
CA (Civil Aviation) (White House Central Files: Subject Files)

Date Start
Date End
Scope and Content Note

File materials placed in the category CA (Civil Aviation) pertain to aviation policy, safety regulations, air commerce, air freight, development of aeronautics, the control and use of navigable air space, research and development of air navigation facilities, and development and operation of a common system of air traffic control and navigation for civil aircraft. Materials concerning military aviation are filed under ND (National Defense), and those concerning Federal aid for airport construction are filed under FA (Federal Aid).

The principal correspondents represented in this subject category include the President; his counselors, assistants and advisors in the White House, including among others, Henry A. Kissinger, John D. Ehrlichman, Peter M. Flanigan, Kenneth R. Cole, Jr., Egil Krogh, Jr., Daniel W. Hofgren, William M. Magruder, David H. Gunning, William E. Timmons, Edward E. David, Lee A. DuBridge, Robert P. Mayo, James R. Schlesinger, and Caspar Weinberger. Also included are John P. Walsh, Executive Secretary of the State Department; John A. Volpe and Claude S. Brinegar, consecutive Secretaries, James M. Beggs, Undersecretary, and Robert Henri Binder, Direction of International Transportation of the Department of Transportation; John H. Shaffer, Administrator of the Federal Aviation Agency; Secor D. Browne and John W. Crooker, Jr., consecutive Chairmen of the Civil Aeronautics Board, and CAB members, Whitney Gillilland, G. Joseph Minetti, Robert Murphy, and Robert Timm; William A. Anders, Executive Secretary of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration; airline and aerospace professional organization executives; and private citizens.

Throughout the Civil Aviation file, much of the correspondence concerns the activities of the Civil Aeronautics Board (CAB). That independent agency has broad responsibility for the encouragement and development of civil aviation, and is vested with economic regulatory powers over civil aviation within the United States and between the United States and foreign countries. The Board is composed of five members, appointed for staggered six year terms. No more than three may be appointed from the same political party. Board activities include authorizations to carriers to engage in interstate and foreign air transportation; jurisdiction over tariffs, and rates and fares charged to the public and for the carriage of mail. The Board also authorizes and pays subsidies to air carriers when non self-sustaining airlines are deemed necessary to public convenience. The Board also has jurisdiction over unfair competitive practices, and it regulates mergers, agreements, acquisitions of control, and interlocking relationships involving air carriers. The Board advises the Department of State in negotiations with foreign governments for new or revised air routes and services.

The terms Executive and General which are stamped above the subject file code indicate the source of the materials. Items designated as Executive are communications between the leaders and agencies of foreign, national and state and local governments and prominent persons. Items designated as General are communications between Government officials and private citizens and organizations. The topics filed under each heading are generally similar.

The types of records found in the subject files include original incoming letters and staff memoranda; carbons and electrostatic copies of outgoing letters and staff memoranda; transmittal letters and memoranda for correspondence, reports and other items; telegrams, cables and teletype communications; printed materials such as reports, brochures and magazine reprints; preservation copies of newspaper and magazine clippings; cross reference sheets to other file materials; and withdrawal sheets for materials either transferred as audiovisual or museum items or withdrawn for national security or privacy considerations.

Some materials relating to CA are in the following subject files:

BE Business-Economics

CO Countries

FG 6-4 National Aeronautics and Space Council

FG 6-11-1/Flanigan, Peter Flanigan, Peter

FG 11 The Cabinet

FG 13 Department of Defense

FG 21 Department of Commerce

FG 22 Department of Labor

FG 23 Department of Health, Education and Welfare

FG 25 Department of Transportation

FG 31 The Congress of the United States

FG 88 Civil Aeronautics Board

FG 164 National Aeronautics and Space Administration

FG 299 Interagency Steering Committee to Review U.S. International Air Transportation Policy

FI Finance

FO Foreign Affairs

HE Health

OS Outer Space

ST States and Territories


Among the many topics filed under CA are international and national transportation policy; concern for national security implications of developments affecting U.S. Flag carriers; agreements and conventions with foreign nations on air transportation matters such as routes, rates and crimes committed aboard aircraft; the role of Federal agencies in international aviation; airline industry concerns, including supplemental air carriers, mergers, financial profitability and financing; developmental aircraft and engines; aeronautical satellites; Civil Aeronautics Board rulings and reports; and legislation relating to air carriers and transport and airway development.


In this file are materials pertaining to airports (including jetports and airparks) throughout the country. Some of the topics included are airport dedications, improvements, and expansion. Additional subjects are security concerns, including highjacking detection devices; noise pollution; user fees; a trust fund for airports; and legislation for airport development.


This file concerns fares, including transatlantic, domestic, cargo, postal, youth and senior citizen rates. Some material also concerns the financial crises of scheduled air carriers, problems of air transport industry, regulation of the airline industry, and charges for customs preclearance.


The subject matter in this file pertains to international negotiations concerning air routes; procedures in international air route cases; air carrier applications for air routes; requests for investigations of certain carriers; special use of air space (prohibited space over Camp David); and landing rights at certain airports.


Topics in this file include safety functions prescribed under the Federal Aviation Act of 1958; vortex turbulence caused by large aircraft; an acoustic sensing system for detecting, measuring and tracking wake vortices; public safety implications of urban development near airports; airport safety; and potential restraint techniques to be used in Presidential aircraft. Other subjects include the air traffic controller career program; the Air Traffic Controller Carrier Act of 1972; the President's Science Advisory Committee's report on air traffic control; a staff paper on air traffic control planning and research; funds for air traffic controllers; and air controller strikes and union (PATCO) demands.


The correspondence in this file concerns the plight of local service carriers, requests for subsidies, mergers, finances of U.S. air carriers, and supplemental appropriations for the Civil Aeronautics Board.


Decisions by the Civil Aeronautics Board involving domestic authority are not subject to review by any executive department or agency. However, decisions granting or affecting certificates for overseas and foreign air transportation, as well as permits to foreign air carriers, require Presidential approval. Much of the material in this file, therefore, relates to Presidential approvals of CAB decisions in cases involving international air transportation matters. Some of the topics in this file include CAB decisions on air route, rate and merger cases; the role of the President in international aviation cases; Office of Management and Budget staff work on CAB international air cases; the delegation of certain Presidential authority in CAB cases; Presidential review of CAB cases; policy alternatives for bilateral air transport agreements; investigation and amendment of foreign air carrier permit terms; and domestic carrier feeding of U.S. as opposed to foreign international carriers.


Most of the correspondence in this file concerns the development of a supersonic aircraft (SST). Included are letters, telegrams and postcards either in favor of or opposed to the SST; recommendations on the SST from appropriate White House, Department and Agency officials; and reports of the President's Science Advisory Committee and the Ad Hoc SST Review Committee on the SST. Other topics concerning the SST pertain to financing, design and environmental problems. In addition, the files concern the Lockheed crisis that resulted from a Rolls Royce bankruptcy; the impact of Federal seed money in civil aeronautics research and development; wake turbulence sensors; and the XXT (a second generation SST) proposal.

Folder Title List

Box 1

EX CA Civil Aviation Beginning-5/19/1969
EX CA Civil Aviation 5/20/1969-12/31/1969
EX CA Civil Aviation 1/1/1970-5/31/1970
EX CA Civil Aviation 6/1/1970-7/31/1970
EX CA Civil Aviation 8/1/1970-8/31/1970
EX CA Civil Aviation 9/1/1970-10/31/1970
EX CA Civil Aviation 11/1/1970-12/31/1970
EX CA Civil Aviation 1/1/1971-6/30/1971
EX CA Civil Aviation 7/1/1971-12/31/1971
EX CA Civil Aviation 1/1/1972- [1 of 2]
EX CA Civil Aviation 1/1/1972- [2 of 2]

Box 2

EX CA Civil Aviation 1/1/1973-5/31/1973
EX CA Civil Aviation 6/1/1973-3/31/1974
EX CA Civil Aviation 4/1/1974-
GEN CA Civil Aviation Begin-4/30/1969
GEN CA Civil Aviation 5/1/1969-8/31/1969
GEN CA Civil Aviation 9/1/1969-12/31/1969
GEN CA Civil Aviation 1/1/1970-3/31/1970
GEN CA Civil Aviation 4/1/1970-4/30/1970
GEN CA Civil Aviation 5/1/1970-6/30/1970
GEN CA Civil Aviation 7/1/1970-7/31/1970
GEN CA Civil Aviation 8/1/1970-8/31/1970

Box 3

GEN CA Civil Aviation 9/1/1970-9/30/1970
GEN CA Civil Aviation 10/1/1970-10/31/1970
GEN CA Civil Aviation 11/1/1970-11/30/1970
GEN CA Civil Aviation 12/1/1970-12/31/1970
GEN CA Civil Aviation 1/1/1971-12/31/1971
GEN CA Civil Aviation 1/1/1972-6/30/1972
GEN CA Civil Aviation 7/1/1972-10/31/1972
GEN CA Civil Aviation 11/1/1972-
GEN CA Civil Aviation 1/1/1973
EX CA 1 Accidents [1969-1970]
EX CA 1 Accidents 1/1/1971-
EX CA 1 Accidents 1/1/1973-
GEN CA 1 Accidents [1969-1970]
GEN CA 1 Accidents 1/1/1971-
GEN CA 1 Accidents 1/1/1973
EX CA 2 Airports [1969-1970]

Box 4

EX CA 2 Airports 1/1/1971-
EX CA 2 Airports 1/1/1973-
GEN CA 2 Airports Beginning-9/8/1969
GEN CA 2 Airports 9/9/1969-12/31/1969
GEN CA 2 Airports 1/1/1970-
GEN CA 2 Airports 1/1/1971-
GEN CA 2 Airports 1/1/1973-
EX CA 3 Rates [1969-1970]
EX CA 3 Rates 1/1/1971-
EX CA 3 Rates 1/1/1973-
GEN CA 3 Rates [1969-1970]
GEN CA 3 Rates 1/1/1971-
GEN CA 3 Rates 1/1/1973-

Box 5

EX CA 4 Routes-Navigation [1969-1970]
EX CA 4 Routes-Navigation 1/1/1971-
EX CA 4 Routes-Navigation 1/1/1973-
GEN CA 4 Routes-Navigation [1969-1970]
GEN CA 4 Routes-Navigation 1/1/1971-
GEN CA 4 Routes-Navigation 1/1/1973-
EX CA 5 Safety-Traffic Control [1969-1970]
EX CA 5 Safety-Traffic Control 1/1/1971-
EX CA 5 Safety-Traffic Control 1/1/1973
GEN CA 5 Safety-Traffic Control [1969-1970]
GEN CA 5 Safety-Traffic Control 1/1/1971-
GEN CA 5 Safety-Traffic Control 1/1/1973
EX CA 6 Subsidies [1969-1970]
EX CA 6 Subsidies 1/1/1971-
EX CA 6 Subsidies 1/1/1973-
GEN CA 6 Subsidies [1969-1970]
GEN CA 6 Subsidies 1/1/1971- [Empty]
GEN CA 6 Subsidies 1/1/1973- [Empty]

Box 6

EX CA 7 Cases-Decisions [1969-1970]
EX CA 7 Cases-Decisions 1/1/1971-
EX CA 7 Cases-Decisions 1/1/1973- [1 of 2]
EX CA 7 Cases-Decisions 1/1/1973- [2 of 2]
GEN CA 7 Cases-Decisions [1969-1970]
GEN CA 7 Cases-Decisions 1/1/1971-
GEN CA 7 Cases-Decisions 1/1/1973-

Box 7

EX CA 7 Cases-Decisions Air West, Inc. [1969-1970]
EX CA 7 Cases-Decisions Airlift International, Inc. [1969-1970]
EX CA 7 Cases-Decisions American-Trans Caribbean [1969-1970]
EX CA 7 Cases-Decisions Argentina-U.S. [1969-1970]
EX CA 7 Cases-Decisions Australia-U.S. [1969-1970]
EX CA 7 Cases-Decisions Belgium-U.S. [1969-1970]
EX CA 7 Cases-Decisions Bermuda-U.S. [1969-1970]
EX CA 7 Cases-Decisions Brazil-U.S. [1969-1970]
EX CA 7 Cases-Decisions Canada-U.S. Beginning-3/31/1969
EX CA 7 Cases-Decisions Canada-U.S. 4/1/1969-12/31/1969
EX CA 7 Cases-Decisions Canada-U.S. 1/1/1970-5/31/1970

Box 8

EX CA 7 Cases-Decisions Canada-U.S. 6/1/1970-8/31/1970
EX CA 7 Cases-Decisions Canada-U.S. 9/1/1970- [1 of 2]
EX CA 7 Cases-Decisions Canada-U.S. 9/1/1970 [2 of 2]
EX CA 7 Cases-Decisions Chile-U.S. [1969-1970]
EX CA 7 Cases-Decisions China-U.S. [1969-1970]
EX CA 7 Cases-Decisions Columbia-U.S. Beginning-9/30/1969
EX CA 7 Cases-Decisions Columbia-U.S. 10/1/1969 [Empty]
EX CA 7 Cases-Decisions Columbia-U.S. 10/2/1969 [Empty]
EX CA 7 Cases-Decisions Czechoslovakia-U.S. [1969-1970]
EX CA 7 Cases-Decisions Denmark-U.S. [1969-1970]
EX CA 7 Cases-Decisions East Africa-U.S. [1969-1970]
EX CA 7 Cases-Decisions Ecuador-U.S. [1969-1970]

Box 9

EX CA 7 Cases-Decisions El Salvador-U.S. [1969-1970]
EX CA 7 Cases-Decisions Europe-U.S. [1969-1970]
EX CA 7 Cases-Decisions Flying Tiger [1969-1970]
EX CA 7 Cases-Decisions France-U.S. [1969-1970]
EX CA 7 Cases-Decisions Germany-U.S. Begin-1/31/1970
EX CA 7 Cases-Decisions Germany-U.S. 2/1/1970
EX CA 7 Cases-Decisions Greece-U.S. [1969-1970]
EX CA 7 Cases-Decisions Honduras-U.S. [1969-1970]
EX CA 7 Cases-Decisions Iceland-U.S. [1969-1970]
EX CA 7 Cases-Decisions India-U.S. [1969-1970]
EX CA 7 Cases-Decisions Ireland-U.S. [1969-1970]
EX CA 7 Cases-Decisions Israel-U.S. [1969-1970]
EX CA 7 Cases-Decisions Italy-U.S. [1969-1970]
EX CA 7 Cases-Decisions Jamaica-U.S. [1969-1970]
EX CA 7 Cases-Decisions Japan-U.S. [1969-1970]

Box 10

EX CA 7 Cases-Decisions Korea-U.S. [1969-1970]
EX CA 7 Cases-Decisions Kuehne and Nagel Air Freight, Inc. [1969-1970]
EX CA 7 Cases-Decisions Lebanon-U.S. [1969-1970]
EX CA 7 Cases-Decisions Los Angeles Airlines [1969-1970]
EX CA 7 Cases-Decisions Malaysia-U.S. [1969-1970]
EX CA 7 Cases-Decisions Mexico-U.S. [1969-1970]
EX CA 7 Cases-Decisions Morocco-U.S. [1969-1970]
EX CA 7 Cases-Decisions Nauru-U.S. [1969-1970]
EX CA 7 Cases-Decisions National Airlines [1969-1970]
EX CA 7 Cases-Decisions Netherlands-U.S. [1969-1970]
EX CA 7 Cases-Decisions Nigeria-U.S. [1969-1970]
EX CA 7 Cases-Decisions Northwest Airlines [1969-1970]
EX CA 7 Cases-Decisions Northwest - Northeast [1969-1970]
EX CA 7 Cases-Decisions Overseas National Airlines [1969-1970]
EX CA 7 Cases-Decisions Pacific Islands [1969-1970]
EX CA 7 Cases-Decisions Pan American World Airways, Inc. [1969-1970]

Box 11

EX CA 7 Cases-Decisions Panama-U.S. [1969-1970]
EX CA 7 Cases-Decisions Peru-U.S. [1969-1970]
EX CA 7 Cases-Decisions Philippine-U.S. [1969-1970]
EX CA 7 Cases-Decisions Portugal-U.S. [1969-1970]
EX CA 7 Cases-Decisions Samoa Airlines [1969-1970]
EX CA 7 Cases-Decisions Singapore-U.S. [1969-1970]
EX CA 7 Cases-Decisions South Pacific [1969-1970]
EX CA 7 Cases-Decisions Spain-U.S. [1969-1970]
EX CA 7 Cases-Decisions Switzerland-U.S. [1969-1970]
EX CA 7 Cases-Decisions Trans International Airlines [1969-1970]
EX CA 7 Cases-Decisions Trans Pacific Beginning-6/30/1969
EX CA 7 Cases-Decisions Trans Pacific 7/1/1969-7/31/1969
EX CA 7 Cases-Decisions Trans Pacific 8/1/1969-

Box 12

EX CA 7 Cases-Decisions United Kingdom-U.S. Beginning-7/16/1969
EX CA 7 Cases-Decisions United Kingdom-U.S. 7/17/1969
EX CA 7 Cases-Decisions United Kingdom-U.S. 7/18/1969-1/31/1970
EX CA 7 Cases-Decisions United Kingdom-U.S. 2/1/1970-8/31/1970
EX CA 7 Cases-Decisions United Kingdom-U.S. 9/1/1970
EX CA 7 Cases-Decisions Venezuela-U.S. [1969-1970]

Box 13

EX CA 7 Cases-Decisions West Indies-U.S. [1969-1970]
EX CA 7 Cases-Decisions Western Airlines [1969-1970]
EX CA 7 Cases-Decisions World Airways, Inc. [1969-1970]
EX CA 7 Cases-Decisions Yugoslavia-U.S. [1969-1970]
GEN CA 7 Cases-Decisions [1969-1970]
GEN CA 7 Cases-Decisions Trans Pacific Beginning-5/22/1969 [1 of 3]
GEN CA 7 Cases-Decisions Trans Pacific Beginning-5/22/1969 [2 of 3]
GEN CA 7 Cases-Decisions Trans Pacific Beginning-5/22/1969 [3 of 3]

Box 14

GEN CA 7 Cases-Decisions Trans Pacific 5/23/1969-8/31/1969
GEN CA 7 Cases-Decisions Trans Pacific 9/1/1969
EX CA 7 Cases-Decisions A-B [1971-1972] [1 of 3]
EX CA 7 Cases-Decisions A-B [1971-1972] [2 of 3]
EX CA 7 Cases-Decisions A-B [1971-1972] [3 of 3]

Box 15

EX CA 7 Cases-Decisions C-Caq [1971-1972] [1 of 2]
EX CA 7 Cases-Decisions C-Caq [1971-1972] [2 of 2]
EX CA 7 Cases-Decisions Car-Cz [1971-1972]
EX CA 7 Cases-Decisions D-F [1971-1972] [1 of 3]

Box 16

EX CA 7 Cases-Decisions D-F [1971-1972] [2 of 3]
EX CA 7 Cases-Decisions D-F [1971-1972] [3 of 3]
EX CA 7 Cases-Decisions G [1971-1972] [1 of 2]
EX CA 7 Cases-Decisions G [1971-1972] [2 of 2]

Box 17

EX CA 7 Cases-Decisions H-I [1971-1972]
EX CA 7 Cases-Decisions J [1971-1972]
EX CA 7 Cases-Decisions K-L [1971-1972] [1 of 2]
EX CA 7 Cases-Decisions K-L [1971-1972] [2 of 2]

Box 18

EX CA 7 Cases-Decisions M [1971-1972] [1 of 5]
EX CA 7 Cases-Decisions M [1971-1972] [2 of 5]
EX CA 7 Cases-Decisions M [1971-1972] [3 of 5]
EX CA 7 Cases-Decisions M [1971-1972] [4 of 5]
EX CA 7 Cases-Decisions M [1971-1972] [5 of 5]

Box 19

EX CA 7 Cases-Decisions N-R [1971-1972] [1 of 4]
EX CA 7 Cases-Decisions N-R [1971-1972] [2 of 4]
EX CA 7 Cases-Decisions N-R [1971-1972] [3 of 4]
EX CA 7 Cases-Decisions N-R [1971-1972] [4 of 4]
EX CA 7 Cases-Decisions S-T [1971-1972] [1 of 3]
EX CA 7 Cases-Decisions S-T [1971-1972] [2 of 3]

Box 20

EX CA 7 Cases-Decisions S-T [1971-1972] [3 of 3]
EX CA 7 Cases-Decisions U-Z [1971-1972] [1 of 2]
EX CA 7 Cases-Decisions U-Z [1971-1972] [2 of 2]
GEN CA 7 Cases-Decisions A-Z 1/1/1971 [1 of 3]

Box 21

GEN CA 7 Cases-Decisions A-Z 1/1/1971 [2 of 3]
GEN CA 7 Cases-Decisions A-Z 1/1/1971 [3 of 3]
EX CA 7 Cases-Decisions A [1973-1974]
EX CA 7 Cases-Decisions B [1973-1974] [1 of 2]
EX CA 7 Cases-Decisions B [1973-1974] [2 of 2]

Box 22

EX CA 7 Cases-Decisions Canada 1/1/1973-5/1/1973
EX CA 7 Cases-Decisions Canada 5/2/1973-5/4/1973
EX CA 7 Cases-Decisions Canada 5/5/1973-9/31/1973
EX CA 7 Cases-Decisions Canada 10/1/1973-12/17-1973
EX CA 7 Cases-Decisions Canada 12/18/1973- [1 of 2]

Box 23

EX CA 7 Cases-Decisions Canada 12/18/1973- [2 of 2]
EX CA 7 Cases-Decisions C [1973-1974]
EX CA 7 Cases-Decisions D [1973-1974]
EX CA 7 Cases-Decisions E [1973-1974] [1 of 5]

Box 24

EX CA 7 Cases-Decisions E [1973-1974] [2 of 5]
EX CA 7 Cases-Decisions E [1973-1974] [3 of 5]
EX CA 7 Cases-Decisions E [1973-1974] [4 of 5]
EX CA 7 Cases-Decisions E [1973-1974] [5 of 5]
EX CA 7 Cases-Decisions F [1973-1974]
EX CA 7 Cases-Decisions G [1973-1974] [1 of 2]
EX CA 7 Cases-Decisions G [1973-1974] [2 of 2]

Box 25

EX CA 7 Cases-Decisions H [1973-1974]
EX CA 7 Cases-Decisions I [1973-1974] [1 of 2]
EX CA 7 Cases-Decisions I [1973-1974] [2 of 2]
EX CA 7 Cases-Decisions J [1973-1974]
EX CA 7 Cases-Decisions K [1973-1974]
EX CA 7 Cases-Decisions L [1973-1974]
EX CA 7 Cases-Decisions M [1973-1974]
EX CA 7 Cases-Decisions N [1973-1974]
EX CA 7 Cases-Decisions O [1973-1974] [Empty]

Box 26

EX CA 7 Cases-Decisions P [1973-1974] [1 of 2]
EX CA 7 Cases-Decisions P [1973-1974] [2 of 2]
EX CA 7 Cases-Decisions Q [1973-1974] [Empty]
EX CA 7 Cases-Decisions R [1973-1974]
EX CA 7 Cases-Decisions S [1973-1974] [1 of 3]
EX CA 7 Cases-Decisions S [1973-1974] [2 of 3]
EX CA 7 Cases-Decisions S [1973-1974] [3 of 3]

Box 27

EX CA 7 Cases-Decisions T [1973-1974]
EX CA 7 Cases-Decisions U [1973-1974] [1 of 2]
EX CA 7 Cases-Decisions U [1973-1974] [2 of 2]
EX CA 7 Cases-Decisions V [1973-1974] [Empty]
EX CA 7 Cases-Decisions W [1973-1974]
EX CA 7 Cases-Decisions X,Y,Z [1973-1974]
GEN CA 7 Cases-Decisions A [1973-1974]
GEN CA 7 Cases-Decisions B [1973-1974] [Empty]
GEN CA 7 Cases-Decisions C [1973-1974] [Empty]
GEN CA 7 Cases-Decisions D [1973-1974] [Empty]
GEN CA 7 Cases-Decisions E [1973-1974]
GEN CA 7 Cases-Decisions F [1973-1974] [Empty]
GEN CA 7 Cases-Decisions G [1973-1974] [Empty]
GEN CA 7 Cases-Decisions H [1973-1974] [Empty]
GEN CA 7 Cases-Decisions I [1973-1974]
GEN CA 7 Cases-Decisions J [1973-1974] [Empty]
GEN CA 7 Cases-Decisions K [1973-1974] [Empty]
GEN CA 7 Cases-Decisions L [1973-1974]
GEN CA 7 Cases-Decisions M [1973-1974] [Empty]
GEN CA 7 Cases-Decisions N [1973-1974] [Empty]
GEN CA 7 Cases-Decisions O [1973-1974] [Empty]
GEN CA 7 Cases-Decisions P [1973-1974] [Empty]
GEN CA 7 Cases-Decisions Q [1973-1974] [Empty]
GEN CA 7 Cases-Decisions R [1973-1974] [Empty]
GEN CA 7 Cases-Decisions S [1973-1974]
GEN CA 7 Cases-Decisions T [1973-1974] [Empty]
GEN CA 7 Cases-Decisions U [1973-1974]
GEN CA 7 Cases-Decisions V [1973-1974] [Empty]
GEN CA 7 Cases-Decisions W [1973-1974] [Empty]
GEN CA 7 Cases-Decisions X,Y,Z [1973-1974] [Empty]

Box 28

EX CA 8 Aircraft Development [1969-1970] [1 of 3]
EX CA 8 Aircraft Development [1969-1970] [2 of 3]
EX CA 8 Aircraft Development [1969-1970] [3 of 3]
EX CA 8 Aircraft Development 1/1/1971-5/31-1971
EX CA 8 Aircraft Development 6/1/1971-7/31/1971
EX CA 8 Aircraft Development 8/1/1971-
EX CA 8 Aircraft Development 1/1/1973

Box 29

GEN CA 8 Aircraft Development [1969-1970] [1 of 4]
GEN CA 8 Aircraft Development [1969-1970] [2 of 4]
GEN CA 8 Aircraft Development [1969-1970] [3 of 4]
GEN CA 8 Aircraft Development [1969-1970] [4 of 4]
GEN CA 8 Aircraft Development 1/1/1971 [1 of 2]
GEN CA 8 Aircraft Development 1/1/1971 [2 of 2]
GEN CA 8 Aircraft Development 1/1/1973
