Conversation 105-006

On September 21, 1972, At the signing for establishment of a survivor benefit plan for survivors of retired military personnel (HR 10670), President Richard M. Nixon, J. Glenn Beall, Jr., Strom Thurmond, Melvin Price, O. Clark Fisher, Charles E. Bennett, Samuel S. Stratton, Otis G. Pike, Richard H. Ichord, G. Elliott Hagan, Charles H. Wilson, Louise Day Hicks, Richard C. White, William F. ("Bob") Nichols, Jack T. Brinkley, Wilbur C. ("Dan&wuot;) Daniel, Gillespie V. ("Sonny") Montgomery, Harold L. Runnels, Leslie C. Arends, William G. Bray, Robert C. ("Bob") Wilson, Charles S. Gubser, Durward G. Hall, Donald D. Clancy, Carleton J. King, William L. Dickinson, John E. Hunt, G. William Whitehurst, Floyd D. Spence, C. W. ("Bill") Young, Walter E. Powell, William Conover, Leslie ("Les") Aspin, Jr., Melvin R. Laird, Frank M. Slatinshek, Joseph N. Sanson, Lt. Gen. Herman Nickerson, Jr., Thomas E. Morris, Patrick E. Carr, Robert W. Nolan, Martin M. Ostrow, Joseph J. Matthews, Mr. Beave, John E. Nidecker, and the White House photographer met in the Cabinet Room of the White House from 12:00 pm to 12:06 pm. The Cabinet Room taping system captured this recording, which is known as Conversation 105-006 of the White House Tapes.

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White House Tapes: Sound Recordings of Meetings and Telephone Conversations of the Nixon Administration, 1971-1973
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