
FG 167 (National Capital Planning Commission) (White House Central Files: Subject Files)


These Presidential historical materials are in the custody of the National Archives and Records Administration under the provisions of Title I of the Presidential Recordings and Materials Preservation Act of 1974 (44 U.S.C. 2111 note), and implementing regulations. In accordance with the act and regulations, archivists reviewed the file group to identify private or personal as well as non-historical items. Such items, if found, have been withdrawn for return to the individual with primary proprietary or commemorative interest in them.

Materials covered by this act have been archivally processed and are described in this finding aid. Items that are security classified or otherwise restricted under the act and regulations have been removed and placed in a closed file. A Document Withdrawal Record (NA Form 14021) has been placed in the front of each folder describing each withdrawn item. Employees of the National Archives will review periodically the unclassified portions of closed materials for the purpose of opening those which no longer require restrictions. Classified documents may be reviewed for declassification under authority of Executive Order 13526 in response to Mandatory Review Request (NA Form 14020) submitted by the researcher.

  • Linear measurement of materials:   1 in.
  • Number of pages:   150
Organizational Note

Congress established the National Capital Planning Commission in 1924 as the National Capital Park Commission with responsibilities to acquire lands to complete a park, parkway, and playground system for the national capital (43 Stat. 463; 40 U.S.C. 71). Two years later, Congress reestablished the Commission as the National Capital Park and Planning Commission and gave it comprehensive planning responsibilities for the national capital and its environs (44 Stat. 374; 40 U.S.C. 71).

In 1952, Congress passed the National Capital Planning Act (66 Stat. 781) and renamed the Commission the National Capital Planning Commission, designating it as the central planning agency for the federal and District of Columbia governments. The Commission was also given the responsibility to preserve the important natural and historical features within the region.

The Commission consisted of five members appointed by the President together with the following ex-officio members: Chief of Engineers of the Army, Commissioner of the District of Columbia, Director of the National Park Service, Commissioner of Public Buildings, Federal Highway Administrator, the Chairmen of the Committees on the District of Columbia of the Senate and the House of Representatives. Members served terms of six years and did not receive compensation for their service on the Commission.

In 1973, Congress passed the District of Columbia Self Government Reorganization Act (the Home Rule Act) that gave the planning responsibility for the District of Columbia to the Mayor and continued the role of the Commission as the central planning agency for the federal government in the region. The Mayor and the Commission are charged with publishing a joint comprehensive plan.

Under the Home Rule Act, the Commission remained a twelve-person entity, but the Mayor of the District of Columbia now selects two of the five appointed members, with the President of the United States appointing the other three. Ex Officio members of the Commission include the heads of those Executive Branch agencies with significant land holdings in the National Capital Region, the Mayor of the District of Columbia, the Chairman of the City Council, and the Chairmen of the U.S. House of Representatives and Senate committees with oversight responsibility for the District of Columbia. These Ex Officio members often delegate alternates to represent them on the Commission.

Scope and Content Note

The records consist of correspondence, memoranda, and press releases dating from 1969 to 1973 that relate to the National Capital Planning Commission. The records cover, in particular, the commission’s proposed reorganization, relocation of its office, appointments to and resignations from the commission, as well as the 1976 Bicentennial celebration.

Primary correspondents include the President, Kenneth Cole, Charles Conrad, John Ehrlichman, Philip G. Hammer, Tod Hullin, Bud Krogh, Robert Kunzig, Dana Mead, Daniel P. Moynihan, Paul Thiry, and Conrad Wirth. Additional correspondents include Lamar Alexander, Bill Casselman, Grosvenor Chapman, G. Franklin Edwards, Peter Flanigan, Craig Gosden, and William Press. Corresponding Oversized Attachments 2776, 5975, and 14398 have been processed and are available in White House Central Files: Processed Oversized Attachments.

The terms Executive and General are used before the code FG 167 generally to determine the source of the materials. Items designated Executive are communications among national, foreign, state and local governments and their agencies, Members of Congress, and other prominent people. Items designated General are communications between Government officials and private citizens, institutions, and other private interests.

Folder Title List

Box 1

[EX] FG 167 National Capital Planning Commission [1969-1970]
[EX] FG 167 National Capital Planning Commission 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972]
[EX] FG 167 National Capital Planning Commission 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974]
[GEN] FG 167 National Capital Planning Commission [1969-1970]
[GEN] FG 167 National Capital Planning Commission 1/1/1971-[12/31/1972]
[GEN] FG 167 National Capital Planning Commission 1/1/1973-[8/9/1974] [empty]
[EX] FG 167/A [1969]
[EX] FG 167/A [1971-1972]
[EX] FG 167/A [1973]
