOF: President's Office Files
  10. RMW [Rose Mary Woods] to Mr. President Re: Haiphong dikes, August 11, 1970, folder [Buchanan, Wiley]; Box 6; WHSF: SMOF: President's Personal Files
  11. Richard Helms to the President Re: Vietnam, January 26, 1973, folder [Helms, Richard]; Box 9; WHSF: SMOF: President's Personal Files

Eliot Richardson, Henry Kissinger and Daniel Ellsberg, 1969

  1. Elliot L. Richardson to Henry A. Kissinger Re: Working Group under NSDM 23, September 19, 1969, folder HAK/Richardson Meetings, May-Dec 1969; Box 337; NSC Files

Richard Helms and the Middle East, 1973
On the eve of his departure from the CIA to become the US ambassador to Iran, Richard Helms was asked to write an analysis of the Middle East.

  1. Richard Helms to the President Re: Middle East, February 22, 1973, folder [February 16-28, 1973]; Box 20; WHSF: SMOF: President's Office Files

U.S. Policy to Rhodesia and South Africa, 1969
This is a record of a December 1969 NSC meeting on how to manage relations with the white-minority regimes in Rhodesia and South Africa. Also included is the CIA briefing on the situation in those countries.

  1. Minutes of the NSC Meeting on Southern Africa, December 17, 1969, folder NSC Meeting 12/17/69 Southern Africa (NSSM 39) [1 of 3]; Box H-025; NSC Files: Institutional Files
  2. Briefing by Richard Helms for the National Security Council Re: Southern African, December 17, 1969, folder NSSM 39 3 of 3 [3 of 4]; Box H-145; NSC Files: Institutional Files

President Nixon and the role of Jewish-Americans in U.S. policy toward Israel
This formerly classified excerpt from H. R. “Bob” Haldeman’s notes from a meeting with the President in July 1971 outlines a presidential directive to Alexander Haig excluding Jewish Americans from making US policy toward Israel

  1. Haldeman Notes, July 10, 1971, folder [H-Notes July-Sept 1971 Part I]; Box 44; WHSF: SMOF: H. R. Haldeman

Fatah and the Black September Organization
The US tells the government of the United Arab Emirates in March 1973 that it believes Fatah is linked to the Black September Organization, which had just killed two US diplomats in Khartoum, Sudan.

  1. Telegram from American Embassy, Beirut to Secretary of State Re: Call on UAE President Shaykh Zayid, March 26, 1973, folder [02] Lebanon - Volume III; Box 621; NSC Files, Country Files, Middle East

President Nixon, the Plumbers and domestic political action
  These records from the files of White House aides John Ehrlichman and H. R. “Bob” Haldeman  further document President Nixon’s interest in collecting materials from the CIA proving John F. Kennedy‘s policy errors regarding Cuba in 1961-62 and his complicity in the murder of South Vietnamese President Ngo Dinh Diem in 1963.  

  1. John Ehrlichman to the President Re: Meeting with Director Richard Helms, CIA, October 7, 1971, folder [JDE Notes - Meetings with the President, 8/3/71 - 12/31/71 [3 of 5]; Box 12; WHSF: SMOF: John D. Ehrlichman
  2. Memorandum for the Record Re: CIA Set-Up, n.d., folder [Central Intelligence Agency Organziational Setup]; Box 16; WHSF: SMOF: John D. Ehrlichman
  3. Attachment 2, Ky Reports, n.d., folder [South Vietnam 1963-1964] [2 of 3]; Box 26; WHSF: SMOF: John D. Ehrlichman
  4. Non-Violent Alternatives, n.d., folder [South Vietnam, 1963-64] [1 of 3]; Box 26; WHSF: SMOF: John D. Ehrlichman

Nixon, Kissinger and the “death” of Mao

  1. Telcon between Henry Kissinger and the President, September 21, 1971, 11:00 pm, folder [06] Home: May 1971 - November 1971; Box 29; HAK Telephone Conversation Transcripts

The U.S. and the Castro Regime

  1. The President to Henry Kissinger Re: Cuban guerillas, April 21, 1970, folder [Haldeman Memos from the President 1970]; Box 138; WHSF: SMOF: H. R. Haldeman
  2. Brent Scowcroft to Henry A. Kissinger Re: Support from Brazil on Cuban Sanctions, March 9, 1973, folder [07] Medici File [1973]; Box 128; HAK Office Files, Country Files, Latin America

Domestic intelligence surveillance, concerns about political extremism, and the Huston Plan, 1970

  1. Richard Helms to Henry Kissinger Re: Restless Youth (June 1970), June 25, 1970, folder [Brown Follow-up 2 of 4]; Box 70; WHSF: SMOF: H. R. Haldeman
  2. Talking Paper - Secretary Rogers, September 22, 1970, folder [Talking Points - 1972 HRH]; Box 153; WHSF: SMOF: H. R. Haldeman
  3. Tom Charles Huston to the President Re: Black Radicalism in the Caribbean, July 7, 1970, folder [President's Handwriting July 1970]; Box 6; WHSF: SMOF: President's Office Files

U.S. Policy toward Syria, 1972

  1. Telegram from American Embassy, Beirut to Secretary of State Re: Syria: Conversation with Prime Minister, June 14, 1972, folder [02] Lebanon - Volume III; Box 621; NSC Files, Country Files, Middle East

President Nixon, the New York Times and Press Relations

  1. The President to Henry Kissinger Re: leaks, folder [P Memos 1972 Folder 2]; Box 230; WHSF: SMOF: H. R. Haldeman

The Bombing Halt Study

  1. Charles E. Bohlen to the Secretary Re: Bombing Question in Vietnamese Situation, July 12, 1968, folder [TCH/HAK Project]; Box 114; WHSF: SMOF: H. R. Haldeman
  2. H. R. Haldeman to John Ehrlichman Re: Documents on 1968 Bombing Halt Decision, October 21, 1971, folder [H.R. Haldeman - Chron - Oct 1971, A-L]; Box 197; WHSF: SMOF: H. R. Haldeman

U.S. and the Kurds

  1. The Situation in Kurdistan, May 7, 1974, folder [02] Kurdish Problem - Volume II; Box 138; HAK Office Files, Country Files, Middle East
  2. W. E. Colby to Henry A. Kissinger Re: Transmittal of Kurdish Democratic Party Autonomy Plan for the Kurdish Area of Iraq, April 16, 1974, folder [02] Kurdish Problem - Volume II; Box 138; HAK Office Files, Country Files, Middle East
  3. Henry A. Kissinger to Ambassador Helms Re: Kurdish request for assistance, n.d., folder [02] Kurdish Problem - Volume II; Box 138; HAK Office Files, Country Files, Middle East
  4. General Scowcroft to Ambassador Helms Re: Kurdish assistance, n.d., folder [02] Kurdish Problem - Volume II; Box 138; HAK Office Files, Country Files, Middle East

Franco-American defense discussions, 1973

  1. Memorandum of Conversation between Robert Galley, Jean Blancard, Dr. Henry A. Kissinger, James Schlesinger, General Vernon Walters, General Brent Scowcroft, Mr. Helmut Sonnenfeldt, and Miss Kathleen A. Ryan, July 27, 1973, folder [03] French Exchanges [2 of 2]; Box 56; Henry A. Kissinger Office Files, Country Files, Europe
  2. Memorandum of Conversation between Robert Galley, Jean Blancard, Henry A. Kissinger, Dr. John S. Foster, Jr., Helmut Sonnenfeldt, General Vernon Walters, General Brent Scowcroft, and Peter W. Rodman, August 31, 1973, folder [03] French Exchanges [2 of 2]; Box 56; HAK Office Files, Country Files, Europe

The Berlin Question and Ostpolitik

  1. Four-Power Talks on Berlin: Status Report, July 10, 1970, folder [01] Germany (Berlin) - Volume II [1 of 3]; Box 690; NSC Files, Country Files, Europe
  2. Richard Helms to Henry A. Kissinger Re: Egon Bahr message for Kissinger, March 26, 1970, folder [04] Berlin - Bahr/Rush Back-up; Box 60; HAK Office Files, Country Files, Europe
  3. Helmut Sonnenfeldt to Mr. [Henry] Kissinger Re: Berlin Negotiations: The Issue of Soviet Presence in West Berlin, March 18, 1971, folder [02] Berlin - Volume 1 [1 of 2]; Box 58; HAK Office Files, Country Files, Europe
  4. Message for Chancellor Brandt from the President, October 31, 1970, folder [02] Berlin - Volume 1 [2 of 2]; Box 58; HAK Office Files, Country Files, Europe
  5. Helmut Sonnenfeldt to Mr. [Henry] Kissinger Re: Chancellor Brandt's Letter to the President; Urgent Need for a Policy Review on Berlin and Ostpolitik; NSSM, December 18, 1970, folder [02] Berlin - Volume 1 [2 of 2]; Box 58; HAK Office Files, Country Files, Europe
  6. Helmut Sonnenfeldt to Mr. [Henry] Kissinger Re: The Malaise in German-US Relations and the Ehmke Visit, December 19, 1970, folder [02] Berlin - Volume 1 [2 of 2]; Box 58; HAK Office Files, Country Files, Europe

Ernest R. May, Henry A. Kissinger and NSC Research

  1. Ernest R. May to Henry A. Kissinger Re: National Security Council, December 6, 1968, folder [01] Lindsay Task Force; Box 2; HAK Office Files, Administrative and Staff Files

Intelligence and Soviet SAMs in Egypt

  1. Telegram from American Embassy, Tel Aviv to Secretary of State Re: New SA-3 Missile Sites, September 11, 1970, folder [02] Israel - Volume VI; Box 108; NSC Files, Country Files, Middle East

“East of Suez,” the UK and the Persian Gulf in 1970

  1. Helmut Sonnenfeldt to Mr. [Henry] Kissinger Re: Your Luncheon with John Freeman, July 15, 1970, folder [01] United Kingdom - Volume III [1 of 4]; Box 727; NSC Files, Country Files, Europe

Soviet Sabotage Plans in the United Kingdom

  1. Telegram from American Embassy, London to Secretary of State Re: Soviet sabotage plans, September 27, 1971, folder [01] United Kingdom - Volume VII [3 of 4]; Box 729; NSC Files, Country Files, Europe

The Japanese Textile Issue

  1. David M. Kennedy to the President Re: Japanese textile issue, May 11, 1971, folder [Beginning May 9, 1971]; Box 85; WHSF: SMOF: President's Office Files

President Nixon and President Pak of the Republic of Korea

  1. Memorandum of Conversation between President Richard Nixon, President Pak of the Republic of Korea, Mr. Sang Ho Cho (Korean Interpreter), and Mr. Victor Lee (U.S. interpreter), August 21, 1969, WHSF: SMOF: President's Office Files

Bryce N. Harlow Documents

White House Central Files: Staff Member & Office Files

The Nixon Administration and African Americans

  1. Lamar Alexander to Bryce Harlow, Report: Blacks, June 17, 1970, folder Blacks; Box 8; Subject Files; WHCF: SMOF: Bryce N. Harlow

Alexander Bickel, the U.S. Constitution, and the Vietnam War

  1. Professor [Alexander] Bickel to Leonard Garment Re: Cooper-Chuch and McGovern-Hatfield amendments, with cover memorandums by Lamar Alexander and Leonard Garment, May 23, 1970, folder Cooper-Church Amendment; Box 9; Subject Files; WHCF: SMOF: Bryce N. Harlow

Senator Barry Goldwater, Bryce Harlow and the Nixon Administration

  1. Bryce Harlow to John Ehrlichman Re: campaign promises, April 28, 1970, folder Ehrlichman, John; Box 9; Subject Files; WHCF: SMOF: Bryce N. Harlow

Tom Charles Huston and Presidential Powers

  1. Tom Charles Huston to Bryce Harlow, John Ehrlichman, H. R. Haldeman, William Timmons, and Henry Kissinger Re: The Assault on the Constitutional Powers of the Presidency, May 23, 1970, folder Foreign Policy; Box 10; Subject Files; WHCF: SMOF: Bryce N. Harlow

Why Clement Haynsworth Lost?

  1. Lamar [Alexander] to Mr. [Bryce] Harlow Re: Haynsworth, n.d., folder Haynsworth; Box 10; Subject Files; WHCF: SMOF: Bryce N. Harlow

Tax Exemptions for Segregated Private Schools

  1. Bryce Harlow to the President Re: Tax Exemptions for Segregated Private Schools, June 17, 1970, folder IRS - Tax Exempt Status Schools; Box 10; Subject Files; WHCF: SMOF: Bryce N. Harlow

Policy toward Demonstrations

  1. Bryce Harlow to the Attorney General Re: demonstrations, December 8, 1969, folder Moratoriums; Box 11; Subject Files; WHCF: SMOF: Bryce N. Harlow

President Nixon and Governor Ronald Reagan, 1969

  1. Lamar Alexander to Mr. [Bryce] Harlow Re: Ronald Reagan, February 25, 1970, folder School Desegregation; Box 12; Subject Files; WHCF: SMOF: Bryce N. Harlow
  2. H. R. Haldeman to Mr. [Bryce] Harlow Re: Ronald Reagan, February 23, 1970, folder School Desegregation; Box 12; Subject Files; WHCF: SMOF: Bryce N. Harlow

Pat Buchanan, the Vice President, and the 1970 midterm election

  1. Patrick J. Buchanan to the Vice President Counsellor [Bryce] Harlow Re: 1970 midterm election, September 26, 1970, folder VP-Campaign '70 (Strategy); Box 13; Subject Files; WHCF: SMOF: Bryce N. Harlow

Political action against Senator Kennedy, September 1969

  1. Lyn Nofziger to Bryce Harlow Re: Counteracting Senator Kennedy, September 22, 1969, folder Vietnam; Box 14; Subject Files; WHCF: SMOF: Bryce N. Harlow

Senator Gore, the Administration and Inflation, 1969

  1. Alexander P. Butterfield to Mr. [Bryce] Harlow Re: Senator Gore and inflation, July 10, 1969, folder OA 2966 (05/01/1969-11/17/1969); Box 15; OA: Subject Files; WHCF: SMOF: Bryce N. Harlow

Gerald Ford and Electoral College Reform

  1. Bryce Harlow to Dwight Chapin Re: Electoral College reform, March 27, 1969, folder OA 2967 (B-H); Box 17; OA: Memorandum; WHCF: SMOF: Bryce N. Harlow

Lawrence M. (Larry) Higby Documents

White House Central Files: Staff Member & Office Files

President Nixon and Presidential Time Management, 1971

  1. President to RMW [Rose Mary Woods] Re: time management, March 31, 1971, folder [President's Philosophy of Time Management - March 1971]; Box 1; Chronological File; WHCF: SMOF: Lawrence M. (Larry) Higby

Diane Sawyer and the White House

  1. Diane Sawyer to Larry Higby Re: personnel announcements, January 17, 1973, folder [Miscellaneous Memoranda, January-March 1973]; Box 2; Chronological File; WHCF: SMOF: Lawrence M. (Larry) Higby

President Nixon, George H. W. Bush and Political Matters, 1973

  1. The President to Mr. H. R. Haldeman Re: personnel appointments, March 23, 1973, folder [Miscellaneous Memoranda, January-March 1973]; Box 2; Chronological File; WHCF: SMOF: Lawrence M. (Larry) Higby

Sanford Fox Documents

White House Central Files: Staff Member & Office Files

Dinner Honoring the Apollo 11 Astronauts, Century Plaza Hotel, Los Angeles, CA, August 13, 1969 - Dinner - Apollo 11 Astronauts; Boxes 10-11

Dinner on the occasion of the visit of Her Excellency Indira Ghandi, Prime Minister of India, The White House, November 4, 1971 folder November 4, 1971 - Dinner - H.E. Indira Gandhi, Prime Minister of India; Box 40