
November 10, 2011 Materials Opening


On November 10, 2011 the Nixon Library opened additional materials from the Nixon Presidential Materials. Below are descriptions of twenty documents that represent the variety of subjects and wealth of historical information included in this new release.

The documents are from file segments for the White House Special Files, Staff Member & Office Files; White House Central Files, Staff Member & Office Files; and the National Security Council Files series.

  • Please visit or contact the Nixon Library in Yorba Linda, California to research all of the documents.

The following abbreviations are used below to identify original collections of the scanned documents:

  • HAK:   Henry A. Kissinger
  • NSC:   National Security Council
  • SMOF:   Staff Member & Office Files
  • WHCF:   White House Central Files
  • WHSF:   White House Special Files


Mandatory and Systematic Review Documents

The Library has posted fifteen documents from the nearly 3,000 page of formerly classified national security materials released on November 10, 2011. Among them are the minutes of the Nixon administration’s first National Security Council meeting in January 1969, including an intelligence briefing by Director of Central Intelligence Richard Helms, and a special estimate from March 1969 on Chinese foreign policy likely written at the request of the White House. Also scanned are an intelligence briefing for the President prepared by Dr. Henry Kissinger in June 1970, a lengthy study of the role of the CIA in the Lam Son 719 intelligence failure in 1971, a special 1971 intelligence estimate on Chile and materials prepared by the George H. W. Bush administration to brief former President Nixon about U.S.-Soviet relations, the revolutions in Eastern Europe, and the Gulf War.

June 1970 Intelligence Briefing for the President

  1. Henry A. Kissinger to the President, Re: Information Items, June 11, 1970, folder [5] Haig Chron. – June 23-July 6, 1970 [2 of 2]; Box 968; NSC Files, Haig Chron. Files

U.S. Intelligence and Southeast Asia

  1. Report, Re: Minutes of January 25, 1969 NSC Meeting, folder [1] NSC Mins. – Originals, 1969 [1 of 5]; Box H-109; NSC Institutional Files, Minutes of Meetings
  2. Memcon, The President, George W. Anderson, et al., Re: Southeast Asia, July 18, 1970, folder [10] Memcon – Meeting with the PFIAB [Re: Southeast Asia], July 18, 1970; Box 1024; NSC Files, Presidential/HAK Memcons
  3. Tom Latimer to Henry Kissinger, Re: CIA and Lam Son Intelligence Failures, April 12, 1971, folder [1] Jon Howe’s Special Project Laos, Vol. I]; Box 1130; NSC Files, Jon Howe – Vietnam Subject Files (excerpts)
  4. Telcon, Helms/Kissinger, April 16, 1970, folder [10] April 15-18, 1970; Box 4; NSC Files, HAK Telecons
  5. Telcon, Jonathan Moore/Kissinger, April 18, 1970, folder [10] April 15-18, 1970; Box 4; NSC Files, HAK Telecons


  1. Special National Intelligence Estimate, Re: Communist China and Asia, March 6, 1969, folder [7] NSC Meeting (San Clemente), 8/14/69, Briefings: Korea, China [3 of 3]; Box H-23; NSC Institutional Files, Meeting Files

Latin America

  1. Timeline, Soviet Involvement in Bolivia, June 11, 1971, folder [7] SRG Meeting – Bolivia, 6/17/71; Box H-55; NSC Institutional Files, Meeting Files


  1. Report, Outlook for Chile, folder [7] SRG Meeting - Chile 9-9-1971; Box H-59; NSC Institutional Files

Kissinger and the “Year of Europe”

  1. Memcon, Kissinger, Trend, Brimelow, et al., April 19, 1973, folder [5] UK Memcons 1972 (Originals), including Sept. 1972 HAK London Trip; Box 62; NSC Files, HAK Office Files, Country Files – Europe

President Nixon and the George H. W. Bush Administration

  1. President George H. W. Bush to President Nixon, Re: Foreign Policy Developments, October 9, 1989; Post-Presidential Papers of Richard M. Nixon
  2. General Brent Scowcroft to President Nixon, Re: Update on Key Developments, December 4, 1989; Post-Presidential Papers of Richard M. Nixon
  3. President George H. W. Bush to President Nixon, Re: Discussions with Gorbachev, June 18, 1990; Post-Presidential Papers of Richard M. Nixon
  4. President George H. W. Bush to President Nixon, Re: Summit Meetings, July 25, 1990; Post-Presidential Papers of Richard M. Nixon
  5. President George H. W. Bush to President Nixon, Re: The Gulf Crisis, December 11, 1990; Post-Presidential Papers of Richard M. Nixon
  6. President George H. W. Bush to President Nixon, Re: National Security Report, January 10, 1992; Post-Presidential Papers of Richard M. Nixon

Kenneth Cole Documents

White House Central Files: Staff Member & Office Files

As deputy to John Ehrlichman and then as the Director of the White House’s Domestic Council, Kenneth Cole had a hand in many of the Nixon Administration’s key domestic initiatives. On November 10, 2011, the Library is releasing the remaining 45, 000 pages of his White House collection. Among the materials scanned to offer a sense of the wealth of the collection are documents illustrating Donald Rumsfeld’s views on revenue sharing, an administration debate over how to organize policy toward Native Americans, the response of the insurance industry to the Administration’s health care initiative and a document on the future of the School Lunch program.

Health Insurance

  1. Memorandum from Ray Waldman to Ken Cole Re: Issues Raised by Health Insurance Association, January 25, 1972, folder Health Legislations; Box 35; WHCF: SMOF: Kenneth Cole, Subject Files

Indian Affairs

  1. Memorandum from Bud Krogh to Ken Cole Re: Reorganizing Indian Affairs, January 20, 1971; Memorandum from Ken Cole to Bud Krogh Re: Bobbie Kilberg's Memorandum, January 11, 1971; Memorandum from Bobbie Kilberg to Ken Cole Re: Governmental Reorganization, January 8, 1971, folder Executive Office Reorganization (1 of 2); Box 34; WHCF: SMOF: Kenneth Cole, Subject Files

Revenue Sharing

  1. Memorandum from Donald Rumsfeld to The President Re: Revenue-Sharing Decision, December 18, 1970, folder Revenue Sharing (2 of 2); Box 44; WHCF: SMOF: Kenneth Cole, Subject Files

School Lunch

  1. Memorandum from John Whitaker to Ken Cole Re: School Lunch Bill, September 18, 1972, folder School Lunch; Box 46; WHCF: SMOF: Kenneth Cole, Subject Files

Tax Reform

  1. Memorandum from Lew Engman to Ken Cole and John Ehrlichman Re: Tax Reform, June 14, 1971, folder Domestic Council Study Memorandum Tax Policy OMB; Box 33; WHCF: SMOF: Kenneth Cole, Subject Files