
Edwin L. Harper (White House Central Files: Staff Member and Office Files)

Date Start
Date End

The Presidential historical materials of Edwin L. Harper are in the custody of the National Archives and Records Administration under the provisions of Title I of the Presidential Recordings and Materials Preservation Act of 1974 (44 U.S.C. 2111 note) and implementing regulations. In accordance with the act and regulations, archivists reviewed the file group to identify personal and private materials (including materials outside the date span covered by the act) as well as nonhistorical items. These materials have been returned to the individual who has primary proprietary interest.

Materials covered by the Act have been archivally processed and are described in this register. Items which are security classified or otherwise restricted under the act and regulations have been removed and placed in a closed file. A Document Withdrawal Record (GSA Form 7279 or NA Form 14021) with a description of each restricted document has been inserted at the beginning of each folder from which materials have been removed. A Document Control Record marks the original position of the withdrawn item. Employees of the National Archives will review periodically the unclassified portions of closed materials for the purpose of opening those which no longer require restriction. Certain classified documents may be declassified under authority of Executive Order 13526 in response to a Mandatory Review Request (NA Form 14020) submitted by the researcher.

  • Linear feet of materials:   30.8
  • Approximate number of pages:   53,400
Biographical Note

November 3, 1941 Born, Belleville, Illinois

1963 B.A. degree, Principia College, Elsah, Illinois

August 21, 1965 Married Lucy Davis

1965-1966 Guest scholar, Brookings Institution

1966-1968 Lecturer, Rutgers University

1968 Ph.D. degree, University of Virginia

1968-1969 Staff, Bureau of the Budget

1969 Senior Consultant, Arthur D. Little, Inc., Washington, D.C.

1969-1972 Special Assistant to the President

1970-1972 Assistant Director, Domestic Council

1973-1974 Vice President, INA Corp. (now CIGNA), Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

1981-1982 Deputy Director, Office of Management and Budget (OMB); Assistant to the President

Scope and Content Note

Dr. Edwin L. Harper was appointed as Special Assistant to the President in December 1969. Prior to his appointment, Dr. Harper was a senior consultant with the Arthur D. Little firm in Washington, D.C., where he specialized in federal and state government programs for improving the planning, budgeting, and implementation of their programs. From 1970 to 1972, Harper was Assistant Director, Domestic Council, where he assisted in the area of research, planning and coordination of domestic policy.

The files are arranged in seven different series: Chronological File, arranged by date; Domestic Council Policy File, arranged alphabetically by subject; Budget Issues and Review File, arranged alphabetically by subject; 1972 Election Campaign File, arranged alphabetically by subject; Revenue Sharing Programs File, arranged alphabetically by subject; Subject Files, arranged alphabetically by subject; and Meetings and Speeches, arranged chronologically by date.

Major correspondents and personalities that figure in the files include: John D. Ehrlichman; Kenneth R. Cole, Jr.; Richard P. Nathan, James W. McLane; John R. Price; Richard K. Cook; John C. Campbell; Raymond J. Waldmann; Robert P. Mayo; C. D. Ward; Donald R. Rumsfeld; Dwight A. Ink; Robert P. Mayo; and Peter A. Michel.

 [See Also:  Harper's White House Special Files]

Series Description

Boxes:   1-8
Series:   Chronological File
Spans:   1969-1972
Description:   Correspondence, drafts, memoranda, handwritten notes, telegrams/cables, newspaper clippings, and printed materials. This series is arranged by date. Topics covered include: Appalachian Regional Commission/regional commissions; Omnibus Economy Act of 1970; D.C. crime; environmental improvement program financing; school desegregation funds; budget revenue; Domestic Council/OMB organization and functions; model cities; Economic Development Administration; revenue sharing; Domestic Council staff activities; domestic policy issues; veterans programs; R & D activities; new technology opportunities; SST; busing; and urban policy.

Boxes:   8-10
Series:   Domestic Council Policy File
Spans:   1970-1973
Description:   Correspondence, drafts, memoranda, handwritten notes, charts, newspaper clippings, and printed materials. This series is arranged alphabetically by date. Topics covered include: domestic issues/priorities; planning assistance for state and local government; Federal programs; and welfare reform.

Boxes:   10-17
Series:   Budget Issues and Review File
Spans:   1969-1972
Description:   Correspondence, memoranda, drafts, charts, press releases, reports, and newspaper clippings. This series is arranged alphabetically by subject. Topics covered include: budget; revenues; expenditures; budget reductions; transportation; fiscal policy; revenue sharing; State of the Union message; and Federal Economy Act.

Boxes:   18-23
Series:   1972 Election Campaign File - Withdrawn
Description:   Correspondence, drafts, memoranda, schedules, handwritten notes, charts, press releases, telegrams/cables, reports, newspaper clippings, and printed materials. Series is arranged alphabetically by subject. Topics covered include: inflation; crime and drugs; McGovern; busing; Republican Party platform; administration accomplishments; and urban problems.

Boxes:   24-35
Series:   Revenue Sharing Programs File
Spans:   1971-1972
Description:   Correspondence, drafts, memoranda, handwritten notes, telegrams/cables, resolutions, press releases, newspaper clippings, and printed materials. This series is arranged alphabetically by subject. Topics covered include: revenue sharing; urban community development special revenue sharing; categorical grant program; state and local governments; law enforcement special revenue sharing program; rural community development revenue sharing; and education special revenue sharing.

Boxes:   36-68
Series:   Subject Files
Spans:   1969-1972
Description:   Correspondence, drafts, memoranda, handwritten notes, papers, reports, press releases, newspaper clippings, and printed materials. Series is arranged alphabetically by subject.

Boxes:   68-73
Series:   Meetings and Speeches
Spans:   1969-1972
Description:   Correspondence, drafts, transmittal memos, handwritten notes, telegrams/cables, press releases, forms, and printed materials. This series is arranged chronologically by date. Topics covered include: budget; revenue sharing; national priorities; economic policy; economy; Phase II; domestic policy planning; and regional councils.

Folder Title List

Series I: Chronological File, 1969-1972

Box 1

Chron. File Dec. [1969]
Chron. File Jan.-Feb. [1970]
Chron. File Mar.-Apr. [1970]
Chron. File May-June [1970]
[Chron. File] July-Aug. [1970]
[Chron. File] Sept.-Oct. [1970]

Box 2

[Chron. File] Nov.-Dec. [1970]
Chron. File Jan. 1971 - ELH
Chron. File Feb. 1971 - ELH
Chron. File Mar. 1971 - ELH
Chron. File Apr. 1971 - ELH

Box 3

Chron. File May 1971 - ELH
Chron. File June 1971 - ELH [1 of 2]
Chron. File June 1971 - ELH [2 of 2]
Chron. File July 1971 - ELH
Chron. File Aug. 1971 - ELH

Box 4

Chron. Sept. 1971
Chron. Oct. 1971
Chron. Nov. 1971
Chron. Dec. 1971
Chron. Jan. 1972 [1 of 2]

Box 5

Chron. Jan. 1972 [2 of 2]
Chron. File Feb. 1972 - ELH
Chron. File Mar. 1972 - ELH
Chron. File Apr. 1972 - ELH
Chron. File May 1972 - ELH [1 of 2]

Box 6

Chron. File May 1972 - ELH [2 of 2]
Chron. File June 1972 - ELH [1 of 2]
Chron. File June 1972 - ELH [2 of 2]
Chron. File July 1972 - ELH [1 of 2]
Chron. File July 1972 - ELH [2 of 2]
Chron. File Aug. 1972 - ELH

Box 7

Chron. File Sept. 1972 - ELH [1 of 3]
Chron. File Sept. 1972 - ELH [2 of 3]
Chron. File Sept. 1972 – ELH [3 of 3]
Chron. File Oct. 1972 - ELH [1 of 2]
Chron. File Oct. 1972 - ELH [2 of 2]

Box 8

Chron. File Nov. 1972 - ELH
Chron. File Dec. 1972 - ELH

Series II: Domestic Council Policy File, 1970-1973

Domestic Council - Briefing notebooks
Domestic Council - Issue Areas
[Domestic Council] Listening Post - Briefing BOOK
Domestic Council - Marketing (Selling) Domestic Policy
Domestic Council - Meetings of Full Council [1 of 2]

Box 9

Domestic Council - Meetings of Full Council [2 of 2]
Domestic Council - '72 Forecast
Domestic Council - '72 Planning [1 of 2]
Domestic Council - '72 Planning [2 of 2]
[Domestic Council] Opinion Leaders Meetings
Domestic Council Organization
Domestic Council Presentations

Box 10

Domestic Council - Staff Assignments (Activity)
Domestic Council - Staff meetings
Domestic Council Staff Travel Plans
Domestic Initiatives
Domestic Policy Planning - Second Term (1972)
Domestic Priorities
Harper Responsibilities
Kessel, Prof. John, Ohio U. - Domestic Council
Major Domestic Proposals of the Nixon Administration
Policy Research Projects (Camp David Mtg. 5-31-72)

Series III: Budget Issues and Review File, 1969-1972

Budget: Activities by Subject
[Budget - Bills]
Budget: Cabinet Mtg./Appeals

Box 11

Budget Ceilings and Outlays
Budget Concepts - Trust Funds
Budget (1972) - Congl. Action Reports (Biweekly)
Budget - Controlablels
Budget Cut Rationales
Budget Cuts and Appropriations [1 of 2]
Budget Cuts and Appropriations [2 of 2]
Budget: Defense - FY '73
Budget: FY '71 Budget [1 of 3]
Budget: FY '71 Budget [2 of 3]

Box 12

Budget: FY '71 Budget [3 of 3]
Budget: FY '71 Budget Marks
Budget: FY '72 Budget Planning
Budget: [FY] '72 Outlay Targets
Budget: Full Employment
[Budget - Hearings - Transportation]
Budget - Historical Data
Budget - Initiatives
Budget Issues (Key)

Box 13

[Budget - Outlays]
Budget Outlook
Budget Presentation
Budget Press Conference 1-22-72
Budget Preview 1973
Budget - Problems (Numbers, etc.)
Budget: Processes and Priorities
Budget: Proposed Economies
Budget: Reform of the National (Pres.)
Budget: Strategy and Tactics - '73 Budget
Budget Supplementals

Box 14

Budgetary – Newsclippings [1 of 2]
Budgetary – Newsclippings [2 of 2]
Bureau of the Budget - Correspondence 1969-1970 [1 of 2]
Bureau of the Budget - Correspondence 1969-1970 [2 of 2]
[Bureau of the Budget - Correspondence 1969-1970 Attachments] [1 of 2]
[Bureau of the Budget - Correspondence 1969-1970 Attachments] [2 of 2]

Box 15

Bureau of the Budget (OMB) - Correspondence 1971 [1 of 2]
Bureau of the Budget (OMB) - Correspondence 1971 [2 of 2]
Bureau of the Budget (OMB) - Correspondence 1972 [1 of 4]
Bureau of the Budget (OMB) - Correspondence 1972 [2 of 4]
Bureau of the Budget (OMB) - Correspondence 1972 [3 of 4]
Bureau of the Budget (OMB) - Correspondence 1972 [4 of 4]

Box 16

BOB - Outdated Data from Projection Books
[Federal Budget Outlays]
Federal Deficit
Federal Economy [1 of 3]
Federal Economy [2 of 3]
Federal Economy [3 of 3]

Box 17

FY '71 - Revenues
Form, Budget (BOB)
Inventory, Departementa1 Budgets & Reports - 3rd Quarter Report
[National Priorities]
OMB Staff Meetings
[Presidential Control of the Budget]
[Tax Initiatives]

Series IV: 1972 Election Campaign File - Withdrawn

Box 18

Airport Statements
Brief Issue Lines
Briefing Books
Busing - 1972 Campaign
Campaign Trips
Contender Research
DNC - "Fact" Book
DNC - News - Democratic policy Council
Democratic Platform

Box 19

Dole, Sen. (Remarks)
Election '72 - General
Election '72 - States
Mayor Maier Letter (U.S. Conference of Mayors)
McGovern and Drugs
McGovern and Eagleton Appearances
McGovern - August 29 Speech - NYC Security Analysts
McGovern - Budget
McGovern - Economy

Box 20

McGovern, Senator [1 of 2]
McGovern, Senator [2 of 2]
McGovern - Stumbles
McGovern - Tax Proposals
McGovern - Urban Affairs
McGovern vs. McGovern
McGovern - Votes on Supreme Court
McGovern - Welfare

Box 21

Platform [1 of 4]
Platform [2 of 4]
Platform [3 of 4]
Platform [4 of 4]
Platform Committee/Subcommittees [1 of 2]
Platform Committee/Subcommittees [2 of 2]

Box 22

Platform (Comparison of Rep. & Oem.)
Press Coverage
"Promise & Performance" Book
P.R. Group - 1701 Ctte.
Radio Speeches
Republican Journal (Proposed)
RNC [Republican National Committee]
RNC - Brochures
Research Desk

Box 23

Speakers' Kit (ELK)
Speakers' Kit (Speech File)
State Caucuses (Convention)
State (Information)
Strategy Planning
Theme & Issue Schedule (Full Ctte.Hrgs. & Witness Schedule)
Wallace's Campaign Platform
Witnesses [1 of 2]
Witnesses [2 of 2]

Series V: Revenue Sharing Programs File, 1971-1972

Box 24

Big Six Testimony
Birmingham, Ala. - Presidential Trip
Charts - Revenue Sharing
Civil Rights - Revenue Sharing
Congressman Mills
Environmental Policy Act & Revenue Sharing
[General Revenue Sharing - Bills Submitted to Congress]
General Revenue Sharing - Hearings
Iowa Trip
Mayors - Revenue Sharing
McLane, Jamie (WH) [1 of 3]

Box 25

McLane, Jamie (WH) [2 of 3]
McLane, Jamie (WH) [3 of 3]
Morris, Professor Richard & Revenue Sharing
Muskie Speech - Revenue Sharing
National Citizens Committee for Revenue Sharing
President's Talking Points
Responses from Area OEDP Chairmen
Responses from District OEDP Chairmen
Responses from Mayors
Revenue Sharing July 1969-Nov 1970

Box 26

Revenue Sharing Dec. 1970
Revenue Sharing Jan. 1971 [1 of 2]
Revenue Sharing Jan. 1971 [2 of 2]
Revenue Sharing Feb. 1971 [1 of 2]
Revenue Sharing Feb. 1971 [2 of 2]

Box 27

Revenue Sharing Mar. 1971
Revenue Sharing Apr. 1971
Revenue Sharing May-Dec. 1971 [1 of 2]
Revenue Sharing May-Dec. 1971 [2 of 2]
Revenue Sharing Jan.-May 1972 [1 of 2]
Revenue Sharing Jan.-May 1972 [2 of 2]

Box 28

Revenue Sharing June-Aug. 1972
Revenue Sharing Sept. 1972 [1 of 2]
Revenue Sharing Sept. 1972 [2 of 2]
Revenue Sharing Oct. 1972 [1 of 4]
Revenue Sharing Oct. 1972 [2 of 4]

Box 29

Revenue Sharing Oct. 1972 [3 of 4]
Revenue Sharing Oct. 1972 [4 of 4]
Revenue Sharing Nov.-Dec. 1972
Revenue Sharing - Alternatives
Revenue Sharing - Blacks
Revenue Sharing - Congressional Relations [1 of 2]

Box 30

Revenue Sharing - Congressional Relations [2 of 2]
Revenue Sharing - Daily Summaries, etc. [1 of 2]
Revenue Sharing - Daily Summaries, etc. [2 of 2]
Revenue Sharing - Draft Legislation
Revenue Sharing (Education - Special) [1 of 2]

Box 31

Revenue Sharing (Education - Special) [2 of 2]
Revenue Sharing - Fact Sheet
Revenue Sharing (Frechtling Handouts) [1 of 2]
Revenue Sharing (Frechtling Handouts) [2 of 2]
Revenue Sharing - Game Plan - General Revenue Sharing
Revenue Sharing - Game Plan - Special Revenue Sharing [Empty]
Revenue Sharing - Governors' Conference
Revenue Sharing - Hold Harmless
Revenue Sharing - Homework Meetings
Revenue Sharing - Indians

Box 32

Revenue Sharing - Law Enforcement
Revenue Sharing - Manpower
Revenue Sharing - National Growth policy
Revenue Sharing - [News]clippings Feb.-Dec. 1971 [1 of 2]
Revenue Sharing - Newsclippings Feb.-Dec. 1971 [2 of 2]
Revenue Sharing - Newsclippings Mar.-Apr. 1971

Box 33

Revenue Sharing - Newsclippings May-Dec. 1971
Revenue Sharing - Newspaper Clippings 1972
[Revenue Sharing - Press Releases]
Revenue Sharing - Property Taxes
Revenue Sharing & Regional Councils
Revenue Sharing - Reorganization
Revenue Sharing - Rural Development [1 of 3]
Revenue Sharing - Rural Development [2 of 3]
Revenue Sharing - Rural Development [3 of 3]

Box 34

[Revenue Sharing Signing Ceremony 10-20-72] [Card File]

Box 35

Revenue Sharing - State and Local Officials
Revenue Sharing - States' Share
Revenue Sharing - Transportation
Revenue Sharing (Treasury, Weidenbaum,etc.)
Revenue Sharing/Urban League (Blacks) 1972
Revenue Sharing & Vice President
Rochester, N.Y. Trip
School Board, Nat'l Assn. - Gen. Rev. Sharing
Special Revenue Sharing - Education [Empty]
Special Revenue Sharing/Governors/Mayors 1972
SRS - Law Enforcement [Empty]
SRS - Manpower 1972
SRS - Rural Development 1972
SRS - Transportation 1972
SRS - Urban Community Development 1972
Unions & Revenue Sharing
Urban Community Development

Series VI: Subject Files, 1969-1972

Box 36

A-76 [Circular]
A-8S [Circular]
A-9S [Circular]
Accomplishments, Administration
Adams, John (Talk)
Administration Program Proposed
ACIR (Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations)
AID [Agency for International Development]
Aid Targets
American Enterprise Institute

Box 37

ASPA [American Society for Public Administration] [1 of 2]
ASPA [American Society for Public Administration] [2 of 2]
Amnesty (President Lincoln)
Anderson, Martin
Appalachian Regional Commission 1972
Appropriation Bills
Arkansas Industrial Development
Article - Irving Kristol "Of Populism & Taxes"
Article - Ivan Illich "Deschooling Society"
Article - Norman Podhoretz "Between Nixon & New Politics"
Article - Proposed on President's Professional Management & Problem-Solving Style
Article - Robert Nisbet "Futurology" [Empty]
Article - Sidney Hook "Open Letter to McGovern"
Article "Six Propositions for Managerial Leadership" [Empty]
Article "Superclark" by Joe Goulden
Article "Surprising Seventies" by Peter F. Drucker - Harper's
[Article] Utopianism, by Irving Kristol
Artists, Federal Endowment
Atomic Energy Commission
Bicentennial Commission Report

Box 38

Bill Listing - Undesirable
Blacks (Caucus, Urban League, etc.)
Blatnik Bill
Bond Markets
Boorstin's Proposal (Social Trends)
Brookings Institute
Buchanan, Pat
Business Development Activities
Cabinet Meeting
Campbell, John - Memos (Purchases, etc.)
Campus Unrest
Cashen, Henry C. II
Categories Grants
Census, Bureau of
Chamber of Commerce, U.S.
Changes In U.S., Since WW II
Child Nutrition
Children and Youth
China Policy
Cigarette Tax
Citizens Committee for Reelection of President
City (Inter) Environment

Box 39

CAB (Civil Aeronautics Board)
Civil Defense (Washington, D.C.)
Civil Disorders
Civil Rights
Civil Service Commission
Civilian Military Pay Raises
Cole, Ken, Hemos
College Land Grants
Colson, Chuck (& Staff)
Columbia River Navigations
Columbia University (International Fellow Program)

Box 40

Computer Map
Conference Board
Confidentiality, Study of (Krogh)
Congress (Clippings, Correspondence, etc.) [1 of 2]
Congress (Clippings, Correspondence, etc.) [2 of 2]
Construction Industry
Consumer Protection
Copyright Reform (John Dean)
Corps of Engineers
Correspondence to General Public

Box 41

Cost Effectiveness
CEA (Council of Economic Advisers) [1 of 3]
CEA (Council of Economic Advisers) [2 of 3]
CEA (Council of Economic Advisers) [3 of 3]
COGS (Council of Governments)
Council of State Governments
Council on Cost of Living
Crop Production
Dean, John

Box 42

Debt Limit Bill
Defense Budget Amendment
Defense Department
DOD Costs
DOD to NSF Fund Transfer
Defense Program Review Committee
Dent, Harry
District of Columbia
D.C. Appropriations
D.C. Development Bank
D. C. Metro Subway System
Economic Conditions, Political Impact of
Economic Conversion - Senator E. Kennedy
Economic Stabilization Act
Economy Message (Economic Act FY '72) [1 of 2]

Box 43

Economy Message (Economic Act FY '72) [2 of2]
Education, Office of
Ehrlichman, John (Memoranda) [1 of 6]
Ehrlichman, John (Memoranda) [2 of 6]
Ehrlichman, John (Memoranda) [3 of 6]
Ehrlichman, John (Memoranda) [4 of 6]

Box 44

Ehrlichman, John (Memoranda) [5 of 6]
Ehrlichman, John (Memoranda) [6 of 6]
Election Results
Election (1972) - Simulation Model
EDS (Electronic Data Systems) - RJW
Emergency Community Facilities
Emergency Educational Assistance Act of 1970
Emergency Fund of the President
Emergency Preparedness, Office of
Eminent Domain
Engman, Lew (Tax Specialist)

Box 45

Environmental Financing
EFA (Environmental Financing Authority)
Environmental Quality Council
Evans, John (& Group)
Executive Branch
Executive Decision - Makers
Executive Order on Committee Management
Executive Service Plan
Executive Training
Expanded Ownership
Export-Import Bank
Falcon Program
FAP [Family Assistance Program]
FAR [Federal Assistance Review]

Box 46

FDIC [Federal Deposit Insurance Corp.]
Federal Executive Institute
Federal Executive Service
Federal Financing Bank Bill
Federal Funds for Scientific Research
FHA Mortgages in Disaster Areas
Federal Management Improvement Conference
Federal Maritime Commission
Federal Pay
Federal Planning Assistance
Federal Program by Function (OMB)
Federal Real Property Purchase
Federal Regional Council
Federal Reports Act
Federal Reserve Board/System
Federal Technical Assistance Program
Federally-Sourced Budget for San Francisco
Fellowships: White House
Finance: Proposed Taxes
Finance: Public Financing Authority
Finances - General
Finances - Interior
Finances - Reports and Proposals
Financial Monitoring Experiment
Financing Gimmimcks
Financing Schemes

Box 47

Finch, Robert
Fishing Fleet Improvement
Flood Proofing - Flood Plains
Foods and Nutrition
Forest Service Roads and Trails
Formula Grants
Foust, John
Freight City
Full Funding
Fund Freeze, OMB
Gamble, Steve
Garment, Len
GSA (General Services Administration)
Georgia Legislation
Grant Simplification and Reform
Great Society Programs
Haldeman, Bob
Hasek, Eliska
Hatch Act
Health, Education and Welfare [1 of 2]
Health, Education and Welfare [2 of 2]
Health Services Industry
Highway Legislation

Box 48

Hill-Burton Program
Housing [1 of 3]
Housing [2 of 3]
Housing [3 of 3]
HUD - Operation TACLE
Hudson Institute (Herman Kahn)
Hullin, Tod
Impacted Aid
Impounded Funds (OMB)
Inaugural Committee - 1973
Indian Health Service
Indian Programs

Box 49

Industrial Location
Industrial Pollution Control Council
Institution, The (Anderson/JOE/B. Harlow)
I.Q. [Intelligence Quotient]
Interagency Committees
Inter-American Social Development
Intergovernmental Relations
Interior Budget Amendment
Interior (Department of)
International Economics
Interstate Commerce Commission
Issue Analysis and Identification [1 of 3]
Issue Analysis and Identification [2 of 3]

Box 50

Issue Analysis and Identification [3 of 3]
Issue Committee (Set as of 1-23-71)
Issue Letters 1969
Issue Letters 1970
Issue Letters 1973 (Budget)
Issues '72 (Campaign, policy, etc.)
Issues '72- Roy Morey Coordinator
Issues in Elections
Job Training
Justice Department
Justice System
Keller, Vicki
Key Factor Analysis
Kingsley, Dan
Klein, Herb - Communiques From

Box 51

Krogh, Bud
Labor - HEW - OEO Appropriation
Land Acquisition
Land Management - Offshore Revenues
Law Enforcement
LEAA Funding
Lead (Gasoline, Paint, etc.)
Libraries - National Commission on
Los Angeles, Calif. Study Proposal
Louisiana Oil Escrow
Malek, Fred
Mandatory Spending
Marmoto, Bill (Spanish Speaking)
Mead, Dana
Mechanisms for Resource Allocations
Medical Research
Meet the Press
Mental Health

Box 52

Michel, Peter A. Memos
Mine Safety
Minimum Wage
Minority (Groups, Studies, etc.)
Model Cities [1 of 2]
Model Cities [2 of 2]
Monetary and Fiscal Policy
Morey, Roy [1 of 2]
Morey, Roy [2 of 2]
Morgan Group
Moynihan, Pat (Remarks)

Box 53

National Academy of Engineering
National Academy of Public Administration (NAPA)
National Advisory Council on Economic Opportunity
NASA - MIP [National Aeronautics & Space Adm.]
NASA Research Center
NACO (National Assoc. of Counties) [1 of 2]
NACO (National Assoc. of Counties) [2 of 2]
National Assn. of Schools of Public Affairs & Adm.
National Association of State Development
NBS (National Bureau of Standards)
National Dividend and Kelso Plans
National Economic Development Program, by D. Sinnott
National Goals
National Goals Research Staff

Box 54

National Governors' Conference
National Growth Policy
National Health Policy Options
National Planning Association
National Science Board
National Security Council Staff
New Capitalism - Civil Rights
New Federalism
New Housing and Towns
News Media: Business Week; U.S. News; Time, etc.
Nine Eleven Emergency Service
Nixon Approach to Government

Box 55

Nixon Legacy
Nixon Record, Publication
Nixon Years, by 1701 Committee
North American Rockwell Corp.
Office Equipment
OEO [Office of Economic Opportunity]
OEP (Stockpile) [Office of Emergency Preparedness]
OST (Office of Science and Technology)
OTC (Office of Telecommunications)
Oil Import Quota [Empty]
Oil Import Studies - Appropriation
Oil Pollution
Opinion Research Corp.

Box 56

Opinion Research, Market (Detroit, Bob Teeter)
Outside Research Project
People-Oriented Legislation
Planned Variations (Jim Fa1k)
Planning Assistance and Requirements [1 of 2]
Planning Assistance and Requirements [2 of 2]
Planning Document, Long-Range V July 1972
Political Campaigns
Political Scientist Conferences

Box 57

Pollution - Air
Pollution: Municipal Waste Treatment
Pollution: Solid Waste
Pollution - Water
Position Paper - Elderly
Position Paper - Federal Employees
Position Paper - Population
Position Paper - Women's Rights
Post Office
Postal Settlement [1 of 2]
Postal Settlement [2 of 2]
Prayer Breakfasts

Box 58

Presidential Position Paper - Poverty
Presidential Position Papers
PACMI (President's Advisory Council on Management Improvement)
Price, John R.
Program Evaluation and Policy Analysis
PRB Task Force Report on Organization & Management [Property Review Board]
Public Assets
Public Policy in the Seventies
Public Service Careers Program
Public Works Projects [1 of 2]
Public Works Projects [2 of 2]
Puerto Rico - Ad Hoc Group for the Vote for
Reconstruction Finance Corp.

Box 59

Recreational Land Acquisition
Reform Program, Administration's
Regional Commissions
Rent Advisory Board
Reorganization [1 of 3]
Reorganization [2 of 3]
Reorganization [3 of 3]
Reporters (Mtgs. with, etc.)
Republican National Committee
Research Analysis Corp./Green Power Foundation

Box 60

Right to Read
Rural Development
Sabbatical - For the Working Man
St. Lawrence Seaway Development Corp.
St. Louis Police Program
Salary and Comparability Schedule
San Francisco Project
Savannah, U.S.S
School Desegregation, Funds for 1970 [1 of 2]
School Desegregation, Funds for 1970 [2 of 2]
Science Policy
Seattle Council
Seattle Project
Secret Service
Small Business Administration
Small Business Program
Social Advisors, Council of
Social Indicators
Social Indicators – Ray Waldmann

Box 61

[Staff Assignments] Economic Development – Ray Waldmann
[Staff Assignments] Health - R. Waldmann
[Staff Assignments] Jobs & Unemployment - R. Waldmann
Staff Mess
Stanford Research Institute
State Dept. Protection Amendment – Foreign Dignitaries
State of the Union Addresses [1 of 2]
Social Security
Social Services Reform
Space Program
Special Milk Program
Staff Assignments
[Staff Assignments] Taxes - E.L. Harper
[Staff Assignments] Environment- Vicki Keller
[Staff Assignments] National Growth Policy Report
[Staff Assignments] Urban Growth Report – Vicki Keller
[Staff Assignments] Crime - P.A. Michel
[Staff Assignments] Drugs - P.A. Michel
[Staff Assignments] Veterans - P.A. Michel
[Staff Assignments] Presidential Position Papers
[Staff Assignments] State by State Issues - Roy Morey
[Staff Assignments] Council on International Economic Policy - R.W.

Box 62

State of the Union Addresses [2 of 2]
Summer Program Plan
System Development Corp. (SDC)
Tackle (Dept. of HUD)
Task Forces
Tax Foundation
Tax (Income Distribution)
Tax, Value Added
Taxation [1 of 4]
Taxation [2 of 4]

Box 63

Taxation [3 of 4]
Taxation [4 of 4]
Taxes - JDE Press Conference 5-25-72
Tea Inspection
T.V.A. [Tennessee Valley Authority]
Themes, 1971 & 1972
Training for Analysts
Transcan Custom Homes Limited
Transportation [1 of 3]

Box 64

Transportation [2 of 3]
Transportation [3 of 3]
United Nations
U.S.D.A. Appropriation
Unity Calls
[Universities - Consultants] [1 of 2]
[Universities - Consultants] [2 of 2]

Box 65

Urban Affairs, International Conference on
Urban Coalition
Urban Development
Urban Institute, The Harry Hatry
UMTA [Urban Mass Transportation Administration]
Urban Renewal
Veto Message
Veto Strategy
Vetoes, HUD and Education

Box 66

Vice President [1 of 3]
Vice President [2 of 3]
Vice President [3 of 3]
Vice President # 2 [1 of 2]
Vice President #2 [2 of 2]

Box 67

Vietnamese Visitors (Briefing)
Volunteer Armed Force
Volunteer Voucher Proposal
Voting Rights
Wage-Price Freeze
Waldmann, Raymond J.
Water Resources Quality Council
Weekly Status Reports
Welfare Reform [1 of 3]
Welfare Reform [2 of 3]

Box 68

Welfare Reform [3 of 3]
Whitaker, John
White House Conference on the Business Horld 1990
WIN Program
Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars

Series VII: Meetings and Speeches, 1969-1972

NIPA Speech "Shaping National Priorities"
Overview Speech on Renewal & Reform [Empty]
"Impact of PPB" Speech to Office of Education 12-1-69 [Empty]
Appalachian Experiment: Prototype for New Federalism? 6-3-70
CSC/PPB Speech 6-17-70 [Empty]
Dept. of Transportation Regional Directors Conference: "Policy Making & the Domestic Council" 9-17-70
Federal Management Improvement Conference 9-21-22-70 "Management Demands of Tomorrow"
Round Table No.1 for Corporate Executives, Brookings Institution 2-4-71
Speech to IEEE, Los Angeles, Cal. 2-10-71
Brookings Speech - "Making Government Work" 3-16-71
Regional Conference on Revenue Sharing, Atlanta, Ga. 5-1-71
Principia College Speech 5-24-71
Conference on Cities, Indianapolis, Ind. 5-25-28-71 (did not attend)
Conference on Federalism, Hartford, Conn. 6-13-15-71 (did not attend)
Federal Executive Institute Speech 6-25-71

Box 69

State Budget Officers Meeting, Clearwater, Fla. 8-24-71
St. Louis, Mo. Meetings 8-26-27-71
Youth - "Salute to Youth" Arkansas 8-28-71
Brentwood, Missouri 8-30-71 [Empty]
National Governors' Conference, Puerto Rico 9-12-15-71
Harvard Club Dinner Meeting (Schwartz) NYC 9-21-71
ASPA Meetings 9-30-10-1-71
Opinion Leaders Meeting - Springfield, Ill. 10-6-71
Opinion Leaders Meeting - Skokie, Ill. 10-7-71
Opinion Leaders Meeting - Kansas City, Mo. 10-8-71
Opinion Leaders Meeting - St. Joseph, Mo. 10-8-71
Opinion Leaders Meeting - Indianapolis, Ind. 1-12-71
Brimberg/Bank Economists Dinner 10-18-71
Principia Back to School Day Program [10-23-71]
Opinion Leaders Meeting - Chicago, Ill. 11-4-71

Box 70

Southern Political Science Assn. - Meeting in Gatlinburg, Tenn. 11-11-13-71
1971 Northeastern Republican Conference - Washington, D.C. 11-12-13-71
University of Delaware Speech 11-16-71
National League of Cities Meeting – Honolulu 11-29-71 [1 of 3]
National League of Cities Meeting – Honolulu 11-29-71 [2 of 3]
National League of Cities Meeting – Honolulu 11-29-71 [3 of 3]
ASPA Fellow Speech - Tuesday 12-7-71
Federal Executive Institute, Univ. of Va. – Charlottesville 12-10-71
National Service to Regional Councils, EOB 1-11-72
Governors' Conference for Federal-State Relations 1-1-3-72
National Prayer Breakfast - Washington Hilton 2-1-72
Seminar, Kings Point, N.Y. 2-3-72
SCAG Speech, Anaheim, Calif. 2-10-72 [1 of 2]
SCAG Speech, Anaheim, Calif. 2-10-72 [2 of 2]

Box 71

Annual Winter Conference of Governors 2-22-25-72
National Service to Regional Councils - Portland, Oregon 2-28-72
National War College (Col. Eaton) 3-1-72
National Governors' Conference (Annual), Washington Hilton 3-5-7-72
Federal Executive Group, Rm 459, EOB 3-7-72
NACO, Sacramento, Calif. 3-15-72
ASPA Conference, New York City 3-23-72
Special Federal Judiciary Center - Dolly Madison 4-6-72
Earthmoving Conference, Peoria 4-11-72
Back to School Day Speech – Indianapolis 4-29-72
Republican Governors' Conference, White Sulfur Springs 5-1-2-72

Box 72

National Governors' Conference - Houston, Tex. 6-4-7-72
New England Conference - Houston, Tex. 6-16-72
U.S. Conference of Mayors, New Orleans, La. 6-17-21-72 [1 of 2]
U.S. Conference of Mayors, New Orleans, La. 6-17-21-72 [2 of 2]
American Optometric Assn. - St. Louis 6-21-72
Boys' State, Warrenburg, Mo. 6-21-72
National Assn. of Regional Councils - Statler, D.C. 6-16-72
Rand Corp., Los Angeles, Calif. 6-29-72
St. Charles, Mo. Independence Day 7-4-72

Box 73

Daycroft School, Inc. Greenwich, Conn. 7-10-72
Speech to Bi-partisan Intern Group 7-18-72
Federal Executive Institute, Charlottesville, Va. 9-5-72
Kansas City International Airport 10-20-23-72
HUD Speech - Silver Spring, Md. 10-25-72
Foreign Policy Seminar 11-2-72
National Assn. of Regional Council - San Juan 11-16-72
National League of Cities 11-26-72
National Governors' Conference – Arizona 12-3-6-72
National Conference of State Legislative Leaders, Miami Beach, Fla. 12-5-8-72
National Assn. of Regional Councils - New Orleans 12-7-8-72
