
Grover, James R.

Conversation 772-014

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On September 7, 1972, President Richard M. Nixon, Stephen B. Bull, Edward W. Brooke, James R. Grover, William L. Scott, Dewey F. Bartlett, Peter V. Domenici, Jesse A. Helms, Ben C. Taledano, Jack Hawke, Ed Johnson, Bill Kid, Gene Taylor, David C. Treen, David Seratkin, Christopher S. Bond, Otis Bowen, James Holzhouser, Morris Kay, Richard Larson, Carveth Thompson, Harry S. Dent, John E. Nidecker, Richard K. Cook, George P. Shultz, Arthur F. Burns, and John D. Ehrlichman met in the Oval Office of the White House from 4:31 pm to 4:49 pm.

Tape Subject Log

Conversation 744-002

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On June 30, 1972, during a photographic session, President Richard M. Nixon and incumbent Republican senators and representatives as well as Congressional candidates, including Howard H. Baker, Jr., J. Caleb Boggs, Edward W. Brooke, Clifford P. Case, Mark O. Hatfield, Charles H. Percy, Jr., James B. Pearson, John G. Tower, John B. Anderson, Mark Andrews, William Archer, Jr., Leslie C. Arends, John M. Ashbrook, Edward G. Biester, Jr., William G. Bray, Clarence J. Brown, Jr. [?], James T. Broyhill, John H. Buchanan, Jr., J. Herbert Burke, John N. ("Happy") Camp, Elford A. Cederberg, Don H.

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