
President's Advisory Council on Executive Organization (White House Central Files: Staff Member and Office Files)

Date Start
Date End

The Presidential historical materials of the President's Advisory Council on Executive Organization are in the custody of the National Archives and Records Administration under the provisions of Title I of the Presidential Recordings and Materials Preservation Act of 1974 (44 U.S.C. 2111 note) and implementing regulations. In accordance with the act and regulations, archivists reviewed the file group to identify personal and private materials (including materials outside the date span covered by the act) as well as nonhistorical items. These materials have been returned to the individual who has primary proprietary interest.

Materials covered by the Act have been archivally processed and are described in this register. Items which are security classified or otherwise restricted under the act and regulations have been removed and placed in a closed file. A Document Withdrawal Record (GSA Form 7279 or NA Form 14021) with a description of each restricted document has been inserted at the beginning of each folder from which materials have been removed. A Document Control Record marks the original position of the withdrawn item. Employees of the National Archives will review periodically the unclassified portions of closed materials for the purpose of opening those which no longer require restriction. Certain classified documents may be declassified under authority of Executive Order 13526 in response to a Mandatory Review Request (NA Form 14020) submitted by the researcher.

  • Linear feet of materials:   49
  • Approximate number of pages:   98,000
Scope and Content Note

The President's Advisory Council on Executive Organization (PACEO) was appointed by the President on April 15, 1969. Its mission was to conduct a review of the organization of the executive branch and to recommend changes which would alleviate problems arising from overlapping jurisdictions and improve the effectiveness of the government departments in carrying out the administration's domestic programs. The Council's first five members, also appointed on April 5, 1969, were the Chairman Roy L. Ash, John B. Connally, Frederick R. Kappel, Richard M. Paget, and George Baker; they were later joined by Walter Thayer, appointed June 2, 1969, who also held the post of Special Consultant to the President with the responsibility to assist in establishing the Council. Murray Comarow was the Council's first executive director, and Andrew Rouse his deputy and later successor. The Council first convened on April 10, 1969. It met formally one or two full days a month, conducted 1500 interviews, met with the President five times, and prepared for him fourteen memoranda between July 19, 1969 and November 19, 1970, as follows:

  1. Advising the President of the Council's Upcoming Agenda (July 19, 1969)
  2. The Executive Office of the President (August 20, 1969)
  3. Proposed Organization of the Executive Office of the President (October 17, 1969)
  4. Oceanography and Atmospheric Programs Organization (January 16, 1970)
  5. Proposed Reorganization of the Federal Organized Crime Strike Force Program (January 16, 1970)
  6. Overseas Organization of the Federal Government to Deal with Traffic in Narcotics (January 16, 1970)
  7. Report on Selected Activities in the Executive Office of the President (January 20, 1970)
  8. Federal Organization for Environmental Protection (April 29, 1970)
  9. The Establishment of a Department of Natural Resources (May 12, 1970)
  10. Federal Organization to Control Drug Abuse (June 25, 1970)
  11. The Independent Regulatory Agencies (July 10, 1970)
  12. Organization for Foreign Economic Affairs (August 17, 1970)
  13. The Executive Office of the President--An Overview (October 26, 1970)
  14. Organization for Social and Economic Programs (November 19, 1970)

Three of these reports were eventually made public: "The Establishment of a Department of Natural Resources" and "Organization for Social and Economic Programs" (published together, Government Printing Office, February 1971); and "The Independent Regulatory Framework, Report on Selected Independent Regulatory Agencies" (Government Printing Office, January 1971). In addition, the Council published "President's Departmental Reorganization--A Reference Compilation" (Government Printing Office, March 1971). Despite discussion among administration members that the Council should prepare and perhaps publish a "Final Report," such a report was apparently never in fact prepared.

President Nixon accepted the resignation of the Council on May 7, 1971.

The Council's files are arranged in seven series. Three of these series, Memoranda for the President, Meetings Files, and Subject Categories--which three together comprise about 60% of the file group's volume and are its core--follow the strict arrangement scheme imposed on them by the Council's records officers. The Memoranda for the President series, which holds the Council's final, finished products, together with drafts, reports and staff comments, and the Meetings Files series, which holds such things as agendas, minutes of meetings, and lists of attendees, are arranged chronologically. The Subject Categories series is comprised of six subseries, holding the records of the six Council study groups. Arrangement within each subseries follows a numerical scheme which divided materials into types, beginning with the memoranda for the President and including correspondence, transcripts of interviews, and background reports and memoranda.

Two other series, Chronological and Administrative Files and Andrew M. Rouse Files, do not follow the same arrangement scheme. The Chronological and Administrative File, which is arranged partly chronologically, partly by subject, covers administrative details of the Council's work, such as acquiring staff and equipment, responding to offers of assistance and advice, arranging meetings, and caring for Council financial and legal matters. The Andrew M. Rouse Files are the office files of the Council's deputy director and, in its late phase, director. It is arranged in two subseries. First is a Meetings File, which duplicates some of the material in the main Meetings File, described above, and a Subject File, which covers primarily the work of the two study groups with which Rouse worked most closely--those for the Executive Office of the President and Natural Resources. The subseries is arranged in an approximate alphabetical order which keeps the materials covering these two study groups each respectively together. The subseries also contains four folders of office files of Dwight Ink, an official of the Bureau of the Budget who worked with the Council.

The last two series, Reference File and Printed Material, contain background materials on reorganization proposals, past and present, and on government programs.

Materials related to the Council's records are located in the Subject Files of the White House Central Files (FG 250, The President's Advisory Council on Executive Organization), and in the staff member and office files, in both the White House Central Files and the White House Special Files, of administration figures such as H.R. Haldeman, John Ehrlichman, Peter Flanigan, Kenneth Cole, Egil Krogh, Ray Price, and John Whitaker, who participated in the Council's work. In addition, Roy Ash has a small staff member file in the White House Central Files.

Attached as an appendix to this finding aid are four documents from this file group and from the Council file (FG 250) in the White House Central Files, Subject Files. They are (1) PACEO, Table of Organization (Tentative), June 18, 1969; (2) PACEO Press Release, July 15, 1969; (3) President's Advisory Council on Executive Organization, Staff, ca. July 1969; and (4) Staff, May 1, 1970.

Series Description

Boxes:   1-5
Series:   Memoranda for the President
Spans:   1969-1971
Description:   Memoranda for the President, with accompanying drafts, appendices, briefing materials, staff reports and comments. Arranged chronologically.

Boxes:   6-11
Series:   Meetings Files
Spans:   1954, 1969-1971
Description:   Agendas, minutes, lists of attendees, drafts of memoranda for the President, memoranda, correspondence, notes and briefing materials relating to the meetings of the President's Advisory Council on Executive Organization. Arranged chronologically.

Boxes:   12-14
Series:   Chronological and Administrative File
Spans:   1969-1971
Description:   Memoranda, correspondence, notes and press releases concerning the administration of the President's Advisory Council on Executive Organization. Topics covered include acquiring staff and equipment, delineating areas of study, responding to offers of assistance and advice, preparing meeting agenda and arranging Council meetings, arranging meetings with the President and with interviewees, requesting advice and aid of government agencies, drafting Council memoranda to the President, responding to inquiries from members of Congress, managing Council finances, and contracting for consulting services. Arranged in part chronologically and in part by subject.

Boxes:   15-34
Series:   Andrew M. Rouse Files
Spans:   1947 (1969)-1971
Description:   This series is divided into two subseries:

Meetings Files (boxes 15-20) include memoranda, staff papers, charts, lists, partial transcripts of interviews, drafts of Presidential statements, and a speech draft. This subseries partially duplicates the materials in the Meeting Files series. Arranged chronologically.

Subject Files (boxes 21-34) include correspondence, memoranda, notes, reports, press releases, clippings, transcripts of hearings, texts of proposed bills and briefing materials concerning the work of the Council, and particularly of the study groups concerned with natural resources and the Executive Office of the President, with which Rouse worked most closely. Also included, at the end of the subseries, are the office files of Dwight Ink, which contain responses by corporate officials, heads of trade organizations and professional associations, and other interested parties, to Peter Flanigan's letter of March 22, 1971, inviting comments on proposed changes in the organization of independent regulatory commissions. At the end of the subseries is the misnamed "Final Report of the Council," which represents instead Rouse's final attempt to prepare a final report; it includes the fourteen memoranda for the President which the Council prepared, together with appendices. Arranged in an approximate alphabetical order.

Boxes:   35-95
Series:   Subject Categories
Spans:   1967 (1969)-1971
Description:   This series is divided into six subseries, each representing the work of one of the Council's study groups. Each subseries was carefully arranged by the Council staff into a letter and number coded scheme. A similar arrangement pattern is followed in each case: first is the memorandum to the President produced by the study group; next are drafts of the memorandum; then follow printed material and other background information, correspondence and partial transcripts of interviews conducted by the study group, and finally reports, staff papers, speeches, transcripts of testimony and other similar materials used by the study group.

The six subseries are as follows:

  • Executive Office of the President (EOP) (boxes 35-41)
  • Law Enforcement (LEN) (boxes 42-51)
  • Natural Resources (NRE) (boxes 52-60)
  • Regulatory Agencies (REG) (boxes 61-70)
  • Foreign Economic Policy (FECOM) (boxes 71-72)
  • Social Programs (SP) (boxes 73-95)

All are arranged according to Council created subject-number schemes.

Boxes:   96-104
Series:   Reference File
Spans:   1964 (1969)-1971
Description:   Reports, briefing materials, agency handbooks, staff papers, catalogs, a bibliography, and a computer printout concerning present and former reorganization proposals. The "Chronology Information" folder contains a partial chronological history of the Council. Arranged approximately around Council study group areas of interest.

Boxes:   105-118
Series:   Printed Material
Spans:   1959 (1967)-1971
Description:   Reports, catalogs, booklets, journals, magazines, texts of laws and directories relating to government programs. This material is unarranged.

Folder Title List

Series I: Memoranda for the President, 1969-1971

Box 1

The Powers and Responsibilities of the President [bound index, prepared by Aspen Systems Corp., Aug. 1970]
Memoranda of the President's Advisory Council on Executive Organization [Empty]
Memoranda for the President [on the Executive Office of the President], Jul. 19, 1968
Back-up papers, Executive Office of President -- July 19, 1969
August 20, 1969, Executive Office of President -- [memorandum for the President]
Back-up papers, Executive Office of President -- August 20, 1969
October 17, 1969, Executive Office of President -- [memorandum]
Back-up Papers, Executive Office of President October 17, 1969 [1 of 2]
Back-up Papers, Executive Office of President October 17, 1969 [2 of 2]
January 16, 1970, Strike Force Program [memorandum for President]

Box 2

Back-up Papers, Strike Force Program, Jan. 16, 1970
January 16, 1970, Overseas Organization/Narcotics [memorandum for the President]
Back-up Papers, Overseas Organization/Narcotics, January 16, 1970
Jan. 16, 1970, NOAA [memorandum for the President on a proposed National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration]
Back-up Papers [for memorandum for the President on proposed National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration, Jan. 16, 1970]
January 20, 1970, Selected Activities of the Executive Office of President [memorandum for the President]
Back-up Papers [for the Jan. 20. 1970 memorandum for the President on selected activities of the Executive Office of President]
April 29, 1970, Environmental Protection Agency, [memorandum for the President on environmental protection]
May 12, 1970, Natural Resources [memorandum for the President]
Back-up Papers [for memoranda for the President on environmental protection and natural resources, April 29 and May 12, 1970]
Back-up Papers [for memoranda for the President on environmental protection and natural resources, April 29, 1970]

Box 3

Back-up Papers [for memoranda for the President on environmental protection and natural resources, April 29 and May 12, 1970]
June 26, 1970, Drug Abuse [memorandum for the the President]
Back-up Papers [for memorandum for the President on drug abuse, June 26, 1970]
July 13, 1970, IRA's [memorandum for the President on independent regulatory agencies]
Back-up Papers [for memorandum for the President on independent regulatory agencies, July 13, 1970] [1 of 2]
Back-up Papers [for memorandum for the President on independent regulatory agencies, July 13, 1970] [2 of 2]

Box 4

Organization for Foreign Economic Affairs, Aug. 17, 1970 [memorandum for the President]
Back-up Papers, Foreign Economic Policy
The Executive Office of the President - An Overview, Oct. 26, 1970 [memorandum for the President]
Back-up Papers -- Executive Office of President, Overview
Memorandum for the President, Subject: Organization for Social and Economic Programs, Nov. 19, 1970
Back-up Material -- Social and Economic Programs

Box 5

Memorandum to the President, with Back-up Papers - [social and economic programs] [1 of 4]
Memorandum to the President, with Back-up Papers - [social and economic programs] [2 of 4]
Memorandum to the President, with Back-up Papers - [social and economic programs] [3 of 4]
Memorandum to the President, with Back-up Papers - [social and economic programs] [4 of 4]

Series II: Meetings Files, 1954, 1969-1971

Box 6

Summation of PACEO Council Agenda
PACEO Council Meeting, Reports and Papers, Council Meeting -- May 17, 1969
PACEO Council Meeting, June 1969, Information
PACEO Council Meeting, July 17-19, 1969
Reports and Papers, Council Meeting, July 17-19, 1969 [1 of 2]
Reports and Papers, Council Meeting, July 17-19, 1969 [2 of 2]
Correspondence, Council Meeting, July 17-19, 1969
PACEO Council Meeting, Council Meeting, Aug. 7, 1969
PACEO Council Meeting, Agenda -- Aug. 20, 1969
Reports and Papers, Council Meeting, Aug. 20, 1969
Correspondence [Jul. - Aug. 1969]

Box 7

PACEO Council Meeting, Agenda -- Sept. 18 and 19, 1969
Reports and Papers, Council Meeting, Sept. 18-19, 1969
Correspondence [August-September 1969]
PACEO Council Meeting, October 15-17, 1969
Reports and Papers, Council Meeting, October 15-17, 1969
Correspondence [October 1969]
Reports and Papers, Council Meeting -- November 13, 1969
PACEO Council Meeting, Agenda -- Nov. 20-21, 1969
Reports and Papers, Council Meeting, Nov. 20-21, 1969
Correspondence [November 1969]
PACEO Council Meeting -- Reports and Papers -- Dec. 1, 1969
PACED Council Meeting, Agenda -- Dec. 9-10, 1969
Reports and Papers, Council Meeting, Dec. 9-10, 1969
Correspondence [December 1969]

Box 8

PACEO Council Meeting, Agenda -- Jan. 15-16, 1970
Reports and Papers -- Council Meeting, Jan. 15-16, 1970 [1 of 2]
Reports and Papers -- Council Meeting, Jan. 15-16, 1970 [2 of 2]
Correspondence [January 1970]
PACEO Council Meeting, Agenda -- Feb. 19, 1970
Reports and Papers, Council Meeting, Feb. 19, 1970
Correspondence [January-February, 1970]
PACED Council Meeting, Agenda -- March 19, 20, 21, 1970
Reports and Papers, Council Meeting, March 19-21, 1970 [1 of 2]
Reports and Papers, Council Meeting, March 19-21, 1970 [2 of 2]
Correspondence [February 1970]

Box 9

PACEO Council Meeting, Agenda -- April 9-11, 1970
Reports and Papers, Council Meeting, April 9-11, 1970 [1 of 2]
Reports and Papers, Council Meeting, April 9-11, 1970 [2 of 2]
PACEO Council Meeting, Agenda/Papers -- May 21-22, 1970
Reports and Papers, Council Meeting, May 21-22, 1970
Correspondence -- April and May 1970
PACEO Council Meeting, Agenda -- June 24-25, 1970
PACEO Council Meeting, Papers -- June 24-25, 1970
Council Meeting -- Agenda -- July 23-24, 1970

Box 10

Reports and Papers, Council Meeting, July 23-24, 1970 [1 of 3]
Reports and Papers, Council Meeting, July 23-24, 1970 [2 of 3]
Reports and Papers, Council Meeting, July 23-24, 1970 [3 of 3]
PACEO Council Meeting, Reports and Papers, Council Meetings -- August 6, 1970
PACEO Council Meeting, Agenda -- Aug. 24-25, 1970
Reports and Papers, Council Meeting, Aug. 24-25, 1970

Box 11

PACEO Council Meeting, Agenda -- October 1-2, 1970
Reports and Papers, Council Meeting, Oct. 1-2, 1970 [1 of 2]
Reports and Papers, Council Meeting, Oct. 1-2, 1970 [2 of 2]

Series III: Chronological and Administrative File, 1969-1971

Box 12

PACEO Chron. File: May - July 1969 [1 of 3]
PACEO Chron. File: May - July 1969 [2 of 3]
PACEO Chron. File: May - July 1969 [3 of 3]
PACEO Chron. File: August - Sept. 1969 [1 of 3]
PACEO Chron. File: August - Sept. 1969 [2 of 3]
PACEO Chron. File: August - Sept. 1969 [3 of 3]
PACEO Chron. File: October - December 1969
[PACEO Chron. File]: January 1970 [1 of 3]
[PACEO Chron. File]: January 1970 [2 of 3]
[PACEO Chron. File]: January 1970 [3 of 3]

Box 13

February and March 1970 -- Chron. File [1 of 3]
February and March 1970 -- Chron. File [2 of 3]
February and March 1970 -- Chron. File [3 of 3]
Apri1-May-June 1970 -- Chron. File [1 of 3]
Apri1-May-June 1970 -- Chron. File [2 of 3]
Apri1-May-June 1970 -- Chron. File [3 of 3]
July-December 1970 Chronological File [1 of 3]
July-December 1970 Chronological File [2 of 3]
July-December 1970 Chronological File [3 of 3]

Box 14

Government Correspondence
Council Termination
PACEO: Administrative (Jan. 1970) [May 1969-May 1970]
Admin. -- PACEO interviews
PACEO: GSA Contract
Administrative -- Council Budget -- 1969
PACEO -- EOP: Congressional Relations
PACEO: Consulting Firms -- Boos, Allen, and Hamilton, Inc. [and Fry Consultants]
PACEO: Recommendations for Study

Series IV: Andrew M. Rouse Files, 1947 (1969)-1971
Sub-Series A: Meetings Files

Box 15

PACEO, Council Meeting Papers, July 17-19, 1969 [1 of 2]
PACEO, Council Meeting Papers, July 17-19, 1969 [2 of 2]
PACEO, Staff Papers, July 17-19, 1969 [1 of 2]
PACEO, Staff Papers, July 17-19, 1969 [2 of 2]
PACEO, Council Meeting, Sept. 12-20, 1969
PACEO, Council Meeting, November 20-21, 1969 [1 of 2]
PACEO, Council Meeting, November 20-21, 1969 [2 of 2]

Box 16

PACEO, Council Meeting, 9-10 December 1969
January Council Materials, [1970], EOP, Appendages, Natural Resources, Book I
Council Meeting Papers -- February 1970, Book I [1 of 2]
Council Meeting Papers -- February 1970, Book I [2 of 2]
Council Meeting Papers -- March.1970 [1 of 2]
Council Meeting Papers -- March.1970 [2 of 2]

Box 17

Council Meeting Papers -- April 1970
Council Meeting Papers -- May 1970
Council Meeting Papers -- EOP, May 1970 [1 of 2]
Council Meeting Papers -- EOP, May 1970 [2 of 2]

Box 18

President's Advisory Council on Executive Organization, June 24-25, 1970 Meeting [1 of 2]
President's Advisory Council on Executive Organization, June 24-25, 1970 Meeting [2 of 2]
PACEO, Council Meeting Data, June 1970 [1 of 2]
PACEO, Council Meeting Data, June 1970 [2 of 2]
PACEO Handbook, July -- 1970

Box 19

PACEO, Council Meeting, July 23-24, 1970
Discussion Papers, Meeting with Mr. Ash, September 24, 1970
PACEO Handbook, September 1970
[PACEO Meeting, October 1-2, 1970, Agenda and Meeting Materials]
PACEO Meeting, October 1-2, 1970 [1 of 2]
PACEO Meeting, October 1-2, 1970 [2 of 2]
PACEO Handbook, October 1970

Box 20

PACEO Handbook, November 1970 [1 of 2]
PACEO Handbook, November 1970 [2 of 2]
Corrected Version [of report on organization for social and economic programs]

Sub-Series B: Subject Files

Box 21

Administrative -- PACEO Press Releases, 1969
Alternatives for Addition of DOT [Department of Transportation] to Ash Council Proposals
Ash, Roy -- Articles, etc.
[Roy L. Ash, "Reorganizing the Executive Branch for National Economic Growth," April 1971]
Boundary Issues [1 of 2]
Boundary Issues [2 of 2]
Brookings Seminar
Budget Message -- 1971

Box 22

Chronology of Reorganization Proposals, for Andy Rouse
Citizens Action Committee
Mr. Rouse: Press Clippings [and Press Releases] [1 of 4]
Mr. Rouse: Press Clippings [and Press Releases] [2 of 4]
Mr. Rouse: Press Clippings [and Press Releases] [3 of 4]
Mr. Rouse: Press Clippings [and Press Releases] [4 of 4]

Box 23

Daily Report
Natural Resources -- Environmental Study, 1967-69
PACEO: Environmental Programs (Jan. - March 1970) [1 of 3]
PACEO: Environmental Programs (Jan. - March 1970) [2 of 3]
PACEO: Environmental Programs (Jan. - March 1970) [3 of 3]
PACEO: Environmental Programs (Apr. - Aug. 1970) [1 of 2]
PACEO: Environmental Programs (Apr. - Aug. 1970) [2 of 2]

Box 24

Natural Resources -- Apr. 1970 [1 of 2]
Natural Resources -- Apr. 1970 [2 of 2]
Briefing Book, Environmental Protection Agency, July, 1970
Environmental Protection Administration and Natural Resources Department

Box 25

The Organization of Federal Programs Concerning the Environment and Natural Resources [1 of 2]
The Organization of Federal Programs Concerning the Environment and Natural Resources [2 of 2]
Eyes Only, Andrew Rouse, #11 [Reorganization Proposals Concerning Environmental Protection and Natural Resource Program] [1 of 2]
Eyes Only, Andrew Rouse, #11 [Reorganization Proposals Concerning Environmental Protection and Natural Resource Program] [2 of 2]
Oceanography [1 of 4]
Oceanography [2 of 4]

Box 26

Oceanography [3 of 4]
Oceanography [4 of 4]
Oceanography -- Source Material, 1969
Oceanography -- Congressional, 1969
Environmental, EPA -- NOAA [National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration]
Mr. Rouse: EPA -- NOAA [National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration] Hearings (Reorganization Plans #3 and #4) [1 of 2]
Mr. Rouse: EPA -- NOAA [National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration] Hearings (Reorganization Plans #3 and #4) [2 of 2]
Briefing Book, -- NOAA [National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration] Hearings

Box 27

Executive Office of the President -- Thru July 1969 [1 of 3]
Executive Office of the President -- Thru July 1969 [2 of 3]
Executive Office of the President -- Thru July 1969 [3 of 3]
Executive Office of the President -- August 1969 [1 of 2]

Box 28

Executive Office of the President -- August 1969 [2 of 2]
Executive Office of President -- September 1969
Executive Office of the President -- October 1969
Executive Office of the President -- November 1969
Executive Office of the President -- December 1969
Executive Office of President -- January 1970

Box 29

EOP -- February 1970
EOP File -- March 1970
EOP -- April 1970
EOP -- May 1970
EOP -- White House [Memos to]
EOP -- Background Information, 1969
Mr. Rouse, Executive Office of President
Executive Office of President -- Overview
Executive Office of President -- Congressional, 1969
Executive Office of President -- Reorgn Plan -- Briefings
Executive Office of President -- Reorgn Plan -- Hearings
Executive Office of President -- Legal Opinions and Authorities

Box 30

EOP: BOB [Bureau of the Budget]
EOP: Office of Management and Budget (OMB)
EOP: Council (Policy/Position), Vice President
EOP: Personnel
EOP: Briefing Book
EOP: Press Clippings
Secondary Activities of the EOP
Federal Outlays as % of GNP
[Dwight Ink Office Files]: International Transportation Regulation [1 of 2]
[Dwight Ink Office Files]: International Transportation Regulation [2 of 2]

Box 31

[Dwight Ink Office Files]: To the President: On Regulatory Framework [1 of 2]
[Dwight Ink Office Files]: To the President: On Regulatory Framework [2 of 2]
Interior Task Office
January Office Materials, Book II, Mr. Andrew Rouse, EOB -- Room 100 [1 of 2]
January Office Materials, Book II, Mr. Andrew Rouse, EOB -- Room 100 [2 of 2]

Box 32

Mayo Memoranda
[Memorandum for the President, Proposed Organization of the Executive Office of the President, October 17, 1969]
[Memorandum]: 31 Dec 1969: Rouse-Golde memo for Jan. 5 breakfast Ash-Mayo meeting
[Memorandum]: 2 Jan 1970: Draft Paragraphs on Reorganization Plans for Annual Budget Message
[Memorandum]: January 20, 1970, Memo to Council Members, Reorganization Plan Changes, #1
[Memorandum]: 26 January 70: Memo to Council Members, Briefing Outline on President's EOP Reorganization Plan
[Memorandum]: 29 Jan 1970, Memo/Haldeman, July: The BOB [Bureau of the Budget] Reaction to the Council's EOP Report
[Memorandum]: Jan 30, 1970: Memo to Ken Cole, Latest Disclosure Statement
[Memorandum]: February 26, 1970: Memo/Ehrlichman, Staff Memo: "Dept/Commerce Proposal"
[Memorandum1: February 27, 1970: Mano/Ray Price re Pre-Draft EOP Message
[Memorandum]: Feb 28, 1970, Memo for Ken Cole re Legislative Reference in OM [Office of Management]
[Memorandum]: Feb 28, 1970, Memo for Council Members, EOP Reorgn Plan -- Schedule for Briefings
[Memorandum]: Feb 28, 1970, Memo for Jeb Magruder Road Show Schedule
[Memorandum]: March 2, 1970: Memo/Ken Cole, "Questions re Reorganization"
[Memorandum]: Memo to Peter Flannigan, March 16, 1970, Reorganizing the Office of Civil Defense Memorandum for the President, November 3, 1970, PDRP [President's Departmental Reorganization Program]
[Miscellaneous Materials: OMB Policy Group Meeting March 20, 1971]
[Miscellaneous Materials: Preliminary Staff Paper, July, 1969 [1 of 2]
[Miscellaneous Materials: Preliminary Staff Paper, July, 1969 [2 of 2]

Box 33

Comments on OMB Organization, July 7, 1970
PACED: Organization (Chmn's Memo, 20 May 69)
PACED: Handbook, August 1970, Mr. Andrew M. Rouse [1 of 2]
PACED: Handbook, August 1970, Mr. Andrew M. Rouse [2 of 2]
PACED: Public News Media
Summaries of Task Force Reports, 7/14/69 [1 of 2]
Summaries of Task Force Reports, 7/14/69 [2 of 2]
Final Report of the Council, August 7, 1970 [1 of 3]

Box 34

Final Report of the Council, August 7, 1970 [2 of 3]
Final Report of the Council, August 7, 1970 [3 of 3]
Rowe Briefing Materials, State of the Union --
1971, Copy No. 6
Transition to New Department
January 1971 -- Reorganization Transition

Series V: Subject Categories, 1967 (1969)-1971
Sub-Series A: Executive Office of the President (EOP)

Box 35

Memorandum for the President, August 20, 1969
Proposed Organization of the Executive Office of the President -- October 17, 1969
Report on Selected Activities in the Executive Office of the President -- January 20, 1970
The Executive Office of the President – An Overview, October 26, 1970
Background Information, Civil Service Commission
Background Information, Council of Economic Advisors
Background Information, General
BOB [Bureau of the Budget] (Mayo) Response Memo
BOB (Bureau of the Budget] (Mayo) Response Meetting
Briefings -- General

Box 36

Congress, National Machinery Policy (includes EOP-6-l Clark Bill, EOP-6-2 Hamilton Bill, OOP-6-3 Intergovernmental Personnel, and OOP-6-4 National Policy Machinery)
Congress, Miscellaneous
Correspondence, Congressional Letters
Correspondence, General [1 of 2]
Correspondence, General [2 of 2]
Correspondence, Intra-Council and Associations
Disclosure Procedures
Interviews, Economic Development and Trade

Box 37

Interviews, General
Press Clippings
Press Releases [1 of 2]
Press Releases [2 of 2]
Reorganization, Ford's Speech
Reorganization, Messages
Reports, General

Box 38

Reports, Civil Rights
Reports, Commerce
Reports, Federal Assistance Programs
National Goals Research Study
Reports, [Lloyd V] Stover
Reports, Service and Technology
Reports, Telecommunications
Staff Members, General

Box 39

Staff Papers, Atomic Energy Commission
Staff Papers, Civil Defense
Staff Papers, OPC [Domestic Policy Council]
Staff Papers, Executive Office of the President
Staff Papers, Executive Personnel
Staff Papers, Federal Assistance Programs
Staff Papers, Hoover “Type” Study
Staff Papers, OMB
Staff Papers, NASA
Staff Papers, Organization and Systems
Staff Papers, Personnel Statistics
Staff Papers, Policy vs Management
Staff Papers, Preparedness
Staff Papers, Program Coordination

Box 40

Staff Papers, Science and Technology
Staff Papers, Slam Book [Briefing Book] [1 of 2]
Staff Papers, Slam Book [Briefing Book] [2 of 2]
Staff Papers, Stockpiles
Staff Papers, Telecommunications
Testimony, Ash - House
Testimony, Ash - Senate
Testimony, BOB [Bureau of the Budget]

Box 41

Testimony, Miscellaneous
Testimony, Transcript of Hearing, House
Testimony, Transcript of Hearing, Senate

Sub-Series B: Law Enforcement (LEN)

Box 42

Memoranda to the President, Proposed Organization of the Federal Organized Strike Force Program -- January 16, 1970
Memoranda for the President, Strike Force Program Drafts [1 of 2]
Memoranda for the President, Strike Force Program Drafts [2 of 2]
Memoranda for the President, Overseas Organization of the Federal Government to Deal with Traffic in Narcotics, 1/16/70
Memoranda for the President, Traffic in Narcotics Drafts
Memoranda for the President, Federal Organization to Control Drug Abuse -- June 25, 1970
Memoranda for the President, Drug Abuse Drafts
Background Information

Box 43

Legislation/Jurisdictional Relationship, BNDD [Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs]/ Customs [1 of 2]
Legislation/Jurisdictional Relationship, BNDD [Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs]/ Customs [2 of 2]
Legislation/Jurisdictional Relationship, Drug Abuse
Correspondence, Crime
Correspondence, Narcotics
Correspondence, Drug Abuse

Box 44

Interviews, Lists
Interviews, Crime Study Interviews [1 of 3]
Interviews, Crime Study Interviews [2 of 3]
Interviews, Crime Study Interviews [3 of 3]
Interviews, Drug Abuse [1 of 2]
Interviews, Drug Abuse [2 of 2]
Memoranda to the Staff and File, Customs, BNDD [Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs]
Memoranda to the Staff and File, Organized Crime

Box 45

Organizational/Reorganizational, Organized Crime
Press Clippings
Reports, Organized Crime
Reports, Drug Abuse - General
Reports, Drug Abuse -- Ad Hoc Committee
Reports, Drug Abuse -- AID

Box 46

Reports, Drug Abuse, BNDD [Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs]
Reports, Drug Abuse, Commercial [Department of Commerce]
Reports, Drug Abuse, [Department of] Defense
Reports, Drug Abuse, HEW
Reports, Drug Abuse, HOD
Reports, Drug Abuse - Justice Dept.

Box 47

Reports, Drug Abuse, [Department of] Labor
Reports, Drug Abuse, LEAA [Law Enforcement Assistance Administration]
Reports, Drug Abuse, Arthur D. Little
Reports, Drug Abuse, OEO [Office of Economic Opportunity]
Reports, Drug Abuse, [Department of Transportation]
Reports, Drug Abuse, [Department of Treasury]
Reports, Drug Abuse, Veterans Administration
Reports, Drug Abuse, Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs

Box 48

Reports, Drug Abuse, World Health Organization [1 of 2]
Reports, Drug Abuse, World Health Organization [2 of 2]
Staff Papers, Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs
Staff Papers, Organized Crime

Box 49

Staff Papers, Drug Abuse [1 of 3]
Staff Papers, Drug Abuse [2 of 3]
Staff Papers, Drug Abuse [3 of 3]
Staff Papers, Progress

Box 50

President's Advisory Council on Executive Organization, Drug Abuse Sourcebook [1 of 3]
President's Advisory Council on Executive Organization, Drug Abuse Sourcebook [2 of 3]
President's Advisory Council on Executive Organization, Drug Abuse Sourcebook [3 of 3]
Sourcebook, Organized Crime [1 of 3]
Sourcebook, Organized Crime [2 of 3]
Sourcebook, Organized Crime [3 of 3]

Box 51

[Briefing Book, Organized Crime] [1 of 3]
[Briefing Book, Organized Crime] [2 of 3]
[Briefing Book, Organized Crime] [3 of 3]
P.A.C.E.O. Crime Study, Strike Forces
President's Advisory Council on Executive Organization, Customs/BNDD [Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs] Conflict [1 of 3]
President's Advisory Council on Executive Organization, Customs/BNDD [Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs] Conflict [2 of 3]
President's Advisory Council on Executive Organization, Customs/BNDD [Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs] Conflict [3 of 3]

Sub-Series C: Natural Resources (NRE)

Box 52

Natural Resources and the Environment
Memorandum to President and Supporting Material
NOAA [National Oceanic and Abnospheric Administration] Memo, 1/16/70
EPA Memo, 1/16/70
Natural Resources Memo, 5/12/70 [Empty]
Draft Report, 12/17/69
Draft Report, 12/23/69
Draft Report, 3/15/70
Draft Report, 4/1/70
ABC Memo (Freeman), 4/3/70
Draft Report, 4/8/70

Box 53

Appendix to Report of 4/8/70 [1 of 2]
Appendix to Report of 4/8/70 [2 of 2]
Drafts of EPA Report, 4/21 - 4/28/70
EPA Supplement, 5/7/70
Natural Resources Drafts, 4/16 - 5/6/70
Background Information [Empty]
[Background Information,] Charts
[Background Information,] Energy and Minerals

Box 54

[Background Information,] NOAA [National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration]
[Background Information,] National Oceanographic Agency
[Background Information,] Environmental Control Appropriations [1 of 2]
[Background Information,] Environmental Control Appropriations [2 of 2]
[Background Information,] Environmental Protection
[Background Information,] Notes on Environmental Quality
[Background Information,] Environmental Science services Admin. (ESSA)

Box 55

[Background Information,] General (Outside Sources) [1 of 2]
[Background Information,] General (Outside Sources) [2 of 2]
[Background Information,] General (Staff)
[Background Information,] National Oceanic and Atmospheric Agency (NOAA)
[Background Information,] Natural Resources [1 of 2]
[Background Information,] Natural Resources [2 of 2]

Box 56

Briefings [Empty]
EPA Briefing Book
DNR [Department of Natural Resources] Briefing
Congressional Mail
Congressional Interviews
[Congress,] Legislation
Interviews -- Lists
Interview Summaries, A-H
Interview Summaries, I-Z
Correspondence, General
Staff Memos to Council

Box 57

Organizations Departments [Empty]
[Organizations Departments,] Agriculture (USDA)
[Organizations Departments,] Atomic Energy Commission
[Organizations Departments,] Commerce (USDC)
[Organizations Departments,] Corps of Engineers (Army)
[Organizations Departments,] Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ)
[Organizations Departments,] HEW
[Organizations Departments,] HOD
[Organizations Departments,] Interior
[Organizations Departments,] Office of Management and Budget
[Organizations Departments,] Transportation (DOT)
[Press] Clippings
[Press] Releases

Box 58

Reports [Empty]
[Reports,] Comptroller Gen'l U.S., Effectiveness of Water Pollution Grants
[Reports,] Resources for the Future, U.S. Energy Policies
[Reports,] Stratton Commission, Our Nation and the Sea
[Reports,] Urban Institute, Combining Pollution Control Programs
[Reports,] Urban Institute, Quality of the Urban Environment
[Reports,] Urban Institute, Urban Waste Management

Box 59

Hearings on Reorganization Plans No. 3 and No. 4
[Hearings on Reorganization Plans No. 3 and No. 4,] House of Representatives, Hearings Before the Committee on Government Operations, Reorganization Plans No. 3 and 4 of 1970, July 22, 1970
[Hearings on Reorganization Plans No. 3 and No. 4,] House of Representatives, Hearings before the Committee on Government Operations, Reorganization Plan No. 3 (Environmental Protection Agency), July 23, 1970
[Hearings on Reorganization Plans No. 3 and No. 4,] House of Representatives, Hearings before the Committee on Government Operations, Reorganization Plan No. 4 (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration), July 29, 1970
[Hearings on Reorganization Plans No. 3 and No. 4,] House of Representatives, Hearings before the Committee on Government Operations, Reorganization Plan No. 3 (Environmental Protection Agency), August 4, 1970
[Hearings on Reorganization Plans Nos. 3 and 4,] Committee Reports, House of Representatives
[Hearings on Reorganization Plans Nos. 3 and 4,] Committee Report, Senate
[Hearings on Reorganization Plans Nos. 3 and 4,] General
[Hearings on Reorganization Plans Nos. 3 and 4,] Staff notes on Hearings
[Hearings on Reorganization Plans Nos. 3 and 4,] Testimony
Subjective Material [Empty]
[Subjective Material] Seminar
[Subjective Material,] Marine Council

Box 60

Natural Resources [I, Pages from the Congressional Record]
Natural Resources [II, Clippings]
Natural Resources [III]
Environmental Quality Council
[General Economic Issues]

Sub-Series D: Regulatory Agencies (REG)

Box 61

Memorandum for the President-The Independent Regulatory Agencies, July 18, 1970--Drafts
[Memorandum for the President,] Independent Regulatory Agencies Study, Drafts [I] [1 of 2]
[Memorandum for the President,] Independent Regulatory Agencies Study, Drafts [I] [2 of 2]
[Memorandum for the President,] Independent Regulatory Agencies Study, Drafts [II] [1 of 5]
[Memorandum for the President,] Independent Regulatory Agencies Study, Drafts [II] [2 of 5]
[Memorandum for the President,] Independent Regulatory Agencies Study, Drafts [II] [3 of 5]

Box 62

[Memorandum for the President,] Independent Regulatory Agencies Study, Drafts [II] [4 of 5]
[Memorandum for the President,] Independent Regulatory Agencies Study, Drafts [II] [5 of 5]
[Memorandum for the President,] A New Regulatory Framework, Report on Selected Independent Regulatory Agencies, Drafts [1 of 3]
[Memorandum for the President,] A New Regulatory Framework, Report on Selected Independent Regulatory Agencies, Drafts [2 of 3]
[Memorandum for the President,] A New Regulatory Framework, Report on Selected Independent Regulatory Agencies, Drafts [3 of 3]

Box 63

[Memorandum for the President,] A New Regulatory Framework, Report on Selected Independent Regulatory Agencies, January 1971 Articles/Reprints [1 of 4]
[Memorandum for the President,] A New Regulatory Framework, Report on Selected Independent Regulatory Agencies, January 1971 Articles/Reprints [2 of 4]
[Memorandum for the President,] A New Regulatory Framework, Report on Selected Independent Regulatory Agencies, January 1971 Articles/Reprints [3 of 4]
[Memorandum for the President,] A New Regulatory Framework, Report on Selected Independent Regulatory Agencies, January 1971 Articles/Reprints [4 of 4]

Box 64

Background Information [1 of 2]
Background Information [2 of 2]
Congress [Empty]
Correspondence [1 of 3]
Correspondence [2 of 3]
Correspondence [3 of 3]

Box 65

Correspondence, White House and Information Systems-Council Members
Interviews, General
Interviews, A-E
Interviews, F-M
Interviews, N-S
Interviews, T-Z

Box 66

Organization/Reorganization [empty]
Press Releases
Press Clippings

Box 67

Reports, General
Reports, Administrative Conference of the United States
Reports, Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations
Reports, CAB [Civil Aeronautics Board]
Reports, FCC [Federal Communications Commission]
Reports, EMC [Federal Maritime Commission]
Reports, Federal Power [Commission]

Box 68

Reports, FPC [Federal Power Commission] [1 of 2]
Reports, FPC [Federal Power Commission] [2 of 2]
Reports, FTC [Federal Trade Commission]
Reports, ICC [Interstate Commerce Commission]
Reports, SEC [Securities and Exchange Commission]
Reports, Transportation [Department]
Reports, Treasury [Department]

Box 69

Speeches [1 of 2]
Speeches [2 of 2]
Staff Papers [1 of 2]
Staff Papers [2 of 2]

Box 70

Staff Papers, Administrative Court
Staff Papers, Banking
Staff Papers, CAB [Civil Aeronautics Board]
Staff Papers, Marshall Dimock

Box 70

Staff Papers, FCC [Federal Communications Commission]
Staff Papers, EMC [Federal Maritime Commission]
Staff Papers, FPC [Federal Power Commission]
Staff Papers, Federal Trade [Commission]
Staff Papers, ICC [Interstate Commerce Commission]
Staff Papers, Securities and Exchange [Commission]
Staff Papers, Single Administration
Staff Papers, Transportation
Subjective Material

Sub-Series E: Foreign Economic Policy (FECOM)

Box 71

Foreign Economic Policy, Memorandum to the President, August 17, 1969
Foreign Economic Policy, Memorandum to the President, August 17, 1969, Drafts
Background Information (history)
Background Information (history), Relating Background Papers
Congress (All Congress Matters)
Reorganization Plan Meeting
Press Clippings
Press Releases
Reports, Bureau of the Budget

Box 72

Reports, Foreign Aid
Reports, Foreign Economic Policy
Foreign Trade Policy
Reports, Special Trade Representative
Speeches, Dr. Irwin R. Hedges
Speeches, John W. Scott
Speeches, Hon. Hale Boggs
Staff Papers, Budget Levels
Staff Papers, Development Bank, Introduction
Staff Papers, East Asian Development
Staff Papers, Export-Import Bank
Staff Papers, Foreign Aid
Staff Papers, Foreign Economic Policy
Staff Papers, Foreign Trade policy
Staff Papers, French Economic Planning
Staff Papers, Japanese Economic Planning
Staff Papers, Lending Levels
Staff Papers, National Resources Planning Board
Staff Papers, Special Trade Representative
Staff Papers, U.S. Policy Development

Sub-Series F: Social Programs (SP)

Box 73

Memorandum for the President
Memorandum for the President, Drafts [1 of 4]
Memorandum for the President, Drafts [2 of 4]
Memorandum for the President, Drafts [3 of 4]
Memorandum for the President, Drafts [4 of 4]
Memorandum for the President, Report of the Social Programs Study Group [1 of 2]
Memorandum for the President, Report of the Social Programs Study Group [2 of 2]

Box 74

Agencies Participating in SP's, Dept. of Agriculture
Agencies Participating in SP's, Bureau of the Budget [1 of 2]
Agencies Participating in SP's, Bureau of the Budget [2 of 2]
Agencies Participating in SP's, Department of Commerce [1 of 4]
Agencies Participating in SP's, Department of Commerce [2 of 4]
Agencies Participating in SP's, Department of Commerce [3 of 4]
Agencies Participating in SP's, Department of Commerce [4 of 4]

Box 75

Agencies Participating in SP's, Comptroller General
Agencies Participating in SP's, Federal Executive Board
Agencies Participating in SP's, Department of Health, Education, and Welfare [1 of 6]
Agencies Participating in SP's, Department of Health, Education, and Welfare [2 of 6]
Agencies Participating in SP's, Department of Health, Education, and Welfare [3 of 6]
Agencies Participating in SP's, Department of Health, Education, and Welfare [4 of 6]
Agencies Participating in SP's, Department of Health, Education, and Welfare [5 of 6]
Agencies Participating in SP's, Department of Health, Education, and Welfare [6 of 6]

Box 76

Agencies Participating in SP's, Department of Housing and Urban Development [1 of 5]
Agencies Participating in SP's, Department of Housing and Urban Development [2 of 5]
Agencies Participating in SP's, Department of Housing and Urban Development [3 of 5]
Agencies Participating in SP's, Department of Housing and Urban Development [4 of 5]
Agencies Participating in SP's, Department of Housing and Urban Development [5 of 5]

Box 77

Agencies Participating in SP's, Department of the Interior
Agencies Participating in SP's, Department of Labor [1 of 4]
Agencies Participating in SP's, Department of Labor [2 of 4]
Agencies Participating in SP's, Department of Labor [3 of 4]
Agencies Participating in SP's, Department of Labor [4 of 4]

Box 78

Agencies Participating in SP's, Model Cities Program [1 of 4]
Agencies Participating in SP's, Model Cities Program [2 of 4]
Agencies Participating in SP's, Model Cities Program [3 of 4]
Agencies Participating in SP's, Model Cities Program [4 of 4]

Box 79

Agencies Participating in SP's, National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Agencies Participating in SP's, Office of Economic Opportunity [1 of 2]
Agencies Participating in SP's, Office of Economic Opportunity [2 of 2]
Agencies Participating in SP's, Office of Intergovernmental Relations
Agencies Participating in SP's, Office of Science and Technology
Agencies Participating in SP's, Small Business Administration [1 of 2]
Agencies Participating in SP's, Small Business Administration [2 of 2]
Agencies Participating in SP's, Department of Education
Agencies Participating in SP's, Veterans Administration

Box 80

Articles/Reprints [1 of 3]
Articles/Reprints [2 of 3]
Articles/Reprints [3 of 3]
Congress/Legis1ation and Authority
Correspondence, July 1969
Correspondence, August 1969
Correspondence, September 1969
Correspondence, October 1969
Correspondence, November 1969
Correspondence, December 1969
Correspondence, January 1970
Correspondence, February 1970
Correspondence, March 1970

Box 81

Correspondence, April 1970
Correspondence, May 1970 [1 of 2]
Correspondence, May 1970 [2 of 2]
Correspondence, June 1970
Correspondence, July 1970
Correspondence, August 1970
Correspondence, September 1970
Interviews [1 of 2]
Interviews [2 of 2]

Box 82

Interviews, A-L [1 of 2]
Interviews, A-L [2 of 2]
Interviews, M-Z [1 of 2]
Interviews, M-Z [2 of 2]
Press [clippings] [1 of 2]
Press [clippings] [2 of 2]

Box 83

Reports, Bibliography
Reports, Cabinet Reports
Reports, Capital Outlays -- State and Local
Reports, Citizen Participation
Reports, Educational Research and Development
Reports, Federal Aid to State and Communities
Reports, Grants-in-Aid

Box 84

Reports, Health Care Programs
Reports, Hoover Commission
Reports, Legal Services
Reports, Legislation
Reports, Local Government Reform
Reports, Model Cities [1 of 3]
Reports, Model Cities [2 of 3]
Reports, Model Cities [3 of 3]
Reports, Daniel P. Moynihan
Reports, Multi County Districting

Box 85

Reports, Planning – Federal [1 of 3]
Reports, Planning – Federal [2 of 3]
Reports, Planning – Federal [3 of 3]
Reports, Planning – Regional [1 of 2]
Reports, Planning – Regional [2 of 2]

Box 86

Reports, Planning - State and Local
Reports, PPB [Planning, Programming, Budgeting],
State and Local
Reports, Program Evaluation
Reports, Property Tax in 1960's
Reports, Regional Councils
Reports, Revenue
[Reports,] San Francisco Project
[Reports,] Seattle Project

Box 87

Reports, Social Welfare Service
Reports, State Planning Funds
Reports, States and Cities -- Ohio
Reports, States and Cities -- Oklahoma
Reports, States and Cities -- Pennsylvania
Reports, States and Cities -- Pittsburgh

Box 88

Reports, Metro Washington Council of Governments
Reports, States and Cities -- Texas
Reports, States and Cities -- West Virginia
Reports, Urban System Model
Reports, Water and Sewer Project Grants
Reports, Welfare
Reports, Youth [1 of 3]
Reports, Youth [2 of 3]
Reports, Youth [3 of 3]

Box 89

Staff Papers, Citizen Participation
Staff Papers, Department of Community Development
Staff Papers, Consumer Affairs
Staff Papers, Council of Economic Advisers
Staff Papers, Decentralization and Coordination
Staff Papers, Delivery Systems
Staff Papers, Economic Development [1 of 2]
Staff Papers, Economic Development [2 of 2]

Box 90

Staff Papers, Department of Economic Resources [1 of 3]
Staff Papers, Department of Economic Resources [2 of 3]
Staff Papers, Department of Economic Resources [3 of 3]
Staff Papers, Executive Management Assistance
Staff Papers, Field Structure and Authority
Staff Papers, Grant Process

Box 91

Staff Papers, Grant [s]-in-Aid
Staff Papers, Health Services
Staff Papers, Department of Human Resources
Staff Papers, Intergovernmental Relations
Staff Papers, Introduction
Staff Papers, Legal Services
Staff Papers, Legislation
Staff Papers, Model Cities
Staff Papers, Natural Resources
Staff Papers, OED [Office of Economic Opportunity]
Staff Papers, Organizational Control [1 of 2]
Staff Papers, Organizational Control [2 of 2]

Box 92

Staff Papers, Organizational Recommendations
Staff Papers, Planning Assistance
Staff Papers, Problems
Staff Papers, Program Analysis and Evaluation
Staff Papers, Public Housing
Staff Papers, Regional Commissions

Box 93

Staff Papers, Regional Offices and Council
Staff Programs, Social Programs, Report [1 of 2]
Staff Programs, Social Programs, Report [2 of 2]
Staff Papers, Status Report
Staff Papers, Vista
Staff Papers, Youth

Box 94

Statistics, Social Programs, Consumer Study [1 of 4]
Statistics, Social Programs, Consumer Study [2 of 4]
Statistics, Social Programs, Consumer Study [3 of 4]
Statistics, Social Programs, Consumer Study [4 of 4]

Box 95

["Question Guide for Social Programs Report," April 14, 1970, Completed Questionnaires] [1 of 4]
["Question Guide for Social Programs Report," April 14, 1970, Completed Questionnaires] [2 of 4]
["Question Guide for Social Programs Report," April 14, 1970, Completed Questionnaires] [3 of 4]
["Question Guide for Social Programs Report," April 14, 1970, Completed Questionnaires] [4 of 4]
["Cities in Crisis," by the Ripon Society]

Series VI: Reference File, 1964 (1969)-1971

Box 96

Memorandum for the President, November 3, 1969 [Briefing Books, Reports of the President's Task Force on Government Reorganization (1964), and the President's Task Force on Government Organization (1967)]
The President's Commission on Executive Organization, Volume III [1967-69]
Briefing Material
[Briefing Book, January 14, 1971]
Key Papers Fran PACEO Source Book, 8/4/69

Box 97

Summary and Analyses of Source Book Reports
[Briefing Papers, Reorganization Proposals for Social and Economic Programs and Natural Resource Programs] [1 of 2]
[Briefing Papers, Reorganization Proposals for Social and Economic Programs and Natural Resource Programs] [2 of 2]
[Report on a Proposed Department of Human Resources, March 19, 1971]
[Market Facts, Inc. computer study of opinion concerning social programs]

Box 98

[Summary and Analysis of Report on "Coordinating Efforts to Aid Disadvantaged Citizens," 6/23/69]
Urban Renewal Handbook, February 1968, A HOD Handbook [1 of 3]
Urban Renewal Handbook, February 1968, A HOD Handbook [2 of 3]
Urban Renewal Handbook, February 1968, A HOD Handbook [3 of 3]
Department of Human Resources, Catalog of HEW Assistance [1 of 2]
Department of Human Resources, Catalog of HEW Assistance [2 of 2]

Box 99

Department of Human Resources, welfare Proposal and Commentary
Department of Human Resources, Plans for a National Center for Health Services Research and Development
[Social Programs Briefing Book] [1 of 2]
[Social Programs Briefing Book] [2 of 2]

Box 100

Data from the 1970 Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance
Prepared by Office of Community Services, District of Columbia Government [Proposal, the establishment of District Service areas]
Briefing Book [Reorganization Plan for the Executive Office of the President, January 16, 1970]
["Report on the Department of Natural Resources"]

Box 101

Planning Georgia [“Regional Planning and Development Reconnaissance," prepared by the Georgia State Planning Bureau] [1 of 2]
Planning Georgia [“Regional Planning and Development Reconnaissance," prepared by the Georgia State Planning Bureau] [2 of 2]
Program Structure Dictionary, Dept. of Agriculture, Planning, Programming and Budgeting System [1 of 2]
Program Structure Dictionary, Dept. of Agriculture, Planning, Programming and Budgeting System [2 of 2]
["A Unified Planning Requirements System, II Report of the Interdepartmental Planning Requirements Task Group, December 1969]
[Miscellaneous Report]

Box 102

Department of Economic Growth and Productivity, United States Department of Agriculture, Briefing Materials [1 of 2]
Department of Economic Growth and Productivity, United States Department of Agriculture, Briefing Materials [2 of 2]

Box 103

Department of Economic Growth and Productivity, Handbook for Economic Development District Organization, Volume I
Department of Economic Resources and Services, volume I, October 1, 1970 [Briefing Book] [1 of 2]
Department of Economic Resources and Services, volume I, October 1, 1970 [Briefing Book] [2 of 2]

Box 104

The Federal Grant Process
Coordination [Bureau of the Budget circulars and reports of interdepartmental task forces]
Federal Coordinating Mechanism [Briefing Material] [1 of 2]
Federal Coordinating Mechanism [Briefing Material] [2 of 2]
Chronology Information
Bibliography on Reorganization of the Executive Branch of the Federal Government, 1953 to 1968, Preliminary Draft

Series VII: Printed Material, 105-118

Box 105

Printed Material

Box 106

Printed Material

Box 107

Printed Material

Box 108

Printed Material

Box 109

Printed Material

Box 110

Printed Material

Box 111

Printed Material

Box 112

Printed Material

Box 113

Printed Material

Box 114

Printed Material

Box 115

Printed Material

Box 116

Printed Material

Box 117

Printed Material

Box 118

Printed Material
