
Roy Ash (White House Central Files: Staff Member and Office Files)

Date Start
Date End

The Presidential historical materials of Roy Ash are in the custody of the National Archives and Records Administration under the provisions of Title I of the Presidential Recordings and Materials Preservation Act of 1974 (44 U.S.C. 2111 note), and implementing regulations. In accordance with the act and regulations, archivists reviewed the file group to identify personal and private materials (including materials outside the date span covered by the act) as well as non-historical items. These materials have been returned to the individual who has primary proprietary interest.

Materials covered by the act have been archivally processed and are described in this register. Items which are security classified or otherwise restricted under the act and regulations have been removed and placed in a closed file. A Document Withdrawal Record (NA 14021) with a description of each restricted document has been inserted at the beginning of each folder from which materials have been removed. A Document Control Record marks the original position of the withdrawn item. Employees of the National Archives will review periodically the unclassified portions of closed materials for the purpose of opening those which no longer require restriction. Certain classified documents may be declassified under authority of Executive Order 13526 in response to a Mandatory Review Request (NA 14020) submitted by the researcher.

  • Linear feet of materials:  2.6
  • Approximate number of pages:  6,240
Biographical Note

October 20, 1918 Born in Los Angeles, California

1936-1942 Bank of America National Trust & Savings Association, San Francisco, California

1942-1947 WW II Army Air Corps, Captain

1943 Married Lila Hornbeck

1947 MBA Harvard School of Business

1947-1949 Bank of America National Trust & Savings Association, San Francisco, California

1949-1953 Chief Financial Officer, Hughes Aircraft Company, Culver City, California

1953 Co-founded with Charles (Tex) Thornton, Electro-Dynamics Corporation, Los Angeles, California

1953-1954 Electro-Dynamics became Litton Industries, Inc.

1961-1972 President, Litton Industries, Inc., Beverly Hills, California

1968 Worked with President-Elect Nixon on ways to improve management and efficiency in Government

April 1969-May 1971 Chairman of the President's Advisory Council on Executive Re-organization (PACEO)

1972-1976 Director of the Office of Management and Budget

1976-1981 President, Addressograph-Multigraph (later AM International)

1980-1985 Vice Chairman, Los Angeles Olympic Organizing Committee

1979-1985 Board of Directors, Chamber of Commerce of U.S.

Scope and Content Note

The files of Roy Ash consists of copies of materials he generated or received in the two positions he held during the Nixon Administration: Chairman of the President's Advisory Council on Executive Organization (PACEO) 1969-1970 and Director of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) December 1972-August 9, 1974.

These files are divided into two major series reflecting these two roles. In the first series there are staff papers dated July 17-19, 1969. The primary subject covered is civil rights prepared by J. Eugene Maranes and Michael MacDonald. There are also summaries of several task forces of the specialized topics there are: a proposed study on Federal organized crime endeavors, efforts to aid disadvantaged citizens, statements on economic development and the Administration's legislative programs. Located among these materials are studies on the Presidency by Bradley Nash and Bradley Patterson. Two source books were used by PACEO: the Heineman Task Force on Reorganization, dated September 15, 1967, and the Lindsay Task Force on Government Organization, December 17, 1968, are included. The Briefing Book prepared for Roy Ash, who was testifying before Congress, concerns the formation of the Environmental Protection Agency. There is one final report to the President and it pertains to the Independent Regulatory Agencies.

The second series concerns Roy Ash's role as Director of OMB dating from December 1972 to August 9, 1974. Within this series there are four subseries: Roy Ash Chrono Files; Memos to the President; Presidential Meetings; and Hearings, Statements and Speeches. The largest subseries is a chronological file of correspondence consisting primarily of outgoing letters and memos from Roy Ash arranged alphabetically by the last name of the correspondents. At the beginning of each folder there are congratulatory letters and letters from Ash thanking people for support. There are requests throughout this subseries for Ash to speak to groups and before Congressional committees. Primary topics are interpretation of Administration economic and regulatory policies, explanation of the roles of OMB, comments on, and advice and evaluations of legislation. Found throughout the materials are letters and memos explaining why the positions of Director and Deputy Director of OMB should not be subject to confirmation by the Senate. There are also numerous letters from Congressmen, Senators, governors, and mayors concerning Federal credit policies, law enforcement studies on the Mexican-U.S. border, municipal waste water treatment funds and concern over energy resources and shortages, closure of military bases and other topics of special interest to the area. Since the topics are so varied the individual alphabetical folders are described in the series descriptions.

The subseries of Memos to the President, 1973-1974, consists of materials from Roy Ash to the President regarding his meetings with the President and meetings of the Economic Advisors and the Cabinet as well as memos advising the President on issues confronting OMB and the Administration on the economy and pending legislation.

In the subseries Meetings with the President, 1973-1974, there are handwritten notes, talking papers and other memos regarding meetings with the President, the Economic Advisors, and the Cabinet on energy, the budget and efforts to stimulate the economy.

The final subseries Hearings, Statements and Speeches, 1973-1974, contains press releases, handwritten and typed notes for speeches and formal statements of presentations, speeches and remarks given by Roy Ash to Congressional committees, national and civic organizations on the economy, OMB policies and pending legislation.

For additional materials concerning Roy Ash and his role as Chairman of PACEO the files of the President's Advisory Council on Executive Organization should be checked. There are some official OMB files in the WHCF: Subject File FG 6-16. References to Roy Ash and the OMB are found throughout the White House Special Files.

Series Description

Boxes:   1-2
Series:   President's Advisory Council on Executive Organization (PACEO)
Spans:   1969-1970
Description:   Materials consist of council meetings, agendas, and staff papers dated July 17-19, 1969 with a large portion on Civil Rights. In the materials from a binder are a variety of task force proposals, one dated September 15, 1967, on government reorganization chaired by Robert Heineman and another dated December 17, 1968, chaired by Franklin Lindsay. There is also an analysis of the Rockefeller Committee report on Government Organization dated 1952-60 prepared by Nelson Rockefeller, Milton Eisenhower, and Arthur FLeming. Studies of the staffing the Presidency by Bradley Nash and Bradley Patterson dating from 1952 and 1968 respectively are included. A briefing book was prepared for Roy Ash when he had to testify before Congress on the consolidation of major Federal pollution control programs in the new independent agency EPA. Another binder contains materials relating to those Departments and Agencies which administer social programs. The final binder consists of the Report to the President on Independent Regulatory Agencies.

Boxes:   3-6
Series:   Roy Ash Chrono
Spans:   December 1972-August 9, 1974

"A"   Major correspondents are Spiro Agnew, Carl Albert, and John Anderson. Subjects discussed include: the problems of impoundment of funds, reorganization of the Executive Branch, subsidized housing programs, establishing a legal services corporation, efforts to improve Federal drug law enforcement, military base closings, the U.S. export promotion program, efforts to strengthen the New Federalism, the creation of the Federal Energy Office on December 4, 1973, the Sea Grant program, the Airport Development Aid Program (ADAP) and EPA support of state and local air and water pollution control agencies.

"B"   Major correspondents are: Arthur Burns, Howard Baker and John Brennigar. Items of special interest are: the school lunch programs, the housing subsidy program, the OEO Migrant Labor Program, letters and memos to Senators and Congressmen who support the Administration's policies on controlling government spending and establishing the Wage-Price freeze, problems with the highway aid bills, disposal of stockpile surpluses, and energy research and development.

"C"   Major correspondents are: Alan Cranston, Carl Curtis, and Ken Cole. Topics covered are: the allotment of Federal funds for the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, Government reliance on the private sector for its needs, grant money for the Bicentennial Commission, the Mass Transit bill, a letter from Clements concerning the report from the National Academy of Science, "The Effects of Herbicides in South Vietnam", Head Start funds, and EPA regulations regarding thermal discharges.

"D"   Major correspondents are: Peter Dominici and Fred Dent. The major topics are: the termination of the Subversive Activities Control Board, direct loans for rural electrification, budgets for many agencies, the Security Assistance Country Allocations for 1974, draft bill on the Department of Energy and Natural Resources, and continuation of support for the Emergency Petroleum Allocation Program conducted by the Federal Energy Office.

"E"   Major correspondents are: John Ehrlichman, Sam Ervin, James Eastland, Edwin Edwards, Daniel Evans, and William Egan. Subjects commented on include: problems with Executive impoundment of funds, a memo for Ehrlichman "Will local control of Federal money hurt the Poor?", OMB views on the Legislative Reorganization Act of 1970, OMB testimony before Congressional committees on restoring the value of the dollar, restraining inflation, and restoring the independence of certain regulatory agencies, power shortages in the Pacific Northwest and the Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area.

"F"   Major correspondents are: William Fulbright, Gerald Ford and Daniel Flood. Topics covered are: the Department of Labor's imposition of a temporary hold on enrollments in manpower programs, drafts of the Trade message for the President, the Commerce proposal for an Office of International Trade Grievances, a memo of Federal Executive Boards, May 4, 1973 evaluating the Federal Executive Board System, the offer of OMB to brief Vice-President Ford, memos to the Vice-President concerning the Domestic Council Committee on the Right to Privacy and Energy Research and Development, and an inquiry concerning the grants of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to support state and local air and water pollution control agencies.

"G"   The major correspondent is Barry Goldwater. Primary subjects are: an explanation of Ash's view of full-employment budget, confusion caused by conflicting pesticide re-entry requirements issued by EPA and OSHA, the proposed construction of warships in private shipyards, views of the Administration on increased U.S. participation in the International Development Association and the Action Development Bank, concern over the Earth Resources Technology Satellite (ERTS) program and its continuation, the draft of the veto message for the Energy Emergency Bill, comments on drug abuse services in the Federal government, and concern over the discontinuance of the Cuban Refugee Program.

"H" [Folder 1 of 2]   Major correspondents are Chet Holifield, Mark Hatfield, Al Haig, and Craig Hosmer. Major topics are: action plan to trim staff and relationship functions in the Executive Office of the President, decisions on 4 major EOP offices-the Office of Consumer Affairs, the Council on Environmental Quality, the Office of Science and Technology, and the Office of Telecommunications Policy, Reorganization Plan of 1973, Senate confirmation of OMB Director and Deputy Director, comments by Ash on report "Cairo, Illinois: A Symbol of Racial Polarization", comments on the Cost of Living Council PHase III reporting requirements, discussion about strengthening the government's capability to interdict the flow of illegal aliens into the U.S., status report on Black participation in the All-Volunteer Armed Forces, letter concerning uranium enrichment services for growing nuclear power industry, comments on the role of the Vice-President, memo on Presidential involvement in agency oversight, OMB's recommendation of a veto of the Alaska Pipeline Bill, and comments on the War Powers Veto.

"H" [Folder 2 of 2]   Major correspondents are: Hubert Humphrey, Robert Hampton and Frank Horton. Some of the items concern Economic Policy, Ash's view of the role of the Domestic Council, energy problems and reorganization, appeal of the subsidized housing decision, memo on the President's interest in the status of drug enforcement and the deployment of the customs people at the Mexican border, the "E-1" Energy Group consisting of Roy Ash, John Sawhill, William Simon, Herb Stein, Peter Flanigan, John Dunlop and Frank Zarb, mention of meetings, agendas and schedules for the TROIKA consisting of the Secretary of the Treasury, the Director of CEA and the Director of OMB with comments on macroeconomic outlook and the history of it, notes on economic policy by ROy Ash, and a draft of the President's economic statement.

"I-K"   Major correspondents are: Lee Iaccoca, Daniel Inouye, Jacob Javits, Henry Jackson, Jerry Jones, Don Johnson, Thomas Judge, J. Emmett Johnson, Bruce King, Jack Kemp, Bruce Kehrli and Thomas Kleppe. Topics covered include: the Administration's uranium enrichment policy, standards for radiation emissions from nuclear facilities, the Department of Labor manpower training program funding and summer youth employment programs, letters of support for the President's housing message, the "Deepwater Port Facilities Act of 1973", comments on the ERDA bill, description of the work of John Hill, OMB, Natural Resources on the Executive Branch, mention of funding of OEO Indian programs, cleanup of pollution of the Great Lakes, Weinberger was willing to accept the Office of Consumer Affairs in the Department of HEW, Virginia Knauer did not want OCA moved to HEW, SBA encouraged to develop minority enterprise objectives, concern expressed for additional NASA research funds to develop quieter aircraft, comments on the 1968 Task Force on Federal Credit Policy and the 1969 Cabinet Committee to Reappraise Federal Credit Program, the wish of the President to avoid a general increase in tax rates, and a mention of the International Commission of Control and Supervision in Vietnam.

"L"   Major correspondents are: David Lillienthal, Melvin Laird, James Lynn and Russell Long. Topics mentioned are: an explanation of New Federalism, the Sea Grants program and lists of HUD objectives and goals.

"M" [Folder 1 of 2]   Major correspondents are: John McClellan, Edmund Muskie, Lee Metcalf, Warren Magnuson, Wilbur Mills, and Joseph Montoya. Issues and concerns found in this folder are: discontinuance of the subsidized housing programs, Congressional requests that Ash testify regarding "Executive Privilege and Government Secrecy", how the balance of payments affects U.S. defense commitments and foreign economic assistance, amendments to the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, case sent from Sen. Montoya regarding the use of details and the "honest budget", comments on AEC's Controlled Thermonuclear Research Program (CTR), and need for research on tertiary recovery methods for oil and gas.

"M" [Folder 2 of 2]   Major correspondents are: Charles Mosher, Rogers C.B. Morton, and George Mahon. Issues mentioned are: concern expressed over the FTC and the business survey report, additional funding for Federal Energy Office for the Energy Systems Information Project for the Commission on Critical Choices for America, the Elk Hills production of oil, concern over NASA's Plum Brook Station, the VA hospital in Little Rock, comments on a bill requiring persons to be apprised of records concerning them maintained by governmental agencies, comments on "contracting out" in the Defense Department, institution of management by objectives, comment on the transportation component for summer youth programs, CETA, concern from Puerto Rico's special adviser to the government on Federal affairs regarding Federal domestic assistance, and concern over science advisory structure of the Executive Branch.

"N"   Major correspondent is Sam Nunn. There is correspondence concerning the proposed merger of Eastern Airlines and the Caribbean-Atlantic Airlines and a letter to Ralph Nader about Consumer Protection Agency legislation.

"O"   Major correspondent is Tom O'Neill. The following topics are mentioned: a letter concerning the reduction of Federal Aviation Administration expenses and increasing the safety of U.S. air system, letter on the use of funds from OEO to alleviate the impact of the fuel shortage in the Northeast, and Ash comments on the criteria for the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health and the Occupational Safety and Health Act.

"P"   Major correspondents are: James Pearson, Stan Parris, Carl Perkins, Clairborne Pell, Wright Patman, Charles Percy, Robert Packwood, and William Proxmire. Topics in this file concern: correspondence on issues of flood control projects, ADP operations, subsidies for housing, mine safety, cable television, waste treatment plants, a memo from Ash to Parker on the goal of the President's domestic schedule, reorganization of the National Institute of Mutual Health (NIMH) into the Alcohol, Drug Abuse and Mental Health Administration (ADAMHA), and a letter on increased private contracting.

"Q-R"   Major correspondents are: James Quillen, William Rogers, Jennings Randolph, William Roy, Henry Reuss, Dixie Lee Ray, Kenneth Rush, Edward Roybal, Howard Robinson, Ronald Reagan and John Rhodes. The major topics are: the institutionalizing international narcotics control, the OMB evaluation of a bill to extend Public Works and Economic Development Act of 1965, air traffic controllers, defaults on FHA insured home mortgages, Reorganization Plans No. 3 of 1970 and 1973, excess currencies for sale of agricultural commodities, collection of civil penalties assessed under the Federal Credit Coal Mine Health and Safety Act of 1969, concern over quality of water entering Mexico, briefing materials for Monday Meeting of Economic Advisors, letter to Reagan regarding grants of EPA to support state and local pollution control agencies, and safe drinking water legislation.

"S" [Folder 1 of 2]  Major correspondents are: George Shultz, William Saxbe, Elmer Staats, Hugh Scott, James Schlesinger, and Ted Stevens. Topics covered are: Ash advising the President regarding reorganization legislative options, the Rural Environmental Assistance Program and the REA electric and telephone loan programs, Agnes Disaster Relief Act, price controls in lumber and wood products industry, OMB comments regarding Congressman Rooney's contention that Federal spending for domestic programs is being cut across the board, Ash comments on the President's drug reorganization proposals, Domestic Council committees, military health care system, Department of Defense objectives, move of launch of ERTS-B from 1976 to 1974, comments of OMB on DOD and Department of Interior leasing nominations for oil and gas drilling on the outer continental shelf, HEW impoundment litigation and the Trans-Alaskan pipeline.

"S" [Folder 2 of 2]   Major correspondents are: George Shultz, James Schlesinger, Herbert Stein, Hugh Scott, William Simon, Arthur Sampson, William Saxbe, Ted Stevens, Elmer Staats, and John Sawhill. Topics include: discussion of the Emergency WIndfall Profits Tax Proposal on crude oil producers, energy conservation, research and development for FY 1975, efforts to avoid the need for a general increase in tax rates, program to equalize crude oil prices, possibility of a nationwide coal strike, and implementation of the Congressional Budget and Impoundment Control Act of 1974.

"T"   Major correspondents are: Russell Train, Strom Thurmond, John Tower and Olin Teague. Subjects discussed: views of the Kaiser Affiliated Companies toward Phase IV price control regulations, an act establishing Congressional budget procedures and a spending ceiling, possibility of expanding NASA's role to deal with domestic problems, and the Apollo-Soyuz Test Project.

"U-Z"   Major correspondents are: Morris Udall, Al Ullman, Caspar Weinberger, Jamie Whitten, Clyde Webber, George Wallace, John Whitaker, and Milton Young. Issues commented on: BIA construction authority, the Oil Depletion Allowances, water resources and the Bureau of Reclamation Program, a proposed National Program for Research and Development in Fuels and Energy, the Veterans Education and Training Service (VETS), a study of the growth of social programs in the Nixon Administration, concern over the Toth process of the Applied Aluminum Research Corporation, GAO report on migrant and seasonal farm workers, "contracting out" in the Defense Department, passback allowance for oil shale program, review of the Railroad Retirement Act of 1937 revisions, and comments on AID's procurement programs.

Boxes:   7
Series:   Memos to the President
Spans:   1973-1974
Description:   This subseries consists of copies of memos, letters and schedule proposals from Roy Ash to the President. There are also meeting agendas and minutes for meetings of the Economic Advisors and the President. Other correspondents are: William Rogers, Melvin Laird, Earl Butz, Frank Zarb, Paul O'Neill and Fred Malek. There are many memos regarding the budgets for 1974 and 1975 and the effect of budget decisions on particular agencies or programs such as the space shuttle, Vietnam veterans and New Federalism. There are several memos appealing budget decisions from Cabinet officers. The President was concerned with restricting the growth of the Federal work force and balancing the budget. Several memos concern pending legislation on the Consumer Protection Agency, the debt ceiling, impoundment of funds, the Alaska pipeline, farms, and the Better Schools Act. Of special interest are discussions with Lynn Townsend of Chrysler on the effects of automobile exports when pollution and safety equipment is added, the Simon memo on automobile emission standards and the ignition interlock system in vehicles. There is also a discussion of the Caribbean-Atlantic-Eastern Airlines acquisition case and the Civil Aeronautics Board decision on youth and student fares in foreign air transportation. Ash wrote a memo to the President about the delegation of the functions of OEO and the creation of DEA. In August 1973 Ash wrote to the President about strengthening the Presidency and again in November he proposed that the President write on the subject of "bettering the political process". Many memos concern energy research and development, energy conservation and energy shortages. On the environment and the issue of the Water Resources Development Act of 1974 and the Liquid Metal Fast Breeder Reactor Environmental Impact Statement are included.

Boxes:   7
Series:   Presidential Meetings
Spans:   1973-1974
Description:   In this file are copies of handwritten notes, talking papers and memos regarding meetings with the President. There are notes of meetings with the Economic Advisors and the Cabinet on energy, the budget and efforts to stimulate the economy. There is a memo from Ash to Haig concerning a plan for the President to assert Presidential management control attached to a proposed Cabinet meeting dated March 28, 1974.

Boxes:   7-8
Series:   Hearings, Statements, and Speeches
Spans:   1973-1974
Description:   In these folders are press releases of statements, remarks and speeches made by Roy Ash before Congressional committees and national and civic clubs and organizations. Topics covered include: confirmation hearings for Ash as Director of OMB, the Federal budgets for FY 1974 and 1975, legislation for a Federal Energy Administration and a comprehensive national health insurance plan. There are also copies of handwritten notes and typed notes used by Roy Ash to prepare for his speeches and statements explaining OMB policies, the budget and its impact and Watergate. There are some joint statements on economic matters such as the joint statement with George Shultz and Caspar Weinberger on economic development. Also included are the remarks of Roy Ash to the Advisory Committee on the Economic Role of Women, September 20, 1973.

Folder Title List

Series I: President's Advisory Council on Executive Organization (PACEO), 1969-70

Box 1

PACEO Staff Papers July 17-19, 1969 [Removed from Binder]
Summaries of Task Force Proposals Roy Ash 1969 [Removed from Binder]
[Key Papers Included in the Council's Source Book--PACEO, Aug. 4, 1969] [Removed from Binder]

Box 2

[Briefing Book for Roy Ash Regarding PACEO's recommendation of formation of EPA July 1970]
[Materials Regarding Social Programs from Departments and Agencies] [Folder 1 of 2]
[Materials Regarding Social Programs from Departments and Agencies] [Folder 2 of 2]
[Report to the President from PACEO on Independent Regulatory Agencies, 12/70 2nd Draft] [Removed from Binder]

Series II: Roy Ash Chrono, Dec. 1972-Aug. 9, 1974

Box 3

Roy Ash Chrono. Dec. 1972-Aug. 8, 1974 "A"
Roy Ash Chrono. Dec. 1972-Aug. 9, 1974 "B"
Roy Ash Chrono. Dec. 1972-Aug. 9, 1974 "C"
Roy Ash Chrons. Dec. 1972-Aug. 9, 1974 "D"

Box 4

Roy Ash Chrons. Dec. 1972-Aug. 9, 1974 "E"
Roy Ash Chrons. Dec. 1972-Aug. 9, 1974 "F"
Roy Ash Chrons. Dec. 1972-Aug. 9, 1974 "G"
Roy Ash Chrons. Dec. 1972-Aug. 9, 1974 "H" [Folder 1 of 2]
Roy Ash Chrons. Dec. 1972-Aug. 9, 1974 "H" [Folder 2 of 2]

Box 5

Roy Ash Chrons. Dec. 1972-Aug. 9, 1974 "I-K"
Roy Ash Chrons. Dec. 1972-Aug. 9, 1974 "L"
Roy Ash Chrons. Dec. 1972-Aug. 9, 1974 "M" [Folder 1 of 2]
Roy Ash Chrons. Dec. 1972-Aug. 9, 1974 "M" [Folder 2 of 2]
Roy Ash Chrono. Dec. 1972-Aug. 9, 1974 "N"
Roy Ash Chrono. Dec. 1972-Aug. 9, 1974 "O"
Roy Ash Chrono. Dec. 1972-Aug. 9, 1974 "P"

Box 6

Roy Ash Chrono. Q-R
Roy Ash Chrono. S [1 of 2]
Roy Ash Chrono. S [2 of 2]
Roy Ash Chrono. T
Roy Ash Chrono. U-Z

Series III: Memos to the President, 1973-74

Box 7

Roy Ash Memos to the President [Feb.-Dec. 1973]
Roy Ash Memos to the President [Jan-Aug. 9, 1974]

Series IV: Presidential Meetings, 1973-74

Roy Ash Presidential Meetings

Series V: Hearings, Statements, and Speeches, 1973-74

Roy Ash Hearings

Box 8

Roy Ash Budget Statements and Speeches
Roy Ash Speeches [Folder 1 of 2]
Roy Ash Speeches [Folder 2 of 2]
