
November 15, 2017 Materials Release


Approximately 8,700 pages were processed for the textual materials release on November 15, 2017. Among them are documents related to the President's Daily Brief (PDB), Vietnam, the Middle East, Africa, Hungary, and China.

  • Please visit or contact the Nixon Library in Yorba Linda, California, to research all of the documents.

The following abbreviations are used below to identify original collections of the scanned documents:


  • HAK: Henry A. Kissinger
  • NSC:   National Security Council
  • WHCF: White House Central Files
  • WHSF: White House Special Files


Mandatory Review Documents


  1. Memo with attachments, Kissinger to the President, Subj: Vietnamese Communist Position on a Cease-fire, December 27, 1969; folder [4] Vietnam, Vol. XIII - 2, 11-31 December 69 [2 of 3]; box 141; NSC Files, Vietnam Country Files
  2. Memo with attachment, Kissinger to the President, Subj: Communist Political Offensive in South Vietnam, October 13, 1970; folder [4] Vietnam, 01 Oct 1970 [2 of 2]; box 149; NSC Files, Vietnam Country Files

Kissinger Telephone Conversation Transcript

  1. Telcon, Secretary Packard and Kissinger, 9:35 a.m., April 21, 1969; folder [7] April 15-22, 1969; box 1; HAK Telephone Conversation Transcripts
  2. Telcon, President and Kissinger, 2:40 p.m., April 20, 1970; folder [1] 19-26 April 1970; box 5; HAK Telephone Conversation Transcripts


  1. Report, Intelligence Memorandum, Subj: The Prospects for Torres and Bolivia, February 19, 1971; folder [4] Bolivia, Vol. II (1971 and 1974) [2 of 2]; box 770; NSC Files, Country Files - Latin America