
August 12, 1970


This almanac page for Wednesday, August 12, 1970, pulls together various records created by the federal government and links to additional resources which can provide context about the events of the day.

Previous Date: Tuesday, August 11, 1970

Next Date: Thursday, August 13, 1970

Schedule and Public Documents

  • The Daily Diary files represent a consolidated record of the President's activities. Visit the finding aid to learn more.

    The President's day began at The White House - Washington, D. C.

  • The Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents made available transcripts of the President's news conferences; messages to Congress; public speeches, remarks, and statements; and other Presidential materials released by the White House.


    Appointments and Nominations

    Bill Signings

    • Compensation for Disabled Veterans (6 Weekly Comp. Pres. Doc. 1059, August 12, 1970)
      Statement by the President Upon Signing Bill To Increase Rates of Compensation for Disabled Veterans.

    Acts Approved by the President

    • H.R. 15733 -- Public Law 91-377
      An Act to amend the Railroad Retirement Act of 1937 to provide a tempcrary 15 per centum increase in annuities, to change for a temporary period the method of computing interest on investments of the railroad retirement accounts, and for other purposes.
    • H.R. 17070 -- Public Law 91-375
      Postal Reorganization Act.
    • S. 3348 -- Public Law 91-376
      An Act to amend title 38, United States Code, to increase the rates of compensation for disabled veterans, and for other purposes.

    Nominations Submitted to the Senate

    Does not include promotions of members of the Uniformed Services, nominations to the Service Academies, or nominations of Foreign Service Officers.

    • MILES W. KIRKPATRICK, of Pennsylvania, to be a Federal Trade Commissioner for the unexpired term of 7 years from September 26, 1969, vice Caspar W. Weinberger.
  • Each Public Papers of the Presidents volume contains the papers and speeches of the President of the United States that were issued by the White House Office of the Press Secretary during the time period specified by the volume. The material is presented in chronological order, and the dates shown in the headings are the dates of the documents or events. In instances when the release date differs from the date of the document itself, that fact is shown in the text note.

    To ensure accuracy, remarks have been checked against audio recordings (when available) and signed documents have been checked against the original, unless otherwise noted. Editors have provided text notes and cross references for purposes of identification or clarity.

  • The Federal Register is the official daily publication for rules, proposed rules, and notices of federal agencies and organizations, as well as executive orders and other Presidential documents.

  • The Congressional Record is the official daily record of the debates and proceedings of the U.S. Congress.

Archival Holdings

  • The H. R. Haldeman Diaries consists of seven handwritten diaries, 36 dictated diaries recorded as sound recordings, and two handwritten audio cassette tape subject logs. The diaries and logs reflect H. R. Haldeman’s candid personal record and reflections on events, issues, and people encountered during his service in the Nixon White House. As administrative assistant to the President and Chief of Staff, Haldeman attended and participated in public events and private meetings covering the entire scope of issues in which the Nixon White House engaged in during the years 1969-1973. Visit the finding aid to learn more.

  • The National Archives Catalog is the online portal to the records held at the National Archives, and information about those records. It is the main way of describing our holdings and also provides access to electronic records and digitized versions of our holdings. 

    The Catalog searches across multiple National Archives resources at once, including archival descriptions, digitized and electronic records, authority records, and web pages from and the Presidential Libraries. The Catalog also allows users to contribute to digitized historical records through tagging and transcription.

    Nixon Library Holdings

    All National Archives Units

National Security Documents

  • The President's Daily Brief is the primary vehicle for summarizing the day-to-day sensitive intelligence and analysis, as well as late-breaking reports, for the White House on current and future national security issues. Read "The President's Daily Brief: Delivering Intelligence to Nixon and Ford" to learn more.

  • The Foreign Relations of the United States series presents the official documentary historical record of major U.S. foreign policy decisions and significant diplomatic activity. Visit the State Department website for more information.

    Vol. II, Organization and Management of U.S. Foreign Policy, 1969-1972

    Managing the Department of State

    Vol. VII, Vietnam, July 1970-January 1972

    The Aftermath of the Cambodian Incursion, July 21-October 7, 1970

    • 20. National Security Decision Memorandum 77, Washington, August 12, 1970

      Source: National Archives, Nixon Presidential Materials, NSC Files, Box 363, Subject Files, NSDMs 51–96. Secret; Sensitive. A copy was sent to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

    Vol. XXI, Chile, 1969-1973

    A Spoiling Operation: The 1970 Chilean Presidential Election, January 1-September 4, 1970

    • 51. Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in Chile, Washington, August 12, 1970, 2241Z

      Source: Department of State, Bureau of Intelligence and Research, INR/IL Historical Files, Chile Chronology 1970. Secret; Priority; Roger Channel. Drafted by Crimmins; approved by Gardner. A stamped notation on the first page reads: “Special Handling.”

    Vol. XXIII, Arab-Israeli Dispute, 1969-1972

    The Cease-Fire Agreement

    • 150. Minutes of an Ad Hoc Special Review Group Meeting, Washington, August 12, 1970, 11:35 a.m.-12:25 p.m.

      Source: National Archives, Nixon Presidential Materials, NSC Files, NSC Institutional Files (H-Files), Box H–111, Senior Review Group, SRG Minutes Originals 1970. Secret; Nodis. All brackets are in the original except those indicating text omitted by the editors. The meeting was held in the White House Situation Room.

    Vol. XXXII, SALT I, 1969-1972

    Round Two at Vienna, April 18-August 13, 1970

    Vol. E-5, Part 1, Documents on Sub-Saharan Africa, 1969-1972

    The Horn

    • 299. Memorandum From the Presidentʼs Assistant for National Security Affairs (Kissinger) to President Nixon, Washington, August 12, 1970

      Kissinger reported the release of the The Midnight Sun and its crew. A personal message from General Siad to President Nixon could not be delivered as Russian-provided coding machines did not function properly.

      Source: National Archives, Nixon Presidential Materials, NSC Files, Box 743, Country Files, Africa, Somalia Republic, Vol. I. Confidential. Sent for information. A stamp on the memorandum reads: “The President has seen.”

    Vol. E-5, Part 2, Documents on North Africa, 1969-1972


    • 65. Memorandum From the President’s Assistant for National Security Affairs (Kissinger) to President Nixon, Washington, August 12, 1970

      Kissinger recommended that the President reject Secretary of State Rogers’ suggestion for a meeting with Ambassador Joseph Palmer.

      Source: National Archives, Nixon Presidential Materials, NSC Files, Box 739, Country Files, Africa, Libya, Vol. II. Secret. Sent for action. No action indicated, but a note on the covering memorandum indicated that Saunders contacted the Ambassador to express regrets. Tab A is not printed. Tab B is printed as Document 64.

  • The Kissinger telephone conversation transcripts consist of approximately 20,000 pages of transcripts of Kissinger’s telephone conversations during his tenure as Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs (1969-1974) and Secretary of State (1973-1974) during the administration of President Richard Nixon. Visit the finding aid for more information.

    Digitized versions of many of these transcripts can be found on the Yale University Library website.

Audiovisual Holdings

  • The White House Photo Office collection consists of photographic coverage of President Richard Nixon meeting with prominent social, political, and cultural personalities; speaking engagements and news conferences of the President and various high-ranking members of the White House staff and Cabinet; Presidential domestic and foreign travel, including Presidential vacations; social events and entertainment involving the First Family, including entertainers present; official portraits of the President, First Family, and high-ranking members of the Nixon administration; the 1969 and 1973 Inaugurals; the President’s 1972 Presidential election campaign appearances (including speeches) and other official activities of the White House staff and the President’s Cabinet from January 20, 1969 until August 9, 1974 at the White House and the Old Executive Office Building; other locations in Washington, DC, such as The Mall; and the Presidential retreats in Camp David, Maryland, Key Biscayne, Florida, and San Clemente, California. Visit the finding aid to learn more.

    Roll WHPO-4128 Photographer: Atkins, Oliver | Color or B&W: B&W

    • Frame(s): WHPO-4128-05-30, President Nixon and Vice President Agnew attending the Postal Reorganization Act signing ceremony. 8/12/1970, Washington, D.C. The Post Office Building. President Nixon, Spiro Agnew.

    Roll WHPO-4129 Photographer: Atkins, Oliver | Color or B&W: B&W

    • Frame(s): WHPO-4129-01A-27A, President Nixon and Vice President Agnew attending the Postal Reorganization Act signing ceremony. 8/12/1970, Washington, D.C. The Post Office Building. President Nixon, Spiro Agnew, Gerald Ford, Winton M. Blount, members of Congress, guests.
    • Frame(s): WHPO-4129-11A, President Nixon signing the Postal Reorganization Act with Vice President Agnew standing behind him. 8/12/1970, Washington, D.C. The Post Office Building. President Nixon, Spiro Agnew, Gerald Ford, Winton M. Blount, members of Congress, guests.
    • Frame(s): WHPO-4129-29A-35A, President Nixon meeting with a group of former Postmasters General after signing the Postal Reorganization Bill. 8/12/1970, Washington, D.C. The Post Office Building. President Nixon, Lawrence F. O'Brien, Marvin Watson, Arthur E. Summerfield, Winton Blount , James A. Farley, J. Edward Day and John A. Gronouski.

    Roll WHPO-4130 Photographer: Atkins, Oliver | Color or B&W: B&W

    • Frame(s): WHPO-4130-01A-20A, President Nixon and Vice President Agnew attending the Postal Reorganization Act signing ceremony. 8/12/1970, Washington, D.C. The Post Office Building. President Nixon, Spiro Agnew, Winton Blount, employees of the Postal System, guests.

    Roll WHPO-4131 Photographer: Grove, Andrew | Color or B&W: B&W

    • Frame(s): WHPO-4131-03A-05A, Portrait of Unidentified White House summer intern. 8/12/1970, Washington, D.C. White House Lawn. Unidentified summer intern.

    Roll WHPO-4132 Photographer: Atkins, Oliver | Color or B&W: B&W

    • Frame(s): WHPO-4132-01A, President Nixon seated at his Oval Office desk during a meeting with Robert H. Finch, Counselor and Charles B. (Bud) Wilkinson. 8/12/1970, Washington, D.C. White House, Oval Office. President Nixon, Robert H. Finch, Charles B. Wilkinson.
    • Frame(s): WHPO-4132-01A-04A, President Nixon meeting with Robert H. Finch, Counselor and Charles B. (Bud) Wilkinson. 8/12/1970, Washington, D.C. White House, Oval Office. President Nixon, Robert H. Finch, Charles B. Wilkinson.

    Roll WHPO-4133 Photographer: Kightlinger, Jack | Color or B&W: B&W

    • Frame(s): WHPO-4133-03-17, Portrait of Robert Semple, of the New York Times. 8/12/1970, unknown unknown. Bob Semple.

    Roll WHPO-4138 Photographer: Kightlinger, Jack | Color or B&W: B&W

    • Frame(s): WHPO-4138-04A-09A, President Nixon stands in the Oval Office greeting individual Democratic Congressmen before a meeting that included Representatives Joe Waggonner, Jr. of Louisiana, William Colmer of Mississippi, and David E. Satterfield of Virginia, and William E. Timmons, Bryce N. Harlow, Richard K. Cook, John J. Flynt, Jr., O. C. Fisher, Richard Ichord. 8/12/1970, Washington, D.C. White House, Oval Office. President Nixon, William E. Timmons, Bryce N. Harlow, Richard K. Cook, Joe Waggoner, Jr., John J. Flynt, Jr., O. C. Fisher, David E. Satterfield, Richard Ichord, William Colmer.
    • Frame(s): WHPO-4138-10A-17A, President Nixon seated in the Oval Office with Democratic Congressmen Joe Waggonner, Jr. of Louisiana, William Colmer of Mississippi, and David E. Satterfield of Virginia, and William E. Timmons, Bryce N. Harlow, Richard K. Cook, John J. Flynt, Jr., O. C. Fisher, Richard Ichord. 8/12/1970, Washington, D.C. White House, Oval Office. President Nixon, William E. Timmons, Bryce N. Harlow, Richard K. Cook, Joe Waggoner, Jr., John J. Flynt, Jr., O. C. Fisher, David E. Satterfield, Richard Ichord, William Colmer.

    Roll WHPO-4139 Photographer: Atkins, Oliver | Color or B&W: B&W

    • Frame(s): WHPO-4139-01A-16A, President Nixon meeting with the Arkansas State Advisory Committee on Public Education. 8/12/1970, Washington, D.C. White House, Oval Office. President Nixon, George P. Shultz, members of the Arkansas Advisory Committee.
  • The White House Communications Agency Sound Recordings Collection contains public statements that took place between 1969 and 1974. Visit the finding aid to learn more.

    D - First Family

    • WHCA-SR-D-010
      Remarks by Julie and David Eisenhower on the "Today" Show. (8/12/1970, Washington, D.C.)

      Runtime: 21:00

      Production credits: Audio feed supplied by VTR; Recorded by KJM (initials of WHCA engineer)

      Original Format: 1/4-inch reel-to-reel audiotape. Original source type: Original.

    H - White House Staff Member Recordings

    • WHCA-SR-H-238
      Press briefing by Ronald Ziegler and George Shultz. (8/12/1970, Press Center, White House)

      Runtime: 45:00:00

      Keywords: Press conferences, news conferences, interviews, media, press secretary

      Production credits: Audio feed supplied by WHCA; Recorded by ADS (initials of WHCA engineer)

      Original Format: 1/4-inch reel-to-reel audiotape. Original source type: Original.

    P - Formal Presidential Remarks

    • WHCA-SR-P-700813
      Remarks by President Nixon on signing the Postal Reorganization Bill. (8/12/1970, Post Office Department)

      Runtime: 0:17:06

      Production credits: Audio feed supplied by WHCA; Recorded by Nolte (initials of WHCA engineer); mult/pool by ABC

      Original Format: 1/4-inch reel-to-reel audiotape. Original source type: Original.
  • The White House Communications Agency Videotape Collection contains “off-the-air” recordings of televised programs produced between 1968 and 1974. Visit the finding aid to learn more.

    • WHCA-3814
      "Today" Show with David & Julie Eisenhower.
      All networks
      Runtime: 01:03:30
    • WHCA-3816
      Weekly News Summary - Tape II.
      All networks
      Runtime: 01:02:46

      6. Smith: Anti-Ballistic Missile system (ABM) Senate vote defeats measure to block anti-ballistic missile expansion.(President Nixon said anti-ballistic missile expansion blockage would harm SALT talks position with USSR ). Time Code Start: 08:27. Keywords: Presidents, war, military, missiles, aircraft, artillery, weapons, SALT, S.A.L.T., Strategic Arms Limitation Talks, Russia, Soviet Union, USSR, Cold War, détente,. Network: ABC.

      7. Clark: Anti-Ballistic Missile system (ABM) and the Senate. Time Code Start: 08:49. Keywords: war, military, missiles, aircraft, artillery, weapons, SALT, S.A.L.T., Strategic Arms Limitation Talks, Russia, Soviet Union, USSR, Cold War, détente,. Network: ABC.

      8. Smith: Presidential Veto, Of 750 vetoed bills Congress has overridden 49; Nixon purposely fighting Congress to blame them for inflation; President Nixon signs Postal Reform Bill; changes begun. Time Code Start: 10:30. Keywords: Presidents, bills, laws, vetoes, signings, U.S. Postal Service, mail, postage, stamps, numismatics, costs, increases, reforms. Network: ABC.

      9. Gill: New Post Office. Time Code Start: 11:04. Keywords: U.S. Postal Service, mail. Network: ABC.

      10. Geer: Vice President Agnew on Lucius Mendel Rivers (House Armed Services Committee Chairman L. Mendel Rivers ). Time Code Start: 13:01. Keywords: Vice Presidents, speeches, Vietnam War, My Lai Massacre, Court Martial. Network: ABC.

      11. Howard K. Smith: Commentary on Presidential vetoes; Of 750 vetoed bills Congress has overridden 49; President Nixon is fighting Congress. Time Code Start: 14:46. Keywords: Presidents, House of Representatives, bills, laws, vetoes. Network: ABC.

      12. Brinkley: Anti-Ballistic Missile system (ABM) vote to continue passes in Senate; votes to continue ABM; President Nixon says system needed for defense. Time Code Start: 16:32. Keywords: Senate, appropriations, voting, military, budgets, war, missiles, aircraft, artillery, weapons, SALT, S.A.L.T., Strategic Arms Limitation Talks, Russia, Soviet Union, USSR, Cold War, détente. Network: NBC.

      13. Brinkley: Vice President Agnew praises Congressman L. Mendel Rivers at Air Force Association, honoring Rivers, the House Armed Services Committee Chairman. Time Code Start: 18:40. Keywords: Vice Presidents, speeches, House of Representatives, leaders, military, celebrations, banquets. Network: NBC.

      14. Cronkite/Mudd: Anti-Ballistic Missile system (ABM); Senate defeats Cooper-Hart Amendment to limit AMB funding; now facing vote Brooke Amendment to limit anti-ballistic missile sites; Senators Philip Hart, John Stennis. Time Code Start: 20:33. Keywords: bills, laws, Senators, voting, war, military, missiles, aircraft, artillery, weapons. Network: CBS.

      15. Plante: American Bar Association (ABA). Time Code Start: 23:23. Keywords: law officials, lawyers, attorneys, organizations, regulations. Network: CBS.

      16. Rather: President Nixon signs the postal reform bill removing Post office from Congressional control, Postmaster General Blount says post office must control self. Time Code Start: 25:30. Keywords: Presidents, bills, laws, signings, U.S. Postal Service, mail. Network: CBS.

Context (External Sources)