
Scott, Hugh

Conversation 121-003

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On May 23, 1973, President Richard M. Nixon and Republican Congressional leaders, including Earl L. Butz, Rogers C. B. Morton, Hugh Scott, Robert P. Griffin, Norris Cotton, Wallace F. Bennett, John G. Tower, William E. Brock, III, Carl T. Curtis, Ted Stevens, James L. Buckley, Henry L. Bellmon, Gerald R. Ford, Leslie C. Arends, John J. Rhodes, John B. Anderson, Samuel L. Devine, William J. ("Jack") Edwards, Robert H. Michel, David T. Martin, Barber B. Conable, Jr., Charles M. Teague, George A. Goodling, Donald E. Young, Roy L. Ash, Kenneth R. Cole, Jr., William E. Timmons, Richard M.

Tape Subject Log

Conversation 121-001

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On May 15, 1973, President Richard M. Nixon and Republican Congressional leaders, including Herbert Stein, John T. Dunlop, Hugh Scott, Robert P. Griffin, John G. Tower, Norris Cotton, Wallace F. Bennett, William E. Brock, III, Gerald R. Ford, Leslie C. Arends, John B. Anderson, William J. ("Jack") Edwards, John J. Rhodes, Barber B. Conable, Jr., Robert C. ("Bob") Wilson, David T. Martin, Samuel L. Devine, George H. W. Bush, Roy L. Ash, John D. Ehrlichman, Kenneth R. Cole, Jr., William E. Timmons, Richard K. Cook, Thomas C. Korologos, Ronald L. Ziegler, Clifford P.

Tape Subject Log

Conversation 119-002

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On March 20, 1973, President Richard M. Nixon and Republican Congressional leaders, including Herbert Stein, John T. Dunlop, Hugh Scott, Robert P. Griffin, John G. Tower, Norris Cotton, Wallace F. Bennett, William E. Brock, III, Gerald R. Ford, Leslie C. Arends, John B. Anderson, William J. ("Jack") Edwards, John J. Rhodes, Barber B. Conable, Jr., Robert C. ("Bob") Wilson, David T. Martin, Samuel L. Devine, George H. W. Bush, Roy L. Ash, John D. Ehrlichman, Kenneth R. Cole, Jr., William E. Timmons, Richard K. Cook, Thomas C. Korologos, Ronald L. Ziegler, Clifford P.

Tape Subject Log

Conversation 118-001

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On March 13, 1973, President Richard M. Nixon and Republican Congresional leaders, including James T. Lynn, Joseph T. Sneed, Hugh Scott, Robert P. Griffin, John G. Tower, Norris Cotton, Wallace F. Bennett, William E. Brock, III, Gerald R. Ford, Leslie C. Arends, John B. Anderson, William J. ("Jack") Edwards, John J. Rhodes, Barber B. Conable, Jr., Robert C. ("Bob") Wilson, David T. Martin, Samuel L. Devine, George H. W. Bush, Roy L. Ash, John D. Ehrlichman, William E. Timmons, Kenneth R. Cole, Jr., Richard K. Cook, Thomas C. Korologos, Ronald L. Ziegler, Donald E. Santarelli, Henry E.

Tape Subject Log

Conversation 113-005

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On January 26, 1973, President Richard M. Nixon, Vice President Spiro T. Agnew, and bipartisan Congressional leaders, including George P. Shultz, Michael J. ("Mike") Mansfield, Robert C. Byrd, Hugh Scott, Robert P. Griffin, John L. McClellan, Russell B. Long, Milton R. Young, Wallace F. Bennett, Carl B. Albert, Gerald R. Ford, John J. McFall, George H. Mahon, Wilbur D. Mills, Elford A. Cederberg, Herman T. Schneebeli, John D. Ehrlichman, Herbert Stein, William E. Timmons, Caspar W. ("Cap") Weinberger, Kenneth R. Cole, Jr., Frederic V.

Tape Subject Log

Conversation 113-004

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On January 26, 1973, Vice President Spiro T. Agnew and bipartisan Congressional leaders, including George P. Shultz, Michael J. ("Mike") Mansfield, Robert C. Byrd, Hugh Scott, Robert P. Griffin, John L. McClellan, Russell B. Long, Milton R. Young, Wallace F. Bennett, Carl B. Albert, Gerald R. Ford, John J. McFall, George H. Mahon, Wilbur D. Mills, Elford A. Cederberg, Herman T. Schneebeli, John D. Ehrlichman, Herbert Stein, William E. Timmons, Caspar W. ("Cap") Weinberger, Kenneth R. Cole, Jr., Frederic V. Malek, Thomas C. Korologos, and Richard K.

Tape Subject Log

Conversation 113-002

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On January 26, 1973, President Richard M. Nixon and Republican Congressional leaders, including Vice President Spiro T. Agnew, Hugh Scott, Robert P. Griffin, Norris Cotton, Wallace F. Bennett, John G. Tower, William E. Brock, III, Gerald R. Ford, Leslie C. Arends, John J. Rhodes, Barber B. Conable, Jr., Robert C. ("Bob") Wilson, George H. W. Bush, Roy L. Ash, John D. Ehrlichman, William E. Timmons, Richard K. Cook, Thomas C. Korologos, Kenneth R. Cole, Jr., Frederic V. Malek, Ronald L. Ziegler, Richard G. Kleindienst, George P. Shultz, and Caspar W.

Tape Subject Log

Conversation 112-003

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On February 6, 1973, President Richard M. Nixon and Republican Congressional leaders, including Hugh Scott, Robert P. Griffin, Wallace F. Bennett, William E. Brock, III, John G. Tower, Gerald R. Ford, Leslie C. Arends, John B. Anderson, Samuel L. Devine, Barber B. Conable, Jr., Robert C. ("Bob") Wilson, George H. W. Bush, Roy L. Ash, John D. Ehrlichman, William E. Timmons, Richard K. Cook, Thomas C. Korologos, Ronald L. Ziegler, and Kenneth R. Cole, Jr., met in the Cabinet Room of the White House at an unknown time between 9:35 am and 11:16 am.

Tape Subject Log

Conversation 111-003

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On January 24, 1973, President Richard M. Nixon and bipartisan Congressional leaders, including Michael J. ("Mike") Mansfield, Robert C. Byrd, John C. Stennis, John L. McClellan, J. William Fulbright, Henry M. ("Scoop") Jackson, Gale W. McGee, Hugh Scott, Robert P. Griffin, Strom Thurmond, Milton R. Young, George D. Aiken, John G. Tower, Barry M. Goldwater, John J. McFall, Gerald R. Ford, George H. Mahon, Dr. Thomas E. ("Doc") Morgan, Samuel S. Stratton, Joe D. Waggonner, Jr., Leslie C. Arends, William G. Bray, Elford A. Cederberg, William S. Mailliard, Samuel L. Devine, Jack F.

Tape Subject Log

Conversation 108-002

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On October 12, 1972, President Richard M. Nixon, George P. Shultz, and Senate Republican leaders, including Caspar W. ("Cap") Weinberger, James E. Smith, Hugh Scott, Robert P. Griffin, Norris Cotton, Peter H. Dominick, Robert J. Dole, Wallace F. Bennett, John G. Tower, John D. Ehrlichman, Kenneth R. Cole, Jr., Ronald L. Ziegler, William E. Timmons, Thomas C. Korologos, William L. Gifford, Wallace H. Johnson, the White House photographer, and members of the press, met in the Cabinet Room of the White House at an unknown time between 9:06 am and 8:48 pm.

Tape Subject Log