
December 12, 2019 New Materials Release

Mandatory Declassification Review Opening

Documents pertaining to  the Middle East, the National Security Council, Italy, and the FBI's investigation of Daniel Ellsberg are among the previously classified materials now available to researchers. 


Middle East

Table of contents, The Jarring Talks, February 26-28, 1971; folder [05] Middle East - Jarring Talks Edited and Indexed February 27-28, 1971 [2 of 2]; box 1161; NSC Files, Harold H. Saunders Files: Middle East Negotiations Files  

Paper, Analytical Summary, Contingency Study on Pakistan, March 2, 1971; folder [06] Middle East - Jarring Talks Editied and Indexed March 1-4, 1971 [1 of 3]; box 1161; NSC Files, Harold H. Saunders Files: Middle East Negotiations Files 

Paper, Near East and South Asia; folder [04] Middle East - Peace Negotiations, July 14-31, 1974 [2 of 2]; box 1185; NSC Files,  Harold H. Saunders Files: Middle East Negotiations Files 


National Security

NSC Review Group Meeting Minutes, Subject: U.S. Policy on Chemical and Biological Warfare and Agents (NSSM 59), October 30, 1969; folder [01] SRG Minutes Originals 1969 [1 of 3]; box H-111; NSC Institutional Files, Minutes of Meetings  

Washington Special Actions Group Meeting Minutes, Subject: Indochina Contingency Planning, December 2, 1970; folder [01] WSAG Minutes (Originals) 1969 and 1970 [1 of 6]; box H-114; NSC Institutional Files, Minutes of Meetings  



Memo, Sonnenfeldt to Kissinger, Subject: Italian Politics and Pier Talenti, October 14, 1971; folder [03] Italy Talenti File, September-November 1971; box 65; HAK Office Files, Country Files - Europe  


FBI's Ellsberg Investigation

Letter with attachment, Hoover to Krogh, August 17, 1971; folder [10] Hoover's Reports to President; box 14; White House Special Files, Staff Member Office Files, Young  


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